Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The pieces of shit with the weaponry will do anything they can regardless of how petty to fuck you over.

They truly are piss ant little griefer punks with a weapon system that allows them to attack and torture people.

They keep trying to make me gain weight again. Every single time I get a job and get my diabetes under control and lose weight, they fuck me out of the job and try to make me gain the weight back.

That is extremely bad for a diabetic.

If they get the diabetes to kill me then they have a cover.

Every single one of them deserves to die. Anyone that says that they do not deserve to die deserves to die with them.

I want everyone that was involved in the harassment in this fucking shit hole dead.

Including the punks that called up here to their gossiping useless piece of shit families before I even got here.

Any country that would allow garbage nazis to hide behind a national security cover up blanket and develop the weaponry is a country that should no longer exist and everyone that lets them keep hiding deserves to be executed.

Any government that is in bed with criminal organizations deserves to be executed with the criminal organizations.

Fuck the big brother tech industry garbage. More that should be exterminated. 
Death to god, guns and gold.


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