Saturday, January 29, 2022

I do not point out where I prefer to work to get others to go there.

I point out where I work to get others to stay away.

I do not do this job to help other drivers.

I do this job to help myself get a paycheck. Helping the competition would be fucking stupid.

I do not try to do my job right and develop a working relationship with the merchants and customers to have morons that don't give a shit come in and fuck it up.

I do not put up with long delays from the merchants. If they are slammed then I will unassign the order unless it is enough to make the wait worth it. That is not the merchants fault, that is useless AI technology from the app companies not taking into account times of day or days of the week.

I am not going to lose money to kiss Grubhub's ass. Fuck them I do not need to work for them at all and can use the handy bags that they gave me to deliver Uber Eats and Doordash.

I am not going to lose money wasting time doing shop and delivers for Doordash when there are other deliveries that I could be doing


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