Thursday, February 10, 2022

Once again, I have written how many times about not wanting to be in the downtown Lansing area?
I even bought a car that I could delivery in the rural areas in the snow.
Not one delivery yesterday went out to a rural area.
I ended up going to the Campus and downtown Lansing areas all fucking day long.
I am going to find out who is giving out these offers and I am going to beat them to death with a baseball bat.
I fucking hate driving in the city especially with the idiot Michigan drivers.
This whole area inside of the so-called delivery zones that the app companies have set up was designed specifically so that you can't get anywhere.
It gets even worse when morons schedule construction projects while MSU is in session.
Some brainiac has a project scheduled to shut down south bound Okemos road near where the bottleneck with Marsh road is starting February 14th.
Why in the fuck would you do that then instead of shutting down a major road in the summer when there is less demand for it because there are 70,000 less people in the fucking area???
There are shit tons of fucked up roads in residential areas that need fixed. Do them now and do the main roads in the summer.
Quit dilly dallying and get the shit done or get fired.


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