Saturday, January 29, 2022

I got my 1099 NEC tax form from Uber this morning.

It says that I only made 2333 and some change from them last year?????

I will add a screenshot at the bottom that shows I have 1,103 deliveries for them as of today. just under 1000 of those were last year. So someone is saying that I only made a little over $2.30 per delivery last year. Screenshot came through at the top.

I called support for them 3 times today and got nothing but bullshit.

The first woman said she needed to speak to her supervisor and then said that she would forward the problem to their tax department and i would get a call back within 15 minutes.

I waited a little over 20 minutes and then called them again. I spoke to another woman and told her what the first one said and she said that they do not have a tax department. She said that she would send me and email of how to address the situation.

I checked a couple of times during the day and no email. so as I was coming home I pulled over and called again.

This time I spoke to a male that tried to tell me some shit about write offs and deductions?? Then he told me that I should seek professional tax advice????

Do your idiot support people even know what the fuck a 1099 is Uber??????????

A 1099 shows how much money that Uber paid me so that I can use that for my taxes.

Conveniently, support people are employees so they probably don't know what a 1099 is. Since all 3 had a heavy India accent they might not even be in this country.

I took screenshots of every single weeks pay from last year in the app. There are either 21 or 22 weeks, (I think I did one twice), of pay.

Does anyone seriously think that I would have stayed working for them if in 21 weeks I did 100 deliveries and only made $2,333?

That would result in a giant fuck you.

Monday I am going to ask my credit Union for a print out of all the deposits from Uber to see if they even match the money in the app.

Then I am going to add everything up and send all the screenshots and scans from the credit union to the IRS to show them how Uber is defrauding the government by under reporting taxable earnings.

I do not cheat on my taxes. I do not like people that do.

I also do not like politicians that spend my taxes on bullshit


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