Saturday, January 29, 2022

Hooking me to this piece of shit weaponry was done to destroy my life.

When I find out who did it, I will do everything that I can to kill their whole family.

The job I have now and how it is going is a prime example of their bullshit.

Every fucking time I get something gong on the delivery stuff, someone or some group jumps in and fucks me out of it.

Not because I tell anyone, but because of the run at the mouth useless idiot brigade in this fucking assholeville and because they spread everything I am doing all over town to harass me.

They know that the conniving weasel morons here will try to scam anything that they can. So everything I do and how I do it gets spread around.

Then there are those that can figure out how to do something and they are so fucking stupid that they tell all their friends and now there are way too many people trying to do the same things.

You cut your own paychecks you fucking ignorant pieces of shit.

You cut mine with your crap and I would like to cut your throat


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