Wednesday, September 11, 2024

 Let us see if the Facebook cunts say this post violates their hate speech standards. 

When the truth becomes hate speech it is time to end those calling it that permanently and forever.


"I reported the guy that claimed my posts violated Face-cunt-book's community standards for call me names and insulting me. They declined to take down his post, but I got banned from posting to groups for 30 days.

Typical bullshit because I was posting the truth about the insanity of the trans bullshit.
It just makes me want to get rid of that crap completely and totally.
Anyone wanting to change genders should be sent to a psychiatrist that can explain using science why that is impossible. If they persist they should be locked up in an insane asylum.
Believing that you can change your gender is as fucking crazy as believing in a god or other supernatural entities."

Thursday, August 29, 2024

 When I find the piece of shit that just did this to my Facebook account I am going to exterminate your whole fucking family. some piece of garbage went through my Facebook account and reported 3 posts from Aug13th, Aug 15th and Aug 27th. I can not use groups now to continue fighting the trans bullshit because of this cunt.

More reason to get rid of the trans bullshit entirely.

This is one of the posts about this cunt hole called Lansing:


I want to know why it is or better yet who it is that keeps making it so that I can not work on the side of town that I want to?
Is it the blonde haired faggot from outside the Mayfair that told me to try west?
Is it the asshole old men from the Mayfair that played "Don't come around here no more" 5 times in a row on the jukebox and kept looking at me? Shorty, Camper and their wienie brigade with the bi-sexual ugly fat bitch bartender.
Is it all the immigrants that kept coming out and fucking up the gig work that they forced me into?
Is it just some punk ass little snide pin dick trying to fuck me out of anything and everything?
Is it the disgusting swinger brigade?
Is it someone on the other side of town trying to make me stay over there?
I want answers so I know who to go after. Otherwise I will just go after everyone.
Fuck Face-cunt-book.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The bullshit on the left trying to stop free speech and make everyone conform to their bullshit should get them all exterminated. 

They are as bad if not worse than the religious right.

Both sides are garbage that deserve to die.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

This post got taken down on Facebook and I got a 30 day suspension from posting to groups.

Facebook moderators are cunts plain and simple.


I get really pissed off on my job when I see cats almost starving to death or in need of medical attention while delivering. I want to burn the houses of the neglectful pieces of shit to the ground.
Michigan is another one of those cunt hole states that call cats farm animals so they have fewer protections.
Any state like that is a state not worth living in.
Yesterday as I approached a run down nasty home two cats were laying on the porch. They were emaciated and one of them had its mouth hanging open. There was no food or water in any of the bowls on the porch.
I took one of my water bottles and filled up two bowls with water.
In the driveway was a pickup truck with a lift kit and big tires or a redneck mobile as I call them.
Over in that area by Portland. I do not want to deliver anywhere near Portland, Lyons, Muir, Ionia or Fenwick. Western Michigan sucks.
I would try to switch contractors again, but I really would rather just get the fuck away from Amazon.
I hate defense contractors. I hate Big Brother. Amazon sucks.
I will find the garbage telling people not to hire me and when I do everything that they are gets exposed and destroyed.
I do my job. If I can't do my job then I find a job that I can do.


Monday, July 22, 2024

I made a post about seeing neglected and abused cats on my Facebook account and some cunt reported it and I get restricted for a month because of the cunt.

Death to everyone that neglects their cats.

Death to all states that call cats farm animals so they have little or not protections.

Death to all Facebook cunt bitch moderators. 

If I find the little cunts that keep fucking with me on Facebook I will slaughter their whole fucking families.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Whoever the fucking cunt that keeps making it so that I can not post any comments on Yahoo is, regardless of any pussy ass chicken shit coward title you may have is as good as dead when I get the proof.

More reason to destroy this fucking country.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

 Anyone that covers up for the radiation weaponry used to attack and torture people deserves to die for it. I want their whole families dead.

The mass media in this country are nothing but sell out garbage that should be rounded up and thrown in an incinerator.

None of them remain objective anymore. 

Currently both the so called left wing and the right wing in this country should exterminated. 

Death to the CIA, NSA, Homeland Security and the rest of Big Brother.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

 The motherfucking little cunts are back on fucking up my ability to comment on Yahoo. Everything on every article fails to publish. If I get my hands on whoever is causing this bullshit I am going to kill them.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

 I did nothing to anyone in this fucking shit hole of a state, except try and stay out of their shit.

My life gets destroyed for not wanting to be a piece of garbage like them?

Fuck them, I get any proof and I am going to kill all of their fucking families.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

I am so fucking sick of lowlife pieces of shit blocking comments against the tranny bullshit it isn't funny.

Gender is what you are not who you are. 

Anyone furthering that bullshit should be exterminated with that bullshit. 

Transgender is a fucking mental illness. It should be treated not furthered.

More reason to exterminate the psychobabble fucking cunt industry.

Death to Yahoo and Facebook.

Thursday, June 6, 2024


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

 I truly fucking hate Michigan democrats. I have never voted republican in my life, but the fucking PC, DEI, LGBT garbage here make me want to just to get back at them.

I also despise the pieces of shit that keep the immigrant situation going on.

Friday, May 3, 2024

To my list of enemies, Tim Barron and all of his friends and associates. 

Everyone that works in live radio or television, their friends, families and associates.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

 Amazon Flex recruits drivers claiming they will make between 18 and 25 dollars an hour.

Think about it. The Amazon delivery partner contractors pay their drivers 18+ dollars and hour to drive the contractor's vehicles.

18 dollars an hour will leave you penniless when the vehicle maintenance rolls around.

What Amazon pays the Flex drivers to deliver the same fucking packages is only a fraction of what it pays its delivery partners.

How is that legal?

The delivery partners are independent contractors. The Flex drivers are independent contractors. The pay should be the same for the same job.

The flex drivers use their own vehicles just like the delivery partners do.

The per package or weight pay should be exactly the same. Any mileage pay should be exactly the same.

I am not an immigrant. I speak English very well and grew up in a state that actually enforces regulations.

I am not some feeble minded LGBT weirdo looking for a place to hide out with those like me.

I am not some right wing Trumptard looking to work with other Trumptards so I don't feel insecure either.

I keep the crap out of the workplace and will fight back against the crap pushed by the workplace.

Ohio > Michigan.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

 Great another job rejection letter.

Death to the HR psychobabble cunts and their bullshit. This one was from a Yasmeen who probably only wants to hire people like her.

I swear on my mother's ashes that when I get the proof on the bullshit being done to my life I will do my best to kill every fucking piece of shit involved. 

You assholes here started this shit with your idiot sex, sex, sex brigade. 

Everyone in that deserves to die. 

William White is a pathetic, little, runt, asshole as are all of his friends and associates. 

Jim Belafuil is a slimy, sell out, piece of shit as are all of his friends and associates. 

Tom Warner is a sniveling, useless, little bitch just like all of his friends and associates. 

Eric, aka Yarmo is a conniving, drug dealing, piece of garbage as are all of his friends and associates.

Shorty, Camper and the rest of that group are piss ant scumbag lowlife garbage as are all of their friends and associates.

Terry Hanks is an inbred cowshit piece of trash as are all of his friends, family and associates. 

The whole lot from 5th Street billiards in Dayton are back stabbing sell out pieces of shit as are their friends, families and associates.

Everyone that works in radio and television live broadcasts. I want you and your families dead.

I tried to get you assholes to stop and leave me alone but you just kept going and now my life is fucked for the rest of my life. 

I want all of you and especially your descendants dead.

The rest of you that have joined in and kept things going for 24+ years now are definitely added to the list of pieces of shit that deserve to die.


Monday, April 29, 2024

 Wonderful, now I have to work 7 days a week.

When I find the pieces of shit with the weaponry they are all gonna die or they will have to kill me.

Anyone that protects them or covers up for them does not count as a human being and deserves to die with them.

Everyone that fucked up the delivery work needs to die with them as well. Old or young.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

When I find the pieces of shit twisting my words around I am going to kill their fucking entire families.

Not asking me what I said and just believing the garbage spreading rumors is reason to want all of you dead.

Saturday, April 20, 2024


Everyday the little griefer bitches hiding behind the weaponry start in with their "You're not a man if you don't give up your cats" or "You'll have to give up your cats", or "which one?".

That is what you motherfucking pieces of shit are aiding them in doing.
Anyone that is helping them try to kill my cats or make me give them up is a piece of garbage that deserves to die with their whole fucking family.
To anyone that says "they're just cats", your kids are just humans and I would much rather kill humans than cats.
I hate you rural assholes that think that cats are farm animals. Fuck you hillbilly trash.


The lowlife pieces of nazi pig shit with the weaponry are back on the "You said you wanted one", bullshit again.

So I will reiterate for the thousandth time.
I said that I only wanted one woman. That was in response to the Prozac puppy weirdo bitch across the booth from me starting in on how she thought two guys having sex was hot.
I wanted to stop her gross bullshit.
We were having a conversation about work and suddenly she started in about sex. I fucking hate you ignorant cunts that think someone trying to have an intelligent conversation is trying to get in your pants.
Waste of space garbage.
My comment about only wanting one woman means that I am not interested in the LGBT community nor am I interested in any swinger grotesque bullshit.
I am no longer interested in any kind of relationship because of you idiot pieces of garbage that spread my life all over this shit hole.
To those that accused me of running all over town saying that I knew Brian and Jason, why the fuck would I do that? Brian and Jason are two piss ant little turds that mean nothing.
Wasn't me doing it. These idiot pieces of shit are the ones spreading stuff around. Small brain feel seems to accompany small town feel.
"Who is that?". Get the fucking picture morons?
Now the assholes with the weaponry start in with a line from the Eagles Desperado.
It was too late the second you hooked this weaponry to me. Fuck you.
Stop trying to fuck me out of my life, my cats, and my belongings or I will return the favor.

Thursday, April 18, 2024


Every single lowlife piece of shit out there anywhere on the planet that purposefully tries to push someone's buttons and piss them off only to then claim that they are offended by that person fighting back deserves to die.

You do not even deserve to be called human beings.
Stop letting people hide behind pseudonyms online. Make them own their words.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

 All this shit started because of a bunch of idiot asshole pieces of LGBT shit at the Travelers club that couldn't stop pushing sex, sex , sex. 

They and everyone like them needs to die.


The more I thought about a previous post listing the worst atrocities committed by humans on humans, I realized that they all had one thing in common which would actually make it the worst atrocity.

That worst atrocity ever committed by humans on humans is called psychology.
Religions are a psychological warfare operation aimed at mass mind control.
The whole transgender thing is nothing more than psychology be used to try and cover up insanity or to convince children that they are a different gender
All propaganda is psychological warfare.
You would think that anyone that had a degree in psychology would know all of that.
Yet instead of exposing the manipulation they use their degrees to proclaim that they are experts in whatever bullshit they happen to be pushing so that they can get fame and fortune.
Psychologists are garbage con men and women.


I truly hated the military life. It just was not for me.

I would never sacrifice myself for the rich to get richer and the poor poorer like this shit hole of a country is.
The flag is just propaganda so that those with can brainwash those without to fight for them.
I would however fight against an invading force.
That invasion is happening now at the southern border.
All military personnel have a duty to stop it.
Your Commander in Chief and the legislative branch of government have allowed this invasion and in doing so should be removed from office.
All programs bringing in immigrants from any country need to be stopped immediately.
Secure the borders here and then help others fight the garbage in their countries.
All politicians running sanctuary cities or allowing the importation of the invading peoples need to be arrested for doing do.
Those invaders have a duty to fight for their own countries, not turn tail and run here.
Those that overpopulate the countries where they live will try to do the same thing here. NO.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

The assholes with the weaponry know every single thing that I do or do not do. 

If I haven't taken my medicine yet they know it and will purposefully try and distract me from taking it. 

They do that kind of shit with every little or big thing that they can.

They deserve to be tried for crimes against humanity and executed.

Personally, I want their whole families to die right before their eyes.

 I got a Facebook warning for hate speech for this post:

I would prefer to be a driver. A route driver.
I would prefer a set schedule or at least close to one.
The assholes with the weaponry will not leave me alone. Constant badgering 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for 24+ years now.
The more that I work by myself, the pin dick nazi cunts with the weaponry aside, the better for everyone.
The criminals here try to put me in jobs that will humiliate me. Apparently they got their panties in a bunch when I said NO.
Same goes for the fuck cult brigade of useless no self control idiots.
You lowlife morons that push sex with co-workers are proof that I am the good guy by having a no fraternization policy.
The whole bunch of you idiots here that think that you can do whatever you want to other people without repercussions, need to find out, very harshly, how much that is false.
I would greatly prefer a stable year round job. I despise seasonal bullshit.
I am not looking for a relationship, casual or otherwise. I do not do the whole "work wife" bunch of bullshit.
I do not look for that. I just live my life and if it happens then it happens, but it is not worth stressing out about.
By the same token, I do not sleep around if I am in a relationship.
I hate that crowd in this area.
I am a straight white male. That does not mean that I am the bad guy.
I have extensive experience in driving, warehousing, restaurant and retail.
I have experience in management, but I did that when it was actually paperwork and not entering numbers into a computer program. We had to do our own math. Oh the horror.
I drove a semi over the road before GPS and cell phones. We had to read a map. More horror.
I am not a feeble twit.

Friday, April 5, 2024

 Everyone responsible for keeping me trapped in this job is purposefully tying to make me lose everything and trying to kill my cats.

If I get the proof on them I will kill them and their families. 

This fucking shit hole of a country needs an enema.

Friday, March 29, 2024


Do you people realize that every new person that comes out to do the gig work takes money away from those already doing it?

The economy sucks.
The number of orders is going down. People are tipping less.
Unless you want to take all the bullshit $4 and under orders go the fuck away.
Let me clue you in on the actual way the gig economy works.
Scumbags write apps for YOUR phone. You use YOUR car. You do not get any kind of safety net. If you slip and fall you are shit out of luck if you get injured.
You are being used by the app companies and the restaurants. They are the ones making the money. You are just killing your vehicle.
Restaurants that have their own drivers set a radius limit that they will not deliver outside of. The gig apps have 10X the area to cover.
The apps are mostly controlled by foreigners here or owned by a company in a foreign country. You are nothing more than a serf to them.
The useless asshole democrats are in league with the app companies as they bring in more and more immigrants who are desperate and willing to work for next to nothing.
The app companies are not helping the immigrants, they are using them.
One of the app companies already fucked me out of being able to use their app because of someone accusing me of stuff that I did not do. They and their drivers are my enemies for life.
The app companies keep running ads for more drivers, but when you put the app on your phone all you get is that you are on a waiting list in your area and they will send you an email if there is an opening.
I have been on a couple of the waiting lists for over a year? Care to explain that. Just makes me want to eliminate cell phones and the Internet even more.
I fucking hate computer nerds. I try to kick myself in the ass for ever sticking up for them if they were getting bullied. Won't happen again.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Yes, I am going to be 59 years old in April, 2024.

Yes, I have type 2 diabetes.
I can still work circles around most of the people out there and I do not call in sick unless I have a very good reason.
There are jobs that I can not do.
I can not work an assembly line as I may have to go to the bathroom in a hurry. metFormin cause constipation and when that is over about 3 or 4 shits in the same day.
I am a very good route driver. I will not do sales as part of a route driver job. Ass backwards state.
I was at 107% in Meijer DC 85 death trap warehouse the week that there was no overtime and I could recuperate between shifts. Horrible place that should literally be shut down if this wasn't such a corrupt bought and paid for shit hole.
I do not give a rat's ass what the politics or religions of my co-workers are. Big fucking whoop, keep that shit to yourself and out of the workplace.
I do not give a rat's ass if they are male, female, straight or LGBT. Big fucking whoop, keep that shit to yourself and out of the workplace.
I will never stop fighting against the useless garbage that tries to turn the workplace into a kinder-fucking-garten.
Turn the fucking music off, shut the fuck up and do your job.
You are not supposed to want to hang out at work.
Again, I will reiterate: You hurt your Brand when you allow all the bullshit to go on.
Fix your company and pay attention to the assholes pulling their bullshit.
When you have management that is a bunch of friends kissing your ass they will cover for each other and fuck over anyone with a legitimate complaint.
More reason not to let the friends in the workplace shit happen you retard morons.
Pretty sure that a lot of CEOs just listen to the YES men and women they surround themselves with and think that everything must be great in their company.
Those YES men and women then turn around and load the company up with what they want and with people that won't complain.
That is also what the DEI bullshit is about. Hiring marginalized people that will be friends and never say anything because they feel safe together and probably fuck each other.
That is why good workers that want to do the job and do it correctly do not want to work for you.
Them and the clock milking shit that would rather spend their life at work than actually work and get paid a living wage for 40 hours.
Michigan sucks.

Friday, March 22, 2024


Everyone that is taking part in making it so that I can not get a real job is someone that I want dead.

Fuck it, I am not playing around.
I hate what you useless piece of shit psychobabble cunts have turned the workplace into.
You do not deserve to be called human.
Work is for work. Get the job done and get your paycheck then go somewhere else to live your life.
I go to work to earn a living. That living takes place somewhere away from work. What a fucking concept.
Your hand holding coddling bullshit is unacceptable.
DEI is bullshit. None of that shit matters one little bit. Get your fucking job done and done correctly.
If you morons would quit bringing your life to work then none of that moronic bullshit would even be needed.
Fucking useless idiots.
Keep religion and politics out of the workplace.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Yahoo should be closed down. I am sick of being harassed by those pieces of shit. Their AI is a fucking joke and their moderators are useless pieces of shit.

I can not comment on any article at all for no reason what so ever. 

Death to all the computer nerd pieces of shit responsible for that bullshit.

Death to the Internet and all computers.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Now the little pussies at Facebook removed a post and they won't let me access the post to put it here.

Facebook is run by sniveling little bitches.

Monday, March 18, 2024

 The cunt garbage at Facebook being the little pussy ass bitches that they are removed this post:


The psychotic garbage with the weaponry are back on the using entrainment to force someone to take a shit stuff. When I find them I am going to shit down their throats until they choke to death.



Die little cunt bitches. 

Sunday, March 10, 2024

 If I find the little cunt getting my posts rejected I am going to kill their whole fucking family.

Fuck Yahoo and its bullshit.


Your comment on "Elephant stem cells created in a lab for the first time could help bring back the mammoth" violates the community guidelines and has been rejected
publisher's logo
Jim_vierling Mon 11 Mar 2024 02:31:20 AM
Why was a comment simply asking about why someone would want to bring back a heavily furred heavy animal that would be poorly suited to survive in today's temperatures let alone rising temperatures rejected?
End the tax write off for advertising and kill this bullshit.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

 Expose and destroy the radiation weaponry used to torture me and thousands of others or die with it.

I really no longer care which.


Remember this all you greedy megalomaniacs and narcissists.

I was going along just fine.
Your asshole capitalists in this shit hole area called Lansing, Michigan and the scumbags drug dealers from Dayton, Ohio started this hit not me.
You fucked with my way of making a living and still do to this day.
Your own fault when the revolution starts and you all die, not mine.


When the government bailed out Chrysler for the first time in the 1980s and Lee Iacocca paid himself in stocks the country started down the hill where it is now.

The scumbags running companies noticed how he did that and now it is the model for all of them to keep getting richer.
They keep increasing profits by any means necessary to keep increasing their net worth.
That in turn gives them more credit to be able to buy super expensive shit or to just pay more for whatever they want.
They drive up prices by paying more and by charging more to increase their profits.
The U.S. public has been hoodwinked into having retirement accounts. Those accounts make the people that own the most stocks and the people that gamble in the stock market more money than they make the citizens.
The whole fucking system is a scam.
Keeps people working their lives away and giving the system their money to play with just so that they can survive after they retire.
Few places still have pensions for those that worked for long periods of time at a company.
Capitalism has screwed the worker out of their lives while working and any sort of relaxing when they retire.
Just so they can have mega Yachts?
Capitalism needs to die.
Those that do the work should not have to worry about living after they retire.


Greed = insanity.

Greed is an addiction to money. No different than any other addiction.
Greed makes people do very bad things to other people just to get more to feed the addiction.
Just like a drug addiction getting more is a fleeting satisfaction. They then need to get more and more and more.
Anyone that is not like the greedy will get fucked over by the greedy to keep their way of life, just so they may get their fleeting moments of satisfaction.
They use psychology to manipulate others into being greedy as long as it makes more money for them. If you try to make more than them they will try to destroy you.
They get off on having power over other people's lives as a result of their greed.
They are megalomaniacs and narcissists.
Narcissism is an exaggerated sense of self love while megalomania is an exaggerated sense of self worth based on fantasies of power, attractiveness and other physical or psychological attributes and, therefore, all megalomaniacs are narcissists, but not all narcissists are megalomaniacs.
They often crave the attention that their greed brings them.
When your desire for more money makes you fuck over everyone else, how are you not insane?
Capitalism is an insane system that needs to be locked up and the key thrown away.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

I got trolled on Yahoo and this was my response:
I really wish I was allowed to respond properly to a troll like you on Yahoo. Unfortunately, all I can do is point out that you are a troll.
I did not say anything about being poor or wealthy. I simply pointed out the truth about Wall Street. 
Posting under a fake name also makes you a coward.
It got rejected and suddenly I can't post on other articles again.
I will find the piece of shit trying to stop fighting back and I will destroy everything that you are a part of.
Fuck all PC cunts and their bullshit.
That got a warning from the PC cunts at Facebook.


Apparently, Yahoo had permanently made it so that my comments won't publish.

If you have a yahoo email account, go through and get all the sites that you use it for the username and change them to a google email or some other email address.
Then delete you email accounts and stop going to Yahoo.
Every time you clear your cache or remove all cookies your news article preferences are reset to their 
Celebrity every other article garbage now anyways.
The site has become more Entertainment Tonight than an actual news site.
I would suggest using Google news although there are other news sources as well.
Yahoo sucks shit. Some asshole keeps reporting everything that I post just to try and make it so that I can not post.
When I find them their family is going to get wiped out of everything that they own.
I have other places that I can get the information about the weaponry and fight all the disinformation out there.
I can fight all the LGBT bullshit and pseudoscience and religious garbage there as well.
This country and its everyone offended by everything bullshit needs to die.
Boycott all companies that advertise on Yahoo.

Monday, February 19, 2024


Tell me someone isn't fucking with my shit. There isn't even anything in the box.
The comment below failed to publish because it warned me about inappropriate language?

Sunday, February 18, 2024

 I swear on my mother's ashes that when I find the garbage behind this weaponry I am going to kill them or die trying.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

 Yahoo flagged my post as may be inappropriate, here is the post:

"Everything except wages that he blamed is run by corporations.

Hopefully, people will not be duped by corporations whose profits are still increasing into thinking that something other than the corporations are the problem.

The whole problem condensed is, Wall Street. Making profits is not enough. You have to keep increasing profits for the stock value to go up. If the stock value remains the same they make no money on it.

The major stock holders are also the ones running the corporations. They pay themselves in stock options. They then do everything that they can to increase profits to make money for themselves.

It is to the point now where there is no more way to increase profits except to keep raising prices. Well, they could actually do the work themselves as well and save that labor cost. (Snicker., snicker).

They boxed themselves into a corner and either take a big hit or the whole system will collapse."

Monday, February 12, 2024


When I started doing Grubhub in 2021 it took about 2 months to get up to premier and be able to schedule blocks all day. For most of the winter of 2021/22 and until My mother died September 22nd 2022, I was making around $1200/week. about 90% of that was Grubhub as I only did enough Doordash to keep me a Top Dasher.

I left for about 5 months between Nov. 2022 and April 2023. I have not yet been able to get back to premier because the deliveries suck now. I will not take the bullshit ones.
The company has changed probably due to the new idiot they hired as CEO. His first move was cutting employees so you know he is nothing but a vulture capitalist type of asshole.
The Grubhub drivers have degenerated to the point of Doordash drivers in that they seem to let anyone do it.
That makes more money for them and less for the drivers.
Not a big surprise since Amazon owns a 2% stake in Grubhub.
Greedy bastards that only care about themselves (and the stockholders which conveniently tend to be themselves).
On June 9, 2020, Netherlands based Just Eat Takeaway announced an agreement to buy Grubhub for $7.3 billion in stock
The good drivers need to fight back.
I am thinking a class action lawsuit for the lost wages where the app companies scam the drivers by adding on deliveries and not paying the full amount for them.
Say I had a Wendy's on Marsh road delivery for $8 going about 5miles away. They will add on another delivery for say Panda Express in the Mall or even for Wendy's and not give the drivers a pick up fee because it is the same place or very close.
Say that add on went 7 miles away in the same direction. They only pay the drivers the 2 miles between stops and sometimes if real close add it on for basically nothing.
We are Independent Contractors and each offer should stand alone.
They have cheated drivers out of millions if not billions of dollars this way. I think I have mentioned that I hate scammers a time or two on here.
If you refuse the reduced pay add on offer it counts against your stats so they basically blackmail you into doing them.
Wow. Read the whole page.


"US hospital treated 441 patients with severe injuries from border wall last year" violates the community guidelines and has been rejected

The comment:
Patch them up and then send them back. If they do it again, send them back without patching them up.
How the fuck does that violate any kind of community standards??
Death to OpenWeb.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

 I have fought religious bullshit all of my life.

However, religion does get one thing right.

Gays are an abomination.

 DEI is discrimination against straight white men.

It should be as illegal as Affirmative Action.

Notice how it didn't come out until after the Supreme Court ruled on Affirmative Action.

I am real left wing.

These DEI people are no different than a dictator claiming to be communist.

Equality means that you are expected to behave and suffer the same consequences if you do not.

You come up to the bar, not the bar gets lowered to your sorry asses.


OpenWeb and those like them are just more reason to despise the LGBT+ community.

 Play games with me and I will expose you for the shit that you are.


Here is a link about the OpenWeb company. A bunch of foreigners with offices in left wing shit hole cities around the world.

Anyone that uses them should be shut down for their blatant censorship.
They censor the truth and are definitely left wing garbage.
Now think about that for a minute, I support Marxist ideas.
These people are nothing but Big Brother making profits.
Deport them immediately and ban their company from the U.S. 
Look like a bunch of gays.


You internet moron censors really need to grasp the idea that when you ban someone for posting something that is true and proven all you do is piss them off so they post more and now your entire company is lumped in with the garbage you are trying to shield and lies you are trying to spread.

Death to Yahoo and OpenWeb.
Facebook you may be next.


Someone find a way to contact the worthless pieces of shit at OpenWeb.

They are Orwellian censors and need to be put out of business.
They are run by lowlife garbage AI computer programmers.

 I tried to post this to a reply made to a previous comment on an article about a new hurricane category:

"A higher category would be based on wind speed. Therefore a higher category would include warnings for higher damage based on winds and also storm surge caused by winds. when the wind is the same the same damage will result, however if someone is warned of a category 2 hurricane they may take it less seriously than a category 3 warning even though the wind speed difference is not much."

Comment failed to publish because of the cunt bitch piece of shit protecting the tranny fucking garbage crowd. 

Death to trannys and all that push their bullshit.

I made the comment "Trans is a mental problem" to a yahoo article about trans people having mental problems. 

My comment was rejected and I received an email about it from a shit company called OpenWeb. 

Now I can not comment on any article is just says my comment failed to publish????

Fuck you Internet cunt bitch sensors and your bullshit. Gender Dysphoria is a fucking mental problem. Look it up idiots.

Death to Yahoo and Facebook along with their piece of shit censors. Candy ass little bitches that can not handle the truth.

The left has seriously made an enemy out of me.

Friday, February 2, 2024

 Psychology is manipulation.

Anyone with a degree in psychology has a degree in manipulating people.

Psyops, psychological warfare operations = psychology.

Marketing is using psychological tactics to try and manipulate someone into buying something.

Corporations spend trillions of dollars in marketing campaigns to manipulate you into buying their products. They get to write it all off on their taxes.

They are manipulating you and the system at the same time.

That is not a good thing even though they have tried to manipulate the masses into thinking that it is. More psychology.

They have used psychology to get the masses to worship the rich. They manipulate you into thinking that you should want to be like them.

Why do you want to be someone that has a million times more than they need while others suffer in poverty? Asshole.

Religions are psychological warfare operations. There is no such thing a a god or gods. They manipulate you for power. They are all narcissists.

The mass media is full of narcissists. You pay them to worship them. They manipulate you into thinking that you should want fame and fortune. Why?

The so-called people that invented and experimented on humans to have the electromagnetic radiation weaponry that they use to attack and torture me and others use psychology. They try and manipulate the targeted individuals into doing what they want.

The weaponry is also a physical attack. Many psychological warfare operations also use physical forms of punishment or rewards to manipulate someone.

Pavlov used psychology on dogs to get them to associate a bell with food. He manipulated them. He didn't do it with malice.

Those with the weaponry, the rich, religions and all abusive people do it with malice towards their victims.

People use a victim role to manipulate others into giving them attention or money or fame. Not all claims on #metoo or claims against the clergy are true. Some just jump on the bandwagon.

The entire trans thing is a psychological warfare operation. Psychologists are trying to get fame by coming up with nonsense. Any psychologist that claims a mental disorder is a good thing and should be fed or allowed to continue is seriously violating the hippocratic oath of doing no harm.

Psychologists that seek fame and fortune are narcissists. They will come up with anything they can to get said fame and fortune. They should be in jail.

Friday, January 19, 2024


 Great. Back on the sleep deprivation bullshit again.

Anything to make it so that they can torture me more about the frozen pipes.

I fucking hate this country.

Any country that allows this weaponry to exist deserves to be annihilated.

I did nothing to anyone. I got attacked and tortured because of a bunch of morons and assholes.

I want them all dead.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The chicken shit little nazi pigs with the weaponry just keep trying to push my buttons over and over and over again. Since the water pipes at my trailer froze they have ramped up their bullshit. 

They know I am worried about the situation so they do everything that the can to try and make it worse. 

They are nothingness little piss ant turds with a weapon system. 

I swear on my mother's ashes that when they get exposed they will either kill me or I will kill all of them.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

 Yahoo flagged this post as waiting for approval?

Russia is starting to rebuild its military industrial complex. After decades of theft by Putin and the oligarchs and having it fall into disarray. The Russian people are being fed the same propaganda that the U.S. uses to get money to rebuild it.

If the U.S. and NATO wait until Russia has the manufacturing of weaponry rebuilt it will be too late.

Russia is trying to be buddy-buddy with India and China. If Russia goes to war with NATO no one will be able to attack Russia from its eastern flank unless using the extreme north part of it.

The U.S. needs to keep China thinking about Taiwan with a carrier group or two.

Then give India the same cheesy fake smile they give and act like friends.

Then NATO/U.S. needs to go in and Will Smith Putin.

Before they get their manufacturing of military weaponry back up to snuff.