Sunday, March 9, 2025

 Once again the nazi cunts with the weaponry won't let me sleep. They know that I most likely will not be able to go into work Monday morning because the dumbasses scheduled me for a grill shift.

When they keep me up all night it makes me have to shit all day the next day. 

I am a diabetic and take metFormin. I am in the 5% that it makes constipated. When the constipation lets go I have to shit 3 to 5 or 6 times that day.  

I told the dumb cunt manager that when I interviewed. I may have to run to the restroom because the metFormin may cause diarrhea. Especially since it causes the constipation effect before that. 

I can not work an assembly line for the same reason. 

I have to be able to go to the restroom when I need to go. I can only hold it for minutes some times. 

I had to pull over on the side of the road when I drove for an Amazon contractor and literally take a shit next to the van. I had Kleenex for just such and emergency.

Chipolte being the too small place that it is has one men's restroom with one sit down toilet in it for customers and employees. If I can not get into it I will end up shitting myself and at that point I will wipe it all over the fucking little crap hole. 

Fuck Okemos Chipolte. Whoever made that tiny ass shit hole into a restaurant needs to be shot.

They know that I do not like working the grill as it is. They can shove their rice up their ass and die with it. 

I am done feeding MSU students. There is a fucking Chipolte right across the street from campus yet the assholes all come to the Okemos store. They even come there to work. It fucking sucks.

Death to the weaponry and everyone involved with it. Everywhere.










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