Whoever the fucking cunt that keeps making it so that I can not post any comments on Yahoo is, regardless of any pussy ass chicken shit coward title you may have is as good as dead when I get the proof.
More reason to destroy this fucking country.
An atheist Marxist fighting the good fight and being a good person. To end animal abuse, help spay and neuter the abusers, that way they can't have kids to teach the behavior to and hopefully it and them will die off. Ban all radiation weapons and eventually do away with all military industrial complexes. Think for yourself do not just accept.
Anyone that covers up for the radiation weaponry used to attack and torture people deserves to die for it. I want their whole families dead.
The mass media in this country are nothing but sell out garbage that should be rounded up and thrown in an incinerator.
None of them remain objective anymore.
Currently both the so called left wing and the right wing in this country should exterminated.
Death to the CIA, NSA, Homeland Security and the rest of Big Brother.
I am so fucking sick of lowlife pieces of shit blocking comments against the tranny bullshit it isn't funny.
Gender is what you are not who you are.
Anyone furthering that bullshit should be exterminated with that bullshit.
Transgender is a fucking mental illness. It should be treated not furthered.
More reason to exterminate the psychobabble fucking cunt industry.
Death to Yahoo and Facebook.
Amazon Flex recruits drivers claiming they will make between 18 and 25 dollars an hour.
Think about it. The Amazon delivery partner contractors pay their drivers 18+ dollars and hour to drive the contractor's vehicles.
18 dollars an hour will leave you penniless when the vehicle maintenance rolls around.
What Amazon pays the Flex drivers to deliver the same fucking packages is only a fraction of what it pays its delivery partners.
How is that legal?
The delivery partners are independent contractors. The Flex drivers are independent contractors. The pay should be the same for the same job.
The flex drivers use their own vehicles just like the delivery partners do.
The per package or weight pay should be exactly the same. Any mileage pay should be exactly the same.
I am not an immigrant. I speak English very well and grew up in a state that actually enforces regulations.
I am not some feeble minded LGBT weirdo looking for a place to hide out with those like me.
I am not some right wing Trumptard looking to work with other Trumptards so I don't feel insecure either.
I keep the crap out of the workplace and will fight back against the crap pushed by the workplace.
Ohio > Michigan.
Great another job rejection letter.
Death to the HR psychobabble cunts and their bullshit. This one was from a Yasmeen who probably only wants to hire people like her.
I swear on my mother's ashes that when I get the proof on the bullshit being done to my life I will do my best to kill every fucking piece of shit involved.
You assholes here started this shit with your idiot sex, sex, sex brigade.
Everyone in that deserves to die.
William White is a pathetic, little, runt, asshole as are all of his friends and associates.
Jim Belafuil is a slimy, sell out, piece of shit as are all of his friends and associates.
Tom Warner is a sniveling, useless, little bitch just like all of his friends and associates.
Eric, aka Yarmo is a conniving, drug dealing, piece of garbage as are all of his friends and associates.
Shorty, Camper and the rest of that group are piss ant scumbag lowlife garbage as are all of their friends and associates.
Terry Hanks is an inbred cowshit piece of trash as are all of his friends, family and associates.
The whole lot from 5th Street billiards in Dayton are back stabbing sell out pieces of shit as are their friends, families and associates.
Everyone that works in radio and television live broadcasts. I want you and your families dead.
I tried to get you assholes to stop and leave me alone but you just kept going and now my life is fucked for the rest of my life.
I want all of you and especially your descendants dead.
The rest of you that have joined in and kept things going for 24+ years now are definitely added to the list of pieces of shit that deserve to die.
Wonderful, now I have to work 7 days a week.
When I find the pieces of shit with the weaponry they are all gonna die or they will have to kill me.
Anyone that protects them or covers up for them does not count as a human being and deserves to die with them.
Everyone that fucked up the delivery work needs to die with them as well. Old or young.
The assholes with the weaponry know every single thing that I do or do not do.
If I haven't taken my medicine yet they know it and will purposefully try and distract me from taking it.
They do that kind of shit with every little or big thing that they can.
They deserve to be tried for crimes against humanity and executed.
Personally, I want their whole families to die right before their eyes.
I got a Facebook warning for hate speech for this post:
Yahoo should be closed down. I am sick of being harassed by those pieces of shit. Their AI is a fucking joke and their moderators are useless pieces of shit.
I can not comment on any article at all for no reason what so ever.
Death to all the computer nerd pieces of shit responsible for that bullshit.
Death to the Internet and all computers.
The cunt garbage at Facebook being the little pussy ass bitches that they are removed this post:
The psychotic garbage with the weaponry are back on the using entrainment to force someone to take a shit stuff. When I find them I am going to shit down their throats until they choke to death.
Die little cunt bitches.
If I find the little cunt getting my posts rejected I am going to kill their whole fucking family.
Fuck Yahoo and its bullshit.
Yahoo flagged my post as may be inappropriate, here is the post:
"Everything except wages that he blamed is run by corporations.
Hopefully, people will not be duped by corporations whose profits are still increasing into thinking that something other than the corporations are the problem.
The whole problem condensed is, Wall Street. Making profits is not enough. You have to keep increasing profits for the stock value to go up. If the stock value remains the same they make no money on it.
The major stock holders are also the ones running the corporations. They pay themselves in stock options. They then do everything that they can to increase profits to make money for themselves.
It is to the point now where there is no more way to increase profits except to keep raising prices. Well, they could actually do the work themselves as well and save that labor cost. (Snicker., snicker).
They boxed themselves into a corner and either take a big hit or the whole system will collapse."
DEI is discrimination against straight white men.
It should be as illegal as Affirmative Action.
Notice how it didn't come out until after the Supreme Court ruled on Affirmative Action.
I am real left wing.
These DEI people are no different than a dictator claiming to be communist.
Equality means that you are expected to behave and suffer the same consequences if you do not.
You come up to the bar, not the bar gets lowered to your sorry asses.
I tried to post this to a reply made to a previous comment on an article about a new hurricane category:
"A higher category would be based on wind speed. Therefore a higher category would include warnings for higher damage based on winds and also storm surge caused by winds. when the wind is the same the same damage will result, however if someone is warned of a category 2 hurricane they may take it less seriously than a category 3 warning even though the wind speed difference is not much."
Comment failed to publish because of the cunt bitch piece of shit protecting the tranny fucking garbage crowd.
Death to trannys and all that push their bullshit.
I made the comment "Trans is a mental problem" to a yahoo article about trans people having mental problems.
My comment was rejected and I received an email about it from a shit company called OpenWeb.
Now I can not comment on any article is just says my comment failed to publish????
Fuck you Internet cunt bitch sensors and your bullshit. Gender Dysphoria is a fucking mental problem. Look it up idiots.
Death to Yahoo and Facebook along with their piece of shit censors. Candy ass little bitches that can not handle the truth.
The left has seriously made an enemy out of me.
Psychology is manipulation.
Anyone with a degree in psychology has a degree in manipulating people.
Psyops, psychological warfare operations = psychology.
Marketing is using psychological tactics to try and manipulate someone into buying something.
Corporations spend trillions of dollars in marketing campaigns to manipulate you into buying their products. They get to write it all off on their taxes.
They are manipulating you and the system at the same time.
That is not a good thing even though they have tried to manipulate the masses into thinking that it is. More psychology.
They have used psychology to get the masses to worship the rich. They manipulate you into thinking that you should want to be like them.
Why do you want to be someone that has a million times more than they need while others suffer in poverty? Asshole.
Religions are psychological warfare operations. There is no such thing a a god or gods. They manipulate you for power. They are all narcissists.
The mass media is full of narcissists. You pay them to worship them. They manipulate you into thinking that you should want fame and fortune. Why?
The so-called people that invented and experimented on humans to have the electromagnetic radiation weaponry that they use to attack and torture me and others use psychology. They try and manipulate the targeted individuals into doing what they want.
The weaponry is also a physical attack. Many psychological warfare operations also use physical forms of punishment or rewards to manipulate someone.
Pavlov used psychology on dogs to get them to associate a bell with food. He manipulated them. He didn't do it with malice.
Those with the weaponry, the rich, religions and all abusive people do it with malice towards their victims.
People use a victim role to manipulate others into giving them attention or money or fame. Not all claims on #metoo or claims against the clergy are true. Some just jump on the bandwagon.
The entire trans thing is a psychological warfare operation. Psychologists are trying to get fame by coming up with nonsense. Any psychologist that claims a mental disorder is a good thing and should be fed or allowed to continue is seriously violating the hippocratic oath of doing no harm.
Psychologists that seek fame and fortune are narcissists. They will come up with anything they can to get said fame and fortune. They should be in jail.
Great. Back on the sleep deprivation bullshit again.
Anything to make it so that they can torture me more about the frozen pipes.
I fucking hate this country.
Any country that allows this weaponry to exist deserves to be annihilated.
I did nothing to anyone. I got attacked and tortured because of a bunch of morons and assholes.
I want them all dead.
The chicken shit little nazi pigs with the weaponry just keep trying to push my buttons over and over and over again. Since the water pipes at my trailer froze they have ramped up their bullshit.
They know I am worried about the situation so they do everything that the can to try and make it worse.
They are nothingness little piss ant turds with a weapon system.
I swear on my mother's ashes that when they get exposed they will either kill me or I will kill all of them.
Yahoo flagged this post as waiting for approval?
Russia is starting to rebuild its military industrial complex. After decades of theft by Putin and the oligarchs and having it fall into disarray. The Russian people are being fed the same propaganda that the U.S. uses to get money to rebuild it.
If the U.S. and NATO wait until Russia has the manufacturing of weaponry rebuilt it will be too late.
Russia is trying to be buddy-buddy with India and China. If Russia goes to war with NATO no one will be able to attack Russia from its eastern flank unless using the extreme north part of it.
The U.S. needs to keep China thinking about Taiwan with a carrier group or two.
Then give India the same cheesy fake smile they give and act like friends.
Then NATO/U.S. needs to go in and Will Smith Putin.
Before they get their manufacturing of military weaponry back up to snuff.
Death to Yahoo and all cunt bitch censor programs and assholes. This post is waiting for approval on Yah-cunt-oo.
I got hired at Meijer Warehouse here in Michigan and told the interviewer that I had type 2 diabetes and did not want to work 60 hours a week.
I did the job, got up to their 95% and could handle the job on 40 hour a week even though the place is a death trap.
It is a Union job, although the UFCW is better called a sellout than a Union. They allow the company to have mandatory overtime.
Mandatory overtime is forcing employees to stay with only a couple of hours notice up to an additional 4 hours.
The warehouse, DC 85, is full of 'people' that want to stay there 12 hours a day to get overtime. Goody for them, I don't care one iota about them or their hours.
I as a diabetic can not just work an additional 4 hours in a very physically intense job. They would not give me a locker to store my diabetic testing supplies and you are not allowed to go to your car except on lunch.
After I was 'fired', I turned the death trap into MIOSHA. They sent the inspector on purpose to the wrong building to cover up for the Meijer company which is based in Michigan.
If you look up Meijer warehouse DC 85 in Lansing. Michigan you will only get results for DC 86. DC 85 site by DC 86, but they try and cover up its existence.
I can work just fine with my type 2 diabetes, but I need to be able to eat and check my blood sugar levels. I also need to be home every night and be able to get enough sleep as diabetes increases the time it takes for your body to recuperate.
I have been trying. This is only the Indeed applications:
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Lucky's Steakhouse - OkemosOkemos, MI
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Prep Cook - Okemos Chili'sjob description opens in a new window
Chili'sOkemos, MI
Applied on Nov 25Applied on Nov 25
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Stillwater GrillOkemos, MI
Applied on Nov 25Applied on Nov 25
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Palmer-DonavinLansing, MI
Applied on Nov 16Applied on Nov 16
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Capital Transport, LLCLansing, MI
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AdvaCare SystemsLansing, MI
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Panera BreadLansing, MI
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Dusty's Wine BarOkemos, MI
Applied on Nov 8Applied on Nov 8
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Minute Men StaffingLansing, MI
Applied on Nov 8Applied on Nov 8
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Subway - 7442-0Okemos, MI
Applied on Nov 1Applied on Nov 1
Around 1-5 people have applied on Indeed
Managerjob description opens in a new window
Subway - 7897-0Haslett, MI
Applied on Nov 1Applied on Nov 1
Around 6-10 people have applied on Indeed
Restaurant Managerjob description opens in a new window
Savvy Sliders | Okemos, MIOkemos, MI
Applied on Nov 1Applied on Nov 1
Around 11-15 people have applied on Indeed
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COOK (FULL-TIME & PART-TIME)job description opens in a new window
Morrison HealthcareLansing, MI
Applied on Oct 20Applied on Oct 20
Around 131-135 people have applied on Indeed
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Sweeper Truck Driverjob description opens in a new window
DJ's Landscape ManagementLansing, MI
Applied on Oct 13Applied on Oct 13
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Michigan Driver's Education Instructorjob description opens in a new window
Official Driving SchoolLansing, MI
Applied on Oct 10Applied on Oct 10
Around 26-30 people have applied on Indeed
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Shipping/Receiving Coordinatorjob description opens in a new window
Confidental CompanyLansing, MI
Applied on Oct 8Applied on Oct 8
Around 61-65 people have applied on Indeed
Janitorial Supervisorjob description opens in a new window
Arnold Solutions 53, IncorporatedLansing, MI
Applied on Sep 26Applied on Sep 26
This employer typically responds within 1 day
Around 71-75 people have applied on Indeed
Local Delivery Driver & Warehouse Workjob description opens in a new window
Michigan Company Inc.Lansing, MI
Applied on Sep 6Applied on Sep 6
This employer typically responds within 14 days
Around 31-35 people have applied on Indeed
1st Shift Crib Attendant (Warehouse Associate)job description opens in a new window
Ideal SetechLansing, MI
Applied on Sep 4Applied on Sep 4
This employer typically responds within 4 days
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Delivery Driverjob description opens in a new window
Capital Transport, LLCLansing, MI
Applied on Aug 16Applied on Aug 16
Around 151-155 people have applied on Indeed
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Delivery Driverjob description opens in a new window
Capital Transport, LLCLansing, MI
Applied on Aug 8Applied on Aug 8
Around 61-65 people have applied on Indeed
Overnight Team Leadjob description opens in a new window
WalmartOkemos, MI
Applied on Aug 4Applied on Aug 4
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Line Cook / Kitchenjob description opens in a new window
Applebee'sOkemos, MI
Applied on Jul 31Applied on Jul 31
Around 21-25 people have applied on Indeed
Janitorial Working Supervisorjob description opens in a new window
Executive Management Services, IncLansing, MI
Applied on Jul 31Applied on Jul 31
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Delivery Driverjob description opens in a new window
APCO SupplyLansing, MI
Applied on Jul 30Applied on Jul 30
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Cookjob description opens in a new window
Safe Haven Assisted Living of MasonMason, MI
Applied on Jul 28Applied on Jul 28
Around 11-15 people have applied on Indeed
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Route Reliefjob description opens in a new window
Sohn Linen ServiceLansing, MI
Applied on Jul 27Applied on Jul 27
Around 231-235 people have applied on Indeed
Warehouse Associatejob description opens in a new window
APCO SupplyLansing, MI
Applied on Jul 25Applied on Jul 25
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Around 111-115 people have applied on Indeed
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Amazon DSP Delivery Driver - WEEKLY PAY - EXTREME LOGISTIX, LLCjob description opens in a new window
Extreme Logistix, an Amazon DSPMeridian, MI
Applied on Jul 25Applied on Jul 25
Around 136-140 people have applied on Indeed
Delivery Driverjob description opens in a new window
Total Water Treatment Systems Inc.Lansing, MI
Applied on Jul 25Applied on Jul 25
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Customer Service Supervisorjob description opens in a new window
WalmartOkemos, MI
Applied on Jul 24Applied on Jul 24
Driver (4-Day Workweek)job description opens in a new window
Maurer's Textile Rental Services, IncLansing, MI
Applied on Jul 15Applied on Jul 15
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Assistant Restaurant Manager (IHOP)job description opens in a new window
IHOP - East Lansing MIEast Lansing, MI
Applied on Jul 14Applied on Jul 14
Around 166-170 people have applied on Indeed
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Team Lyders - Franchise of Taco BellHolt, MI
Applied on Jul 14Applied on Jul 14
This employer typically responds within 6 days
Third Shift Supervisor/Night Auditjob description opens in a new window
Crowne Plaza Lansing WestLansing, MI
Applied on Jul 14Applied on Jul 14
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Delivery Driverjob description opens in a new window
Fitzsimmons Hospital ServicesLansing, MI
Applied on Jul 13Applied on Jul 13
Around 191-195 people have applied on Indeed
Shift Lead - Lansingjob description opens in a new window
DoorDash Essentials + KitchensLansing, MI
Applied on Jul 7Applied on Jul 7
Assistant Store Manager - Nightsjob description opens in a new window
Serv-U-SuccessMason, MI
Applied on Jul 6Applied on Jul 6
Resident Assistant 2nd shift-full-timejob description opens in a new window
Red Cedar Lodge Senior LivingLansing, MI
Applied on Jul 5Applied on Jul 5
This employer typically responds within 5 days
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Fryer Cleaner/Technician - Filta 431 Lansingjob description opens in a new window
Filta Enviromental Kitchen SolutionsLansing, MI
Applied on Jul 4Applied on Jul 4
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Entry Level Maintenance/ Clean Upjob description opens in a new window
Tripp's Collision (Lansing)Lansing, MI
Applied on Jul 2Applied on Jul 2
Driver Non-CDLjob description opens in a new window
Palmer-DonavinLansing, MI
Applied on Jun 15