Friday, March 22, 2024


Everyone that is taking part in making it so that I can not get a real job is someone that I want dead.

Fuck it, I am not playing around.
I hate what you useless piece of shit psychobabble cunts have turned the workplace into.
You do not deserve to be called human.
Work is for work. Get the job done and get your paycheck then go somewhere else to live your life.
I go to work to earn a living. That living takes place somewhere away from work. What a fucking concept.
Your hand holding coddling bullshit is unacceptable.
DEI is bullshit. None of that shit matters one little bit. Get your fucking job done and done correctly.
If you morons would quit bringing your life to work then none of that moronic bullshit would even be needed.
Fucking useless idiots.
Keep religion and politics out of the workplace.

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