Wednesday, April 17, 2024


I truly hated the military life. It just was not for me.

I would never sacrifice myself for the rich to get richer and the poor poorer like this shit hole of a country is.
The flag is just propaganda so that those with can brainwash those without to fight for them.
I would however fight against an invading force.
That invasion is happening now at the southern border.
All military personnel have a duty to stop it.
Your Commander in Chief and the legislative branch of government have allowed this invasion and in doing so should be removed from office.
All programs bringing in immigrants from any country need to be stopped immediately.
Secure the borders here and then help others fight the garbage in their countries.
All politicians running sanctuary cities or allowing the importation of the invading peoples need to be arrested for doing do.
Those invaders have a duty to fight for their own countries, not turn tail and run here.
Those that overpopulate the countries where they live will try to do the same thing here. NO.

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