Tuesday, December 26, 2023

 Death to Yahoo and all cunt bitch censor programs and assholes. This post is waiting for approval on Yah-cunt-oo.

I got hired at Meijer Warehouse here in Michigan and told the interviewer that I had type 2 diabetes and did not want to work 60 hours a week.

I did the job, got up to their 95% and could handle the job on 40 hour a week even though the place is a death trap.

It is a Union job, although the UFCW is better called a sellout than a Union. They allow the company to have mandatory overtime.

Mandatory overtime is forcing employees to stay with only a couple of hours notice up to an additional 4 hours.

The warehouse, DC 85, is full of 'people' that want to stay there 12 hours a day to get overtime. Goody for them, I don't care one iota about them or their hours.

I as a diabetic can not just work an additional 4 hours in a very physically intense job. They would not give me a locker to store my diabetic testing supplies and you are not allowed to go to your car except on lunch.

After I was 'fired', I turned the death trap into MIOSHA. They sent the inspector on purpose to the wrong building to cover up for the Meijer company which is based in Michigan.

If you look up Meijer warehouse DC 85 in Lansing. Michigan you will only get results for DC 86. DC 85 site by DC 86, but they try and cover up its existence.

I can work just fine with my type 2 diabetes, but I need to be able to eat and check my blood sugar levels. I also need to be home every night and be able to get enough sleep as diabetes increases the time it takes for your body to recuperate.

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