Saturday, April 20, 2024


The lowlife pieces of nazi pig shit with the weaponry are back on the "You said you wanted one", bullshit again.

So I will reiterate for the thousandth time.
I said that I only wanted one woman. That was in response to the Prozac puppy weirdo bitch across the booth from me starting in on how she thought two guys having sex was hot.
I wanted to stop her gross bullshit.
We were having a conversation about work and suddenly she started in about sex. I fucking hate you ignorant cunts that think someone trying to have an intelligent conversation is trying to get in your pants.
Waste of space garbage.
My comment about only wanting one woman means that I am not interested in the LGBT community nor am I interested in any swinger grotesque bullshit.
I am no longer interested in any kind of relationship because of you idiot pieces of garbage that spread my life all over this shit hole.
To those that accused me of running all over town saying that I knew Brian and Jason, why the fuck would I do that? Brian and Jason are two piss ant little turds that mean nothing.
Wasn't me doing it. These idiot pieces of shit are the ones spreading stuff around. Small brain feel seems to accompany small town feel.
"Who is that?". Get the fucking picture morons?
Now the assholes with the weaponry start in with a line from the Eagles Desperado.
It was too late the second you hooked this weaponry to me. Fuck you.
Stop trying to fuck me out of my life, my cats, and my belongings or I will return the favor.

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