Wednesday, February 28, 2024


Greed = insanity.

Greed is an addiction to money. No different than any other addiction.
Greed makes people do very bad things to other people just to get more to feed the addiction.
Just like a drug addiction getting more is a fleeting satisfaction. They then need to get more and more and more.
Anyone that is not like the greedy will get fucked over by the greedy to keep their way of life, just so they may get their fleeting moments of satisfaction.
They use psychology to manipulate others into being greedy as long as it makes more money for them. If you try to make more than them they will try to destroy you.
They get off on having power over other people's lives as a result of their greed.
They are megalomaniacs and narcissists.
Narcissism is an exaggerated sense of self love while megalomania is an exaggerated sense of self worth based on fantasies of power, attractiveness and other physical or psychological attributes and, therefore, all megalomaniacs are narcissists, but not all narcissists are megalomaniacs.
They often crave the attention that their greed brings them.
When your desire for more money makes you fuck over everyone else, how are you not insane?
Capitalism is an insane system that needs to be locked up and the key thrown away.

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