Wednesday, March 2, 2022

I logged into all 3 apps this morning and turned them on no problem.
Doordash tried to send me from the m7 eleven at Okemos and Jolly to somewhere north of Frandor for $3.75.
I declined and the app showed me still at 70% acceptance which is where I made sure that I was Sunday when I went home for my weekend, Monday and Tuesday.
70% acceptance rate is required for the Top Dasher status.
As the day went on, I wasn't using Doordash much and declined another offer because I already had other deliveries and it was going a different direction.
About 3pm things slowed a bit and I decided to turn Doordash back on.
It would not let me dash and just said schedule a dash for when it is busier?????
Top Dasher means you can dash anytime regardless of whether it is busy or not.
I called their support to find out what was going on. The first person I talked to said he couldn't access the stats and sent it up to an escalation person.
The escalation person said that it sometimes takes the system a couple of days to process the months data. He said that all it showed for me was the 69% because of this morning March 2nd.
How is that legal???
Their whole Top Dasher thing is based on a monthly set of data, not 2 days into the next month.
It is a breach of contract and fraud to cover up their ineptitude.
Doordash pushes that it helps immigrants to get into the job. A driving job that they are not qualified to do without a license or being able to speak English for the road signs.
In reality Doordash is like the lowlife scumbags that employ illegals so that they can abuse them.
They do the same with minorities and women.
The assholes that run Doordash do not give a shit about the drivers. As long as someone picks up the order, they get their commission off the sale of the product.
There will be a couple of screenshots that I took tonight to show some of their bullshit. It goes from busy and dash now to not busy and schedule in one minute.
What that means is that there is an order that no one else wants sitting there and if you are desperate enough to take it log in real fast.
Most likely one of their $2.50 specials with no tip.
Gas prices are going up a lot. My mileage is going to go down even if it means making less.
The fucking politicians better start going after the 'gig' bullshit to clean it up. I have no problems giving your opponents any ammo I can. Republican or Democrat. I don't like either of you.
Anyways, I won't be dashing for the foreseeable future as I am not taking their piss ant bullshit cheap ass customers orders. So there is most likely no way that I would be able to met the 100 deliveries in a month ever again without the top Dasher.
Fucked out of another job because of someone else's fucking bullshit. Whoever set that shit up like that needs a baseball bat to the skull.
Chick-fil-A and Biggby, you are Doordash exclusive so you will be known as supporting their bullshit. 
Same with Meijer and the 'Shop and Deliver' garbage.
You are all predatory companies starting now unless you end your association with Doordash and push for regulations for delivery drivers.
All 3 of those companies support putting drivers out there without even checking that they have insurance or even a driver's license.
I drove over 46,000 miles last year and I started in April. Think I should have a Chauffeur's license and a DOT physical card?
I have a Chauffeur's license, but my physical card is expired.
I got the email from Doordash with my estimated mileage for just them last year:
Total Dash mileage (calculated from when you start to dash until you end your dash. This estimate includes mileage traveled before, during, between, and after deliveries): 31103.6 miles.
The other 15,000+ was for the other two companies. Any of their part timers close to that? Any of their full timers close to that?
Yet they fuck me over because of their bullshit.
O.K. Gloves off it is war.
I want Doordash completely destroyed. I can still log in and check to see if this town is ordering from the them.
Use Uber and Grubhub, they are not perfect, but they are not as bad.
You sorry ass cheap pieces of shit that are the reason that my acceptance rate was even close to 70% in the first place can fuck off and starve.
Uber and Grubhub, you are going to have problems if gas goes much higher. Don't punk the drivers like Doordash does.
Oh well, I am not out there to lose money. I sold the Ford.
Guess this is toodles Doordash.
Here are a collection of screenshots from today:



Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Fire the nukes you sawed off little runt punk Putin. Fire them at the U.S.
The pieces of shit with the weaponry won't leave me alone, then fuck everyone.


I am sick of the chicken shit little punks with the weaponry doing everything that they can to fuck me me over.
I can't even sit at the computer and play video games on my day off without them trying to force me to sleep with their entrainment.
I am going to destroy everything that they are a part of.
They deserve to die for ever making this weaponry.
Everyone covering up for it deserves to die with it.


Friday, February 25, 2022

Seriously, it looks like the whole fucking town is avoiding ordering from the side that I work on or the app companies are purposefully routing the orders elsewhere. The blue dot or arrow is where I am.
WTF? That side used to be somewhat busy and when I first started it was very busy.
The area is larger than it looks.



Home early. Didn't make much of shit.

Not worth it to put up with the traffic on a Friday night.

Couldn't make anything this morning due to Doordash offers being so low.

Most likely will miss Top Dasher for next month because I am not out there to make 10 dollars a fucking hour because of 2,3 or 4 dollar fucking orders.

The Uber morning orders that I used to get are gone wither because someone is sitting at the merchant or they keep sending me across town or away from the area I start in.

To make any money I now have to stay out there until almost 7 pm.

I get out there between 6:30 and 7 am. I used to go home at 5 or before with the money I wanted to make.

Once again due to the gossiping assholes and the lowlife pieces of shit with the weaponry when I get something going someone else tries to take it away.

I hate the whole gig bunch of bullshit and would wipe it off the face of the earth if I could.

Unfortunately, I am stuck doing it because of the assholes running things here and the sniveling little hand holding worthless [pieces of shit in the workplaces.

Thanks asshole, moron CEOs that push that bring your friend to work bullshit. You all deserve a sound ass kicking.

just remember, the longer I have to stay here to get enough money to move safely, the more I will hate everyone.

My mother has about 3 or 4 year left on her pacemaker if she makes it that long.

I am trying to make her last years at least a little more comfortable.

I have to do things around the house as well.

As I have been saying for over 20 years now, I am not even looking for a relationship and never will be with this weaponry hooked to me.

I try to be polite and courteous. That is me being me. Nothing else.

I am sick of being fucked with and truly want to dismember anyone doing it.


Thursday, February 24, 2022

Once again they kept trying to send to to fucking downtown East Lansing for pick ups.

I would like to wipe AI out of existence because of these bullshit apps.

I would like to wipe those trying to program AI out of existence along with their garbage.

Time for electromagnetic pulse weapons to be deployed everywhere.

Tonight was the last 'block' that I will ever schedule for Grubhub.

Straight to Frandor for a delivery then to Hannah Plaza ,where a train trapped me on the way out, and then downtown East Lansing for pick ups.

That whole area SUCKS.

Hannah Plaza is alright if the order is not headed west.

I fucking hate trains. Sorry ass petticoat junction hillbillyville.

Route the fucking trains around the town not through the fucking middle. FUCK GM.


The fucking idiot that gave the go ahead to close down Okemos road at that bridge during the school year needs to be fired. Whoever appointed the moron needs to lose their job as well.

Run their families out of town.

On top of that stupidity, they are closing the ramp from southbound 127 onto eastbound 96 at 10 pm on Friday night.

I have no idea how long that will last, but if there is a home basketball game that is going to fuck up a lot of people trying to leave this area.

Not to mention that it closes the main way to get out of that shit hole Frandor area and get back to where I log in.

The more the assholes fuck shit up the more I hate everyone here and want to wipe this shit hole out of existence.

While they keep closing roads the other roads are littered with pot holes getting bigger by the day.

The morons fill the holes, but do not put the sealer around the edges so water gets in and fucks the patch up. The water freezes under the patch raising it up just enough so that the plows can catch it and rip a bigger hole.

This is the absolute dumbest state for roads I have ever seen.

Quit hiring the inbred families and hire someone with a brain.

It is almost like the winter guys fuck the roads up on purpose so they will have more work in the summer.

The bridge closure has a detour that takes 2 roads with 2 lanes going each direction and a turn lane in the middle and sends it all down a 2 lane road, 1 in each direction?????? Dobie Road.

If you go around the other direction their is one way to go through a residential neighborhood, but it has been closed for almost a week due to water over the road.

You have to go all the way to Hagadorn which is the start of MSU campus and already sucked before. The left turn lane at Grand River and Hagadorn was backed up over 1/4 mile. That is most likely at least 4 light cycles to be able to turn if you were the last car.

It was only getting worse.

No one in their right fucking mind would have closed that bridge during the school year.


Go after Russia's ability to use the Internet. For anything military or economic. That includes adult entertainment.

Fry their cell towers.

Their navy isn't on the ground in Ukraine. Sink it all.

Assassinate Putin and his allies.

Round up and exterminate Putin supporters here.

While your at it completely obliterate all gangs and criminal organizations in the U.S.

Putin won't stop. He is insane.

The world already gave him an inch when they did nothing about the Crimean Peninsula. Now he tries to take a mile.

Tomorrow he will try to take more.

This is the same person "man" that invented a new office in Russia, Prime Minister, just so he could sty in power.

Most likely another crazy religious zealot.

The Military Industrial Complex should not profit one fucking penny off of this either. Garbage profiting off garbage.


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Cut off the Internet from Russia, Belarus and Moldova.


I would have posted this to Facebook as well, but I get a maintenance message when i log on and can not see or post anything.  

Monday, February 21, 2022

Concentrating on Howard in this instance is just bullshit.

If one coach is suspended then both need to be.

Wisconsin's coach is just as guilty as Howard.

By law Howard could have decked the Wisconsin coach after he grabbed him and impeded his progress.

The Wisconsin coach made first contact and that is the same fucking thing as Howard throwing a punch at the assistant.

Fuck the candy ass announcers and the weasel press.


Saturday, February 19, 2022

Yesterday afternoon I had the misfortune of getting and accepting a delivery offer from East Side Fish Fry.
I have been there before and I know it will be a little wait.
I went in and no one even said hello or asked what I was there for. As in the order name.
I finally just told one of the women behind the counter that I was there for a GrubHub order.
5+ minutes later a woman came in the front door and immediately they said "Hello" and asked her what she was there for.
She was also there for a GrubHub order.
She waited about 5 minutes and then she got into the car she was riding as a passenger in and they left.
I waited about 2 or 3 more minutes and no one had still said anything to me so I said fuck it and left.
That place is a dirty, filthy joke that needs to go out of business.
Their bullshit costs me acceptance rate. If that is going to be the case I might as well just reject any offer from there instead of wasting my time standing there.


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Today at work while picking up an order at Panda Express in downtown East Lansing as I exited the building with the order and Parking Enforcement truck with two officers in it asked if the nearest vehicle was mine.

I replied no I am the one in front of it.

The officer driving said something, but I couldn't hear him well so I walked over to his door.

He then told me that they were warning everyone today and as of tomorrow drivers would no longer be allowed to park on the streets to go in and pick up orders.

I almost got a woody.

I said yes loudly and did the fist pump while saying "No more pickups down here!!!!!!".

We had been parking on the streets at the direction of East Lansing police.

As I have posted before, the whole strip was built so that the people attending Michigan State and the people living in the apartments above the shops could WALK to them.

The delivery pickups should have stopped the minute that the whole student body came back.

Unfortunately, it also appears that I have been completely fucked out of the Meridian Township pick ups too.

Every time I get a section going good over there some weasel dick asshole moves in and fucks it up. Just makes me hate here even more and want to hurt them badly.

Unless I get it in writing from East Lansing Police Department, I will not accept anything down there except for Starbucks, as there are meters on that street, Five Guys or Clean Juice as they have parking lots.

Keep the MSU students out of my job.

Keep the fucking criminals out of my job as well.

It would seem that stealing the food has become a problem again. I have no problem with the idea of turning you in for it.

Fuck off scamming assholes. 
Before some pin dick tries to twist my words around: By my job I mean the occupation that I have and not that I own the job. I hate this fucking town.


Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Did anyone else notice the new phraseology on the news channels?
Just in the last 1/2 hour while making my dinner I overheard 2 different people on the television that my mother is watching use the phrase "I can't get inside (someone else's) head".
They will start using this phrase more and more to put into the sheeple masses heads to try and exonerate themselves from their connection to the weaponry.
It is a form of conditioning the masses.
The mass media is a bunch of useless bought and paid for garbage.
Eliminate the tax write offs for advertising.


Sunday, February 13, 2022

Just so there is no taking shit the wrong way.

I went to Dunkin Donuts at Okemos and Jolly to take a pee.

I saw a Girl Scouts table for cookies set up and had to buy some.

I only had enough cash to buy 3 boxes.

I left a box on the counter for anyone there that wanted a cookie.


They get me out of there pretty fast with the orders.

I did not give the box to the woman standing there, it was meant for everyone.

Taking things like that the wrong way is one of the main reasons that I hate this fucking town.


Well the guy with the car that drives around everyone out there pretty much is now home during a winter weather advisory event.

Once again I just said fuck it.

I even had blocks today for Grubhub and the assholes still kept sending me into downtown East Lansing and the Frandor area. Even the pick up in Meridian Township went to that area so that they could try and trap me there with more offers.

I said fuck it and deleted the first block about 1/2 hour into it.

I did Uber and Doordash for awhile.

When the other blocks for Grubhib started, I made sure that I was int the Meridian Mall area or down Okemos road further.

Even when sitting in one of the hotspot areas the fucking assholes kept sending me or trying to send me back to the campus area.

I do not want to work on campus or in the downtown East Lansing or Frandor areas for anyone except Uber. Then only because of the Starbucks orders.

I have written that over and over and over. I wrote about how bad campus sucks after 10 am when I delivered construction supplies years ago.

I am going to beat the fucking asshole that keeps sending me there on purpose. It happens way to often to be coincidence.

Shove MSU up your ass.

On top of that crap everyone panicked that it started snowing and had to get to the stores, on a fucking Sunday. They drive 5 miles and hour to the store and then 5 miles and hour home.

My car goes in this shit. Get the fuck out of my way. I am working. You shouldn't be on the road.

If you had a brain you would have planned for snow events as this is fucking Michigan. No need to flood the grocery stores.

A winter weather advisory and you morons still want to go out to eat.

I hate this fucking place.

Thanks for making it impossible to do my job because you are in the way.

I honestly thought about staying out there until later, but with all the idiots in cars that can't go anywhere out there it is just pointless.

I encourage all delivery drivers to pack it in a say fuck you to this idiot filled shit hole tonight.

Oh yeah, I got to fall down twice today. You can not see the solid sheet of ice under the snow. You know the ice that should have already been taken care of.

I am going to start taking pictures of sidewalks and driveways that should not get deliveries. I wrote about that shit when I worked for FedEx as well.

I do not care if you clean your shit or not, but do not expect deliveries if you do not.

I am an fragile old man I could have been seriously hurt. (I am not that fragile and I'll be 57 in April, but you get the idea).

Send the young people or those that want to go into the campus area in there.

I only want to deliver to the animal clinic, the service road regular and the dorms if food. I will then proceed to leave the area. No pick ups unless Starbucks or a good Hop Cat order.

I was sitting in the Biggby parking lot at Okemos and Jolly roadswhich was in a hot spot at the time and they gave me an offer to go to Lou and Harry's in downtown East Lansing and deliver it to Dewitt?????? WTF.

Lou and Harry's there is slow as shit.

It would have been a good order for someone already in the downtown East Lansing area if they wanted to wait for 15 to 20 minutes. It is a crap offer for someone where I was.

There were 2 more hotspots in Okemos/Haslett at that time as well.

Total bullshit from some game playing asshole that needs a beat down.


Thursday, February 10, 2022

I will reiterate something that I originally posted in alt.mindcontrol almost 20 years ago:

The Truman show should have ended with him slaughtering every single piece of shit that took part in it and then flipping off the camera.

He should have exited and then ended the lives of every viewer that did nothing to stop it.


Before I moved to the Lansing are, I used to tell people to mind their own business if they did not like someone else's lifestyle.

Legal lifestyle.

I move here and those same people decide to spread my life all over town instead of minding their own fucking business.

Fuck all of you. You are now my enemies along with the garbage that I told to fuck off before.


Once again, I have written how many times about not wanting to be in the downtown Lansing area?
I even bought a car that I could delivery in the rural areas in the snow.
Not one delivery yesterday went out to a rural area.
I ended up going to the Campus and downtown Lansing areas all fucking day long.
I am going to find out who is giving out these offers and I am going to beat them to death with a baseball bat.
I fucking hate driving in the city especially with the idiot Michigan drivers.
This whole area inside of the so-called delivery zones that the app companies have set up was designed specifically so that you can't get anywhere.
It gets even worse when morons schedule construction projects while MSU is in session.
Some brainiac has a project scheduled to shut down south bound Okemos road near where the bottleneck with Marsh road is starting February 14th.
Why in the fuck would you do that then instead of shutting down a major road in the summer when there is less demand for it because there are 70,000 less people in the fucking area???
There are shit tons of fucked up roads in residential areas that need fixed. Do them now and do the main roads in the summer.
Quit dilly dallying and get the shit done or get fired.


I bought a new car. A 2021 Mazda CX-30. It was still new on the lot and only had 17 miles on it.

Apparently it weighs so much more than the Ford Focus that my license tab fees went from $81 to $147?????

It is a compact crossover not a fucking full size SUV.

The Ford was a hatch back and both vehicles are listed as station wagons.

This state is fucking moronic.

All states should however have a requirement of a commercial license plate for small vehicles that are used for the gig work. Pretty much straight up $100 delivery plate.

It would help everyone identify that the vehicle is used for that including police officers.

All drivers should have a DOT physical and a Chauffeur's license to do the gig work.

Michigan needs a vehicle inspection, especially the exhaust, for all cars and trucks used commercially or not.

I am fucking sick of sitting at a red light getting blasted by the exhaust of the vehicle in front of me through the vents on my car. It is an attack with a deadly weapon.

Car/diesel exhaust is full of CO and CO2 along with other chemicals.

Clean the shit up.

Are all diesel engine vehicles required to have a place to put the exhaust additive???? They should be.

What happened to the "Green" people???


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Yea, woo hoo. I got to stay out there an extra 2 hours today just to make the money that I would normally make on a Wednesday.

It seems that all the candy asses came back out today as the temps got into the 40s and there was no snowstorm.

If the app writers think that I am going to get screwed over when the weather is nice and still come out when it is bad they are seriously mistaken.

Tell the candy asses to crawl back under their rocks.

Fucking useless ass pieces of sniveling shit.

Take that as the drivers or the app writers, I don't really care.


The mass media up to their bullshit again.

NBC took Jeopardy of the air to broadcast the propaganda event called the Olympics.

ABC is now broadcasting the college tournament of Jeopardy from 8pm to 9 pm in a double show format. (That will not work well with the masses. They don't want to rack their brains for a whole hour.)

Either way have you noticed all the Transgender types on Jeopardy lately?

All the religious contestants spouting off about their religion?

Of course religious people can do well on a show like that. They are told to memorize and not to think.

More propaganda promoting what should be considered mental illness.

Male and female are what you are not who you are. Same goes for the color of your skin.

Either the politicians destroy the advertising write off, or they all get voted out of office.

Break up the mass media conglomerates.


Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Someone needs to challenge the tax codes as far as the differences between single and married taxes.

No fucking way is it constitutional to charge people more and discriminate against them for being single.

Nor should I have to pay more because you have children.

You should have to do more because you put more of a burden on the system with your children.

Women do not stay at home as a rule anymore. The tax break is nothing more than endorsing religious and mysogynistic bullshit.

I have 3 cats that I call my kids, shouldn't I be able to write them off if you can write off your rugrats?

Remember the lowlife politicians are the ones writing these laws. LMAO. (It is actually the garbage that buy and pay for the politicians that write the laws.) The politicians are just puppets with their hands out.


Monday, February 7, 2022
I wrote the top part. The response at the bottom is by that poster.
Long read.