Thursday, February 24, 2022

Go after Russia's ability to use the Internet. For anything military or economic. That includes adult entertainment.

Fry their cell towers.

Their navy isn't on the ground in Ukraine. Sink it all.

Assassinate Putin and his allies.

Round up and exterminate Putin supporters here.

While your at it completely obliterate all gangs and criminal organizations in the U.S.

Putin won't stop. He is insane.

The world already gave him an inch when they did nothing about the Crimean Peninsula. Now he tries to take a mile.

Tomorrow he will try to take more.

This is the same person "man" that invented a new office in Russia, Prime Minister, just so he could sty in power.

Most likely another crazy religious zealot.

The Military Industrial Complex should not profit one fucking penny off of this either. Garbage profiting off garbage.


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