Saturday, February 19, 2022

Yesterday afternoon I had the misfortune of getting and accepting a delivery offer from East Side Fish Fry.
I have been there before and I know it will be a little wait.
I went in and no one even said hello or asked what I was there for. As in the order name.
I finally just told one of the women behind the counter that I was there for a GrubHub order.
5+ minutes later a woman came in the front door and immediately they said "Hello" and asked her what she was there for.
She was also there for a GrubHub order.
She waited about 5 minutes and then she got into the car she was riding as a passenger in and they left.
I waited about 2 or 3 more minutes and no one had still said anything to me so I said fuck it and left.
That place is a dirty, filthy joke that needs to go out of business.
Their bullshit costs me acceptance rate. If that is going to be the case I might as well just reject any offer from there instead of wasting my time standing there.


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