Thursday, February 24, 2022

The fucking idiot that gave the go ahead to close down Okemos road at that bridge during the school year needs to be fired. Whoever appointed the moron needs to lose their job as well.

Run their families out of town.

On top of that stupidity, they are closing the ramp from southbound 127 onto eastbound 96 at 10 pm on Friday night.

I have no idea how long that will last, but if there is a home basketball game that is going to fuck up a lot of people trying to leave this area.

Not to mention that it closes the main way to get out of that shit hole Frandor area and get back to where I log in.

The more the assholes fuck shit up the more I hate everyone here and want to wipe this shit hole out of existence.

While they keep closing roads the other roads are littered with pot holes getting bigger by the day.

The morons fill the holes, but do not put the sealer around the edges so water gets in and fucks the patch up. The water freezes under the patch raising it up just enough so that the plows can catch it and rip a bigger hole.

This is the absolute dumbest state for roads I have ever seen.

Quit hiring the inbred families and hire someone with a brain.

It is almost like the winter guys fuck the roads up on purpose so they will have more work in the summer.

The bridge closure has a detour that takes 2 roads with 2 lanes going each direction and a turn lane in the middle and sends it all down a 2 lane road, 1 in each direction?????? Dobie Road.

If you go around the other direction their is one way to go through a residential neighborhood, but it has been closed for almost a week due to water over the road.

You have to go all the way to Hagadorn which is the start of MSU campus and already sucked before. The left turn lane at Grand River and Hagadorn was backed up over 1/4 mile. That is most likely at least 4 light cycles to be able to turn if you were the last car.

It was only getting worse.

No one in their right fucking mind would have closed that bridge during the school year.


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