Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Today at work while picking up an order at Panda Express in downtown East Lansing as I exited the building with the order and Parking Enforcement truck with two officers in it asked if the nearest vehicle was mine.

I replied no I am the one in front of it.

The officer driving said something, but I couldn't hear him well so I walked over to his door.

He then told me that they were warning everyone today and as of tomorrow drivers would no longer be allowed to park on the streets to go in and pick up orders.

I almost got a woody.

I said yes loudly and did the fist pump while saying "No more pickups down here!!!!!!".

We had been parking on the streets at the direction of East Lansing police.

As I have posted before, the whole strip was built so that the people attending Michigan State and the people living in the apartments above the shops could WALK to them.

The delivery pickups should have stopped the minute that the whole student body came back.

Unfortunately, it also appears that I have been completely fucked out of the Meridian Township pick ups too.

Every time I get a section going good over there some weasel dick asshole moves in and fucks it up. Just makes me hate here even more and want to hurt them badly.

Unless I get it in writing from East Lansing Police Department, I will not accept anything down there except for Starbucks, as there are meters on that street, Five Guys or Clean Juice as they have parking lots.

Keep the MSU students out of my job.

Keep the fucking criminals out of my job as well.

It would seem that stealing the food has become a problem again. I have no problem with the idea of turning you in for it.

Fuck off scamming assholes. 
Before some pin dick tries to twist my words around: By my job I mean the occupation that I have and not that I own the job. I hate this fucking town.


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