Well the guy with the car that drives around everyone out there pretty much is now home during a winter weather advisory event.
Once again I just said fuck it.
I even had blocks today for Grubhub and the assholes still kept sending me into downtown East Lansing and the Frandor area. Even the pick up in Meridian Township went to that area so that they could try and trap me there with more offers.
I said fuck it and deleted the first block about 1/2 hour into it.
I did Uber and Doordash for awhile.
When the other blocks for Grubhib started, I made sure that I was int the Meridian Mall area or down Okemos road further.
Even when sitting in one of the hotspot areas the fucking assholes kept sending me or trying to send me back to the campus area.
I do not want to work on campus or in the downtown East Lansing or Frandor areas for anyone except Uber. Then only because of the Starbucks orders.
I have written that over and over and over. I wrote about how bad campus sucks after 10 am when I delivered construction supplies years ago.
I am going to beat the fucking asshole that keeps sending me there on purpose. It happens way to often to be coincidence.
On top of that crap everyone panicked that it started snowing and had to get to the stores, on a fucking Sunday. They drive 5 miles and hour to the store and then 5 miles and hour home.
My car goes in this shit. Get the fuck out of my way. I am working. You shouldn't be on the road.
If you had a brain you would have planned for snow events as this is fucking Michigan. No need to flood the grocery stores.
A winter weather advisory and you morons still want to go out to eat.
I hate this fucking place.
Thanks for making it impossible to do my job because you are in the way.
I honestly thought about staying out there until later, but with all the idiots in cars that can't go anywhere out there it is just pointless.
I encourage all delivery drivers to pack it in a say fuck you to this idiot filled shit hole tonight.
Oh yeah, I got to fall down twice today. You can not see the solid sheet of ice under the snow. You know the ice that should have already been taken care of.
I am going to start taking pictures of sidewalks and driveways that should not get deliveries. I wrote about that shit when I worked for FedEx as well.
I do not care if you clean your shit or not, but do not expect deliveries if you do not.
I am an fragile old man I could have been seriously hurt. (I am not that fragile and I'll be 57 in April, but you get the idea).
Send the young people or those that want to go into the campus area in there.
I only want to deliver to the animal clinic, the service road regular and the dorms if food. I will then proceed to leave the area. No pick ups unless Starbucks or a good Hop Cat order.
I was sitting in the Biggby parking lot at Okemos and Jolly roadswhich was in a hot spot at the time and they gave me an offer to go to Lou and Harry's in downtown East Lansing and deliver it to Dewitt?????? WTF.
Lou and Harry's there is slow as shit.
It would have been a good order for someone already in the downtown East Lansing area if they wanted to wait for 15 to 20 minutes. It is a crap offer for someone where I was.
There were 2 more hotspots in Okemos/Haslett at that time as well.
Total bullshit from some game playing asshole that needs a beat down.