Friday, December 24, 2021

WTF? I check my email and this is what I got from Uber about telling them to get the Uberx stuff off my account:


Your conversation with Uber


Hi James,

Thanks for confirming you’d like to change your account type. I’ve gone ahead and started the process for you.

The next time you log in to your account, you’ll be prompted to re-run your background check and may have to re-upload documents for our team to review. This process can take between 3 to 5 business days. To get back on the road as soon as possible, you can log in and start that process now.

As a reminder, if you'd like to continue doing deliveries in addition to UberX trips, you can opt in to receiving delivery requests here.

We appreciate your patience.
Sent by James on Friday, December 24, 2021 at 1:21:18 AM


I did not talk to anyone named James. I did not even talk to a male.

I spoke to 3 different women all with Indian accents.

Here is my reply to them:

I called to get Uberx off my account and go back to accepting deliveries. I will never, ever accept a ride share offer from anyone.Get that crap off my account. NOW.

I have been doing food deliveries for months.

I never wanted to opt in to Uberx in the first place. I wanted information about it.

Now put my account back the way it was.

You people are idiots. How do I go to your supervisors?

I do not have Yahoo mail on my cell phone. I tried to change my email in your app, but it would not let me. I called support and all they told me was to change it in the app.

I can't even call support on the weekend to try and fix this.

James Vierling Jr.

I fucking hate tech support. I am really wanting to turn computer nerd bashing into a national pastime.


Well I am fucked for the next 3 days at work.

Uber put out a message in their app that you could now sign up and do ride share, (Uberx), and food deliveries. I decided to check into it.

I did all the stuff in the app, but it said that Michigan required a vehicle inspection for cars over 5 years old before they could be used in ride share.

When I started filling it out the 2013 Ford Focus was still listed as one of the cars.

I called Uber to get them to delete the Ford and then just my 2021 Mazda CX-30 would be used. I asked them to check about the vehicle inspection being required for the Mazda.

The woman I talked to said that I would get an email about the program and a message in the app. The message did not show up while I was working yesterday.

When I got home, I read the email and replied to it that I wanted more information before I got into the program.

This morning when I tried to start working I got a welcome to Uber Pro message over the app. It would not let me go online to take deliveries.

Apparently, some pea brained moron of a programmer made it so that while they were waiting for a new background check you could not do deliveries.

What the fuck???? The food deliveries are the important part. Ride share was maybe just to fill in slow times.

I had to wait until 10 am to get in touch with support and then after 2 transfers to the correct department I told them to take the Uberx off my account and put it back to just food deliveries.

The woman said that I would get a prompt after I logged out and logged back in and that I would not be able to accept deliveries for 72 fucking hours.

WTF kind of bullshit is that? Who is the moron that set it up that way?

The only good part is that one of their top deliverers, me, will not be able to deliver for them on a day when a lot of the drivers stay home, Christmas.

They are the ones that send me the congratulations for being in the top 7 or 8 percent of drivers in platinum in the area.

I basically just did Doordash all day and went home after they sent me back to the East Lansing Meijer for the second time to do a shop and deliver.

I unassigned the first one and wrote in that the place was too busy for that and no more shop and delivers today for me.

So of course they had to try and send me back again after 4pm to shop for a 20 item list. I pulled into the lot and could not park within 70 yards of the store.

I said fuck this, unassigned the delivery and logged out.

I hate this idiot town where everyone waits until the day before Christmas to pack the grocery stores.

WTF? Today is a day that you get anything that you forgot from earlier in the week.


How much product do you expect there to be on the shelves at 4 pm when the supermarket closes early and is closed the whole next day?

The order paid $20.50 and I said fuck it.

I fucking hate crowds.

I will be out there tomorrow, hopefully delivering from restaurants.

Just so those that like to fuck me over know, I only have Doordash or Grubhub to use tomorrow. Merry Christmas to you assholes, (sarcasm)


Thursday, December 23, 2021

The assholes with the weaponry are at it again with the sleep deprivation.

They use the "you said you only needed 3 to 5 hours a night".

Yes, I said that to a waitress in a bar in 1999.

I was 34 years old and did not have type 2 diabetes.

I am now 56 years old and have type 2 diabetes.

I now need 7 or 8 hours of sleep a night.

I reiterate that back to them every time that they use their 3 to 5 hour attacks.

They are the ones that keep going over and over and over about shit that happened in the past.

They are the ones that won't let me get on with my life.

They are the ones that destroyed my life.

They deserve to die for the weaponry existing.

My goal in life is to see that they do


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

On my last trip to the eye doctor, 12/7 he told me that my diabetic retinopathy was not looking good.

My blood sugar has been under control for so long that my diabetes doctor didn't need to see me for a year?

It is not my blood sugar that is causing the retinopathy.

What is causing it is the high blood pressure brought on by trying to do my job in this slow ass turd of an area.

I am a go, go, go get it done and then relax type of person that is stuck in a take your time and then watch the paint dry type of area.

Also the nazi garbage with the radiation weaponry keeping me in a constant state of anger.

It is to the point of getting small nose bleeds from just blowing my nose.

Most likely Hypertension.

I will probably end up having a heart attack or stroke.

I do not want to change. My brain does not work that slow.

My brain didn't work that slow when I smoked pot and drank alcohol neither of which I do now.


Monday, December 20, 2021

This is what it looked like yesterday while I was working. I have made a point of saying that I try to stay in the Meridian Township area, (Okemos and Haslett), for pick ups.

The orange areas are the supposed hot spots where order are being placed.




There are a lot of attractive women here.

It isn't me.

It isn't you, unless you are involved in the weaponry or harassment.

IT IS THEM, the nazi asshole scum with the weaponry.


Me: Get me out of the weaponry.

Them: We can't.

Me: Then the only option is to destroy it.


Makes me wonder if I get tortured for not wanting to be involved in the criminal bullshit here in Lansing or in Dayton.
I told them in both places that I did not want anything to do with cocaine.
Send in the military to exterminate the drug gangs everywhere.

"I think he knows it's William".

That is a quote of the redhead gossiping piece of crap from the old Travelers Club restaurant named Erin.

What is William?

That would be William, (sawed off runt), White.

I despise, loathe and detest that half man.

Every time that he and his ugly ass wife showed up in a bar that I was in the same shit that took place when I worked at the Travelers Club started going on in that bar.

The same harassment.

The people from the Travelers Club, the bars by the lake, Sundance car dealership and all their friends and families are why I do not have anything to do with anyone in this area other than work and never will.


The assholes with the weaponry keep going into some bullshit about money that I supposedly got.

I got nothing from anyone except fucked over.

Every time I get anything in the bank here they fuck me out of my job.

I want them all dead.

I should not have bought this new car. I just gave them something else to fuck me out of.

I hate this fucking asshole of an area.

If you are not exposing the weaponry then you are condoning its use.

If you are not exposing the gangstalkers then you are condoning what they are doing.

Anyone that knows about the crap and does nothing is complicit in the crap.

Fuck the PC bullshit. It is not O.K.


Ever feel your brain being attacked with radiation weaponry?

It causes a lot of pain.

The entrainment (forcing my brain into different frequencies). The constant bombardment of images and words.

Not being able to sleep. Being attacked while sleeping.

Over and over and over again.

I want this shit exposed and destroyed. Anyone, I mean anyone, involved in the weaponry deserves to be executed for crimes against humanity.

They are literally killing me.

I want their whole fucking piece of shit families dead.

The hatred for these assholes is very, very real.

Everything they are a part of needs to be destroyed.


Sunday, December 19, 2021

So cut their fucking contracts and take the money out of those states.


This economy is total bullshit. Any CEO that is calling for more contractors is a scamming weasel.

All they are doing is passing along the costs to someone else while still taking in the profits.

I can not work somewhere that I have to be around others because of the constant attacks with the evoked potential radiation weaponry.

I have to let out the anger that they cause verbally or I will end up killing someone around me.

They are destroying my health with this bullshit job as I have to spend so many hours doing it that I get no exercise.

I spend more money on the crap called automobiles than I make.

I am on my 3rd car since April of this year.

To make any money I have to put over 1000 miles a week on a vehicle.

My new car is less than a month old and I will go over 5000 miles today.


8 months doing the gig bullshit to make a living in this shit hole.

I have way less money in the bank now than I did when I started.

Mostly because of the garbage called automobiles.

I do not have more belongings, just less money.

The only way to make a living doing this bullshit is to drive your car/vehicle into the ground. Especially in a shit hole like this one.

I hate everyone that has taken part in making my life like it is.

Vehicle repairs are ridiculous and the car companies just keep building shit to fall apart so you have to buy more.

Getting new brakes used to consist of new pads and turning your rotors if needed.

Now because the scumbag assholes that design the cars makes the rotors thinner to save weight and meet fuel efficiency requirements, new brakes means pads and rotors.

Less than $100 now is almost $400 per axle.

That could be twice a year doing the gig work.

The whole system of this capitalist shit hole country is fucked up beyond repair.

Mostly due to the tech revolution with the profiteering nerds and Wall Street assholes in general. Over compensation and all.

Death to AI.

Death to the advertising tax write offs.

Death to capitalism.


Saturday, December 18, 2021

I wrote about the nastiness of some of the drivers out there recently.

Yesterday, while making a pickup there was a young guy sitting at the counter of the restaurant. He was playing a game on his cell phone.

He looking like he hadn't showered in days and was wearing jeans with huge holes in them. Fashion or not that is inappropriate wear for work in the public eye.

I didn't think much of it at first, just another idiot. Then the owner of the business asked him what order he was waiting for.

The gross young guy said the he didn't remember it was Grubhub something. He went back to the game he was playing and a couple of minutes later told the owner the name of the customer on the order.

The owner gave him the order and looked over and just shook his head. I shook mine in agreement.

What the fuck is wrong with you pathetic morons?

You took a job that is all about customer service and you don't give a shit about customer service????????

Your hygiene would get you fired from the restaurants, it should get you fired from delivering the food as well. Go sit at Walmart and deliver non food goods.

That is the type of garbage that I lose orders to.

Nothing will get done though, because you can't complain about anything in this moronic PC bullshit society.


Friday, December 17, 2021

To all of you that decided to take money away from those already delivering so you could have extra money for your crap ass christmas bullshit: Fuck you.

You should be taking the seasonal jobs.

You should not be taking money away from someone already doing a job.

You are assholes.

Orders drop off now. Students go home for winter break. You just make it worse.

To the assholes that let them do it: You need to be put out of business.

To the assholes that do what I do where I was doing it because of information gleaned from the weaponry: Die with the nazi scumbags that have the weaponry.

Half or more of the drivers out there are not wearing masks inside the restaurants. I wear one every single time. I even wear them at the drive thru windows.

All 3 major delivery apps require the drivers to wear masks. They need to enforce the policy or they need to be subjected to heavy fines.

They send unmasked children in to pick up the orders as well. That is illegal and against company policies.

It is fraud. The person that is receiving the offer has their name on the customer app. The person picking it up is claiming to be that person. It is no different than signing into someone else's account.

Enough of the bullshit.

Fuck anarchy.

Fuck "whatever".

There is a pandemic and Michigan has a big problem right now with it spreading. All the bullshit does is add to the problem.

All delivery persons should be required to be vaccinated and to wear masks inside of restaurants or other stores while doing the job. Including all shop and deliver type orders.

I deliver to government buildings and to hospitals. I deliver to schools. I know others get those orders as well.


Thursday, December 16, 2021

To this day the assholes with the weaponry still use that "number 1" bullshit.

That crap started with some old man in Charlotte telling some younger male "He is leaving, I guess that makes you number 1 again". The He was referring to me.

Whatever they were talking about, I want it obliterated out of existence.

I fucking hate everyone involved in this bullshit and seriously want all of you dead.


Get this fucking weaponry off of me.

No one is off limits to expose. Fuck you assholes.


I just wanted to say thanks to all the wonderful people out there that fucked my job up. No matter how many times I drive to a hot spot on one the apps now I still get no offers unless it is a very low one.

Even when I had a block scheduled tonight, I got 2 offers in an hour and a half. The first was for 2 deliveries that only totaled 13 dollars.

I drove back to the hot spot area, but they tried to send me back across downtown East Lansing for a 5 dollar delivery and I said fuck that and rejected it.

I used to do 20+ deliveries a day from that app. Now I am lucky to get 4. Even then they try to trap me in the campus area and I turn it off.

To all those that sit around and wait for the orders on that app: May you die a painful death.

You can all shove your religious holiday bullshit where the sun doesn't shine. 
The more the assholes fuck with any job I have to more I am going to go after everything/everyone that is fucked up.


Quit sending your kids in to get the stuff or to the house to deliver it. Lazy assholes.

If you try to do that with alcohol or cigarettes you could end up in jail.

This shit is getting completely fucking ridiculous.

Take a fucking bath or shower. Start the day with a clean set of clothes.

Don't have a vehicle that looks like you live in it because their is so much shit in it.

I have seen some drivers our there that make me worry about catching some other disease from them or getting sick from the crap in their cars.

I clean my passenger floorboard every morning when I fill up. Not everything goes in the trash bag the first time.


Isn't it way past time to mandate vaccines for delivery drivers and ride share drivers?

I am vaccinated and have my booster shot.

I come into contact with a lot of people during my day. Both inside the restaurants and those I deliver to.

Drivers were considered essential, maybe still are.

The app companies will complain that they can't check everyone, so have everyone prove it to their auto insurance company, or to the state bureau that handles driver licenses for a special endorsement to prove it.

Seems like common sense to me. I wouldn't want unvaccinated people handling my food or showing up to my door.

This should be Federal level, but states can start it.


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

When I got my new car financed, I knew I had no credit history.

I have received letter after letter from all the places that were tried.

They have all listed my credit score as 0. Not bad credit, not good credit, but absolutely no credit.

That was until today. Today I got the rejection letter from Ally. They refused my credit because of what they got back from SageStream LLC.

SageStream said my credit score was 539?????

What are they basing that on?? I have tried my whole life to not borrow. I haven't had a loan in over 30 years.

SageStream also said Length of residence too short?????

I have lived where I live since 2004. 17+ years going on 18 is too short?

I looked up SageStream and they are not accredited by the Better Business Bureau. They are part of LexisNexis. There is no way to contact Sagestream online only a 1 800 number and a P.O. box address.

Well Ally, (GMAC), you are now tied to a scam operation.

There should be a federal investigation of SageStream and LexisNexis.


Sunday, December 12, 2021

You public servants, especially first responders should stop protecting the garbage in the advertising write off scam. They are getting out of paying taxes which pay your salaries.