Saturday, March 8, 2025

 I can't make plans to go after anyone. The chicken shit nazi pigs with the weaponry will warn them that I am coming.

Who was the pussy ass little coward that was so afraid in the first place that they had to hook this kind of shit to me or anyone else?


Friday, March 7, 2025

 For all of you ignorant pieces of shit out there:



 All California based companies need to be put out of business.

The pin dick nazis with the weaponry once again admitted that they are using the weaponry to perform nazi experiments on U.S. citizens.

They put "Have to see how far the human body can go" in my head after I told them to fuck off for not letting me sleep properly.

Anyone that does that kind of bullshit to anyone else deserves to die for it.

Anyone that would even want to develop this kind of weaponry is a psychotic piece of shit that should be executed. 

Prove it exists and destroy everything associated with it. Or die with it for all I care.



Great. Get up and be in a bad mood from knowing that you have to go into a job that hate and knowing that at any moment you are about ready to just say fuck you and walk out. 

I want this fucking shit hole of an area exterminated. 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Either get me the fuck out of that store and not in any other Lansing store or get me out of Chipolte.

I am not a fucking babysitter. I do not like working with Spartans. 

I do not like working with spazs. Moving quickly is one thing, talking 100 miles an hour is another. Might want to start drug testing. 

Why do they think that they can just have that fucking speaker on all fucking day today when they have been specifically told by the area manager and his boss that it isn't even supposed to be in the store. 

Their parents need a swift kick in the head for raising such little turds. 

That store is too fucking small for the amount of business that it does. 

Fuck going home the day before thinking you were ahead of the game only to find out that they used up everything that you had for some fundraiser that you knew nothing about and got to start your day behind. 

Then after everything is caught back up, because it is Spring Break for the little monster Spartans, you have to go to the line because of some bullshit audit. I could have been done with the prep and did some things off the master cleaning list. 

Then they tell you that someone is coming in to take your place on the line so you can go back to work only to have them put that person in a different area and take the grill person substitute off the grill and put them on the line. You get back from the cooler rounding up stuff to do and now you are the grill person. Even though the person scheduled for the grill is there and working on the line??

Spartan asshole that just transferred in. 

I am not there to talk to anyone unless it pertains to the job. I may engage in minimal small talk, but I don't really want to if there is work to be done. 

All you work is supposed to be fun and we want you to have fun at work assholes need to die. That is just horseshit pyschobabble so you don't have to pay anything.

Less people talking, more working and higher wages. 

I went home 45 minutes early today to get away from them. I fucking hate that bullshit place. 

Should have known better than to work for a Michigan shorthair (female), especially one with tattoos. 

There isn't much worse in the human race than the Michigan bi-sexuals.



Wednesday, March 5, 2025

 Michigan is full of spoiled little brats that think that they can do whatever they want to do.

Because mommy and daddy let them. 

Both generations should be wiped out.

No to you all about sex.  My right and harassment if you push it on me. I will start defending myself with lethal force if necessary against males or females.

Since the pin dick nazi pigs with the weaponry are back on the subject, I will reiterate: Whoever the faggot John is that they thought I was and he did not set the record straight is someone that I want dead. 

Whoever put me in this bullshit with the LGBT community is also someone that I want dead. I am not now nor will I ever be one of you.

I am not a criminal and I never will be unless you keep pushing me to kill you.

I fucking hate the military industrial complex of this and every country that has one. War Pigs need to die. 

I will never be for AI.

I did not want fame and still don't, but since you fucked me into this shit my goal is to destroy all of you. 

The world was a better place before cell phones and the Internet. 


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Once again the little punk ass griefer cunts with the weaponry keep me up all night to make sure I am good and pissed off when I have to go into work with people that I can not stand. 

It isn't the work on jobs in this shit hole it is the horrible bullshit called people in this sorry ass State called Michigan. 


Once again I get restrictions on my Facebook account when a whole lot of writings will be coming out in memories so that I can not share them.

Computer nerds are worse than gangbangers.


Whoever put the word faggot in the AI censorship program should be executed. Even X restricts the use of the word.

More reason to loathe despise and detest the LGBT community. 

 I sent this to Facebook:

Someone is harassing me by reporting posts that do not violate any policies that I can find. How does this post violate your standards? If anything it clarifies that not all gays are faggots and the word is used to describe a gay that is also an asshole. I do not like fagots or straight people that are assholes. I post real science about the idiot bullshit transgender crap and so people use your site to harass me in any way that they can because they can not handle the truth. Those people need their accounts banned not me.

The post:

2 definitions:
Gay: A male homosexual
Faggot: A male homosexual that is a complete douchebag.

That is it I want the motherfucking cunt bitch little pussy ass piece of shit that reported my Facebook post exterminated.

How does this post violate their hateful bullshit?

I want the Facebook moderator dead.