Sunday, January 23, 2022

Well once again Sunday is cut short with less money because the fucking asshole apps keep sending me to downtown East Lansing and Frandor.

I shut the apps off and drove all the way out to Meridian Mall to get away from the shit they were assigning me.

I parked in the mall parking lot and turned two of the apps on Grubhub sent me an offer to go to downtown East Lansing. I rejected it and put do not like pickup/delivery area.

20 seconds later they sent me another off to go to the McDonalds just outside of downtown East Lansing. I might have taken that on, but the delivery was going through downtown East Lansing so I rejected it.

Within a couple of minutes they sent me another offer going to Frandor. I rejected it.

All 3 orders were in the 5 or 6 dollar range and much more suitable for someone already in that part of town.

A minute later they sent me another offer. To Buffalo Wild wings in downtown East Lansing. I got sick of rejecting the offers as it does count against me and can get me kicked out of using the app so I took it.

I got there and they could not find the order. I have been there before and know that when they are busy the orders take forever.

Either the kitchen equipment can't handle the volume or their cooks are not very good. Probably too busy flirting with the waitresses as that is the norm here in this asshole useless area.

I called Grubhub support and told them about it and that I wasn't going to wait for 30 minutes on an 8 dollar order.

They gave me the typical "sorry for your inconvenience" and that they would unassigned the order. Then they said that it will probably affect my acceptance rate.

I told them that I don't care and if they were going to keep sending me to that area I was just going to use a different app.

The flood the areas with drivers so that they can treat them like shit.

They point out hotspots to get as many drivers there as possible. All that does is mean less orders per driver. Not at the same time, but there won't be anything after you take one.

Say one delivery takes 30 minutes out and back. Instead of you getting the offer of one that came in on the way back someone sitting there will get it and just wait for it to get ready.

The whole fucking system they have is not set up to benefit the drivers, It is set up to make sure that they get every order picked up and make their commission.

Look up the stories about what they are doing to the drivers in the UK. Luckily they have a means of fighting back. The U.S. sucks for workers.

Notice in those stories that the names may be different, but the emblem points to the company here. Grubhub is owned by a company in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Maybe the drivers here should unionize? Make an U.S. version of the Independent Workers Union.

I for one am sick of getting jerked around. I am definitely sick of someone else not being able to do their job and/or faulty equipment fucking me out of time that I could be making money.

If you are slammed I get it. Please get that me leaving is not a reflection on you. The offer is not enough money for the time required is all.

I try to be out there 5 days a week. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I work from between 6:30 - 7:00 am to around 5:00 pm or later. Except like today when I get fucked around in the East Lansing/Frandor area.

I point out that I do not want to be in that area so all they do is fuck me over in that area.

For the Merchants and Customers, my name as shown on the app is James V. They already had a Jim or I would be using that. All 3 apps already had a Jim.

Any cities want a good driver? You must not have any of these 3 things: College or University town; state Government or large government employment; GM, lots of their suppliers or the fucking trains going to them.

Make it 4 things. A place without useless pieces of shit in the mass media.

Any place without the radiation weaponry would be good as well.

Somewhere where it is legal to kill drug dealers would be good as well.


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