Any place without the radiation weaponry would be good as well.
Somewhere where it is legal to kill drug dealers would be good as well.
An atheist Marxist fighting the good fight and being a good person. To end animal abuse, help spay and neuter the abusers, that way they can't have kids to teach the behavior to and hopefully it and them will die off. Ban all radiation weapons and eventually do away with all military industrial complexes. Think for yourself do not just accept.
Any place without the radiation weaponry would be good as well.
Somewhere where it is legal to kill drug dealers would be good as well.
Well the harassment spread to the Meridian Mall security today. Anymore and I will sue that place out of business. I tried to contact both the Mall and the security company that she works for, but both conveniently won't let me send them an email. Time to go over their heads.
Hello. I am a delivery driver for all three major delivery apps. I make pick up from the mall food court and do deliveries and shop and deliver from other stores in the mall as well. On 1/8/2022 I had a pick up from Auntie Anne's pretzels in the Mall. I parked outside where I was told to park by a security guard 6 months ago and where pretty much everyone parks to go in and get the orders from the food court.
I put the GrubHub be right back placard in the front window on the dash. It is about a 10 inch square bright red piece of cardboard provided by GrubHub.
I went in to pick up the order and stood there for at least 10 minutes waiting on them to get it done before I finally just rejected the delivery and left as the time was no longer worth the money involved.
I exited the mall to see a female security officer sitting in her truck across the entry way from her I parked. She was African American and looked fairly obese.
I got in my car pulled the placard out of the window and left. As I was leaving I noticed a piece of paper under a windshield wiper. First off my wiper do not work like that. You have to open the hood to replace them. I got out of my car and looked at the piece of paper.
The security guard wrote me a warning for parking where the security people told me to park. If you or her think that I will walk across the parking lot just to get orders from the food court you are mistaken. If you stop the drivers from parking there I will do every thing that I can to get them to boycott the mall entirely.
Secondly, did she give anyone else a warning ticket today/tonight? If not that is called harassment.
Check with the food court vendors to see how many orders they had that were picked up by delivery drivers who most likely parked right where I was.
I am going to contact the security company about her as well. I want her fired.
That goes for companies that do it as well.