Saturday, January 29, 2022

I start doing Grubhub and got a shit load of long distance orders headed away from the city.
I even bought a car and put tires on it that could do those orders in the winter as well.
Now I get nothing but bullshit orders mostly taking me to downtown East fucking Lansing.
Because Grubhub hired more drivers than are needed and they have a moronic block system set up where the only thing that matter is your acceptance rate to be able to schedule the blocks.
What kind of idiotic company would set up a system that awards doing fewer orders, but accepting every single one of them?
The Saturday of the UM - MSU football game I delivered 23+ orders. I rejected 9 offers. I made $345 in 14 and 1/2 hours.
Had I waited around and/or accepted the orders I rejected I would have made probably $100 less in the same amount of time?????
Is that proof enough that Grubhub doesn't give a shit about the drivers???
My acceptance rate was in the 70s percent wise.
Someone that made 5 deliveries and accepted every one of them would have a 100% acceptance rate and they would reward them.
Ass backwards morons.
Yesterday I turned down at least 6 or 7 offers from Doordash, but I also delivered around 20 of them. I do not get punished because I only need 70% acceptance rate and 95% completion rate to keep Top 
Dasher status. Along with at least 100 deliveries per month.
For the record when I started delivering, I only did Doordash and my highest delivery day was 43 deliveries and 167 deliveries that week.
But since everyone has decided to do the gig shit now that job sucks.
I fucking hate everyone that put too many drivers out there and would just as soon destroy the whole fucking gig economy than put up with the bullshit.
The more you assholes keep trying to take what I am already doing, the more I want to exterminate your families.
Fuck you. You go take the jobs in the restaurants or other jobs


Thursday, January 27, 2022

Today started out bad and ended up worse.
First thing I did was call Uber support because I didn't see the pay for two deliveries that I had yesterday.
They checked and I did get the base pay for the deliveries, however apparently both of them stiffed me for the tips.
Both deliveries were picked up from Popeye's slow ass Chicken on W. Saginaw.
I spent 25 fucking minutes in that drive thru waiting for the orders. I texted both of them that I was still waiting and when I finally got to the window.
One of the deliveries went to the basically student housing area on Ann St. and the other one went all the way by the intersection of Okemos and Jolly roads.
Seriously, what the fuck do they expect when they order from that far away and from Popeye's? They can see where I am in that app.
I will never, ever accept any delivery offer from Popeye's again.
The day was mostly a crap day because I kept getting sent to areas that it takes a long time to get to and back because I will not make pick-ups in those areas.
The day ended with me refusing 3 of the last 4 offers.
I came back from a Bath delivery to Marsh road and got hit with a little over 4 dollar offer that I rejected as "offer is just too low". 10 seconds later they gave me another 4 dollar offer that was actually 5 cents lower than the first one. "offer is just too low"
Dumbfuck AI.
Then a $3.45 offer came through and I dismissed it.
Finally an offer came through and I just said fuck it and ended up all the way across town on the south end.
Screw it, I went home.
I have a car that I just put some serious tires on and it is now very, very good in the winter weather as well. It was starting to snow when I got sick of the cross town runs.
Have fun with your drivers that have vehicles that do not go anywhere in the snow tonight. I am sick of being fucked around


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The pieces of shit with the weaponry will do anything they can regardless of how petty to fuck you over.

They truly are piss ant little griefer punks with a weapon system that allows them to attack and torture people.

They keep trying to make me gain weight again. Every single time I get a job and get my diabetes under control and lose weight, they fuck me out of the job and try to make me gain the weight back.

That is extremely bad for a diabetic.

If they get the diabetes to kill me then they have a cover.

Every single one of them deserves to die. Anyone that says that they do not deserve to die deserves to die with them.

I want everyone that was involved in the harassment in this fucking shit hole dead.

Including the punks that called up here to their gossiping useless piece of shit families before I even got here.

Any country that would allow garbage nazis to hide behind a national security cover up blanket and develop the weaponry is a country that should no longer exist and everyone that lets them keep hiding deserves to be executed.

Any government that is in bed with criminal organizations deserves to be executed with the criminal organizations.

Fuck the big brother tech industry garbage. More that should be exterminated. 
Death to god, guns and gold.


Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Well kiddies it is almost that time of year for some of the biggest tax write offs. Called Super Bowl ads.

Did you also know that every time some company pays millions and millions of dollars to name a stadium, arena or other sports venue it is a tax write off? 

100 percent of the money spent is a write off.

All money paid to celebrities for endorsements is also a 100 percent write off. 

Not just sports celebrities, but actors and actresses as well.

The whole television model is basically set up to run on tax write offs for advertisers. 

It isn't just the government screwing you, it is your favorite athletes and other celebrities as well. 

It is way past time to end the advertising write offs and bring the salaries of entertainers back down where they belong. 

Does it amount to extortion when a delivery app company hires someone under the premise of working where they want and when they want, and then they make it so that you can not get orders or get shut out of the good orders if you don't take the offers that you do not want?
Basically they are saying either take everything we offer you or you won't get anything.
Are these mob companies?
If they supposedly have an AI that makes the offers, how can it not tell when you purposefully shut down taking offers and drive to a different area that you don't want to just keep getting sent back to that area?
More bullshit from computer wienies.
Let me see if I can simplify this. For years I have had jobs delivering in that area. Mostly construction supplies to campus buildings and for those asinine apartments and stores across the street.
For years I have been posting how much I fucking hate driving in that area, especially when the students are there.
Why as an independent contractor can I simply state to the delivery apps that I do not want to go to certain areas or to certain stores so that they do not waste their time and my time giving me the offers?
There are even options when you refuse an offer to give the reason that you avoid that store, but then they just try and send you right back to it.
Every time they send me on a delivery to the MLK road area I turn everything off and drive all the way back across town because I am not getting stuck in that area making pick-ups.
Same with the downtown Lansing area.
This job sucks because this area sucks and because of the useless government in this county not regulating the industry.
Trying to run me out of the job will only make me fight very hard to end the entire industry.
Put the food back into the grocery stores, lower the prices and learn how to cook for yourselves. Get your own groceries as well.
Just a reminder: Help control the computer tech industry greed by ending the tax write off for advertising.


Sunday, January 23, 2022

Well once again Sunday is cut short with less money because the fucking asshole apps keep sending me to downtown East Lansing and Frandor.

I shut the apps off and drove all the way out to Meridian Mall to get away from the shit they were assigning me.

I parked in the mall parking lot and turned two of the apps on Grubhub sent me an offer to go to downtown East Lansing. I rejected it and put do not like pickup/delivery area.

20 seconds later they sent me another off to go to the McDonalds just outside of downtown East Lansing. I might have taken that on, but the delivery was going through downtown East Lansing so I rejected it.

Within a couple of minutes they sent me another offer going to Frandor. I rejected it.

All 3 orders were in the 5 or 6 dollar range and much more suitable for someone already in that part of town.

A minute later they sent me another offer. To Buffalo Wild wings in downtown East Lansing. I got sick of rejecting the offers as it does count against me and can get me kicked out of using the app so I took it.

I got there and they could not find the order. I have been there before and know that when they are busy the orders take forever.

Either the kitchen equipment can't handle the volume or their cooks are not very good. Probably too busy flirting with the waitresses as that is the norm here in this asshole useless area.

I called Grubhub support and told them about it and that I wasn't going to wait for 30 minutes on an 8 dollar order.

They gave me the typical "sorry for your inconvenience" and that they would unassigned the order. Then they said that it will probably affect my acceptance rate.

I told them that I don't care and if they were going to keep sending me to that area I was just going to use a different app.

The flood the areas with drivers so that they can treat them like shit.

They point out hotspots to get as many drivers there as possible. All that does is mean less orders per driver. Not at the same time, but there won't be anything after you take one.

Say one delivery takes 30 minutes out and back. Instead of you getting the offer of one that came in on the way back someone sitting there will get it and just wait for it to get ready.

The whole fucking system they have is not set up to benefit the drivers, It is set up to make sure that they get every order picked up and make their commission.

Look up the stories about what they are doing to the drivers in the UK. Luckily they have a means of fighting back. The U.S. sucks for workers.

Notice in those stories that the names may be different, but the emblem points to the company here. Grubhub is owned by a company in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Maybe the drivers here should unionize? Make an U.S. version of the Independent Workers Union.

I for one am sick of getting jerked around. I am definitely sick of someone else not being able to do their job and/or faulty equipment fucking me out of time that I could be making money.

If you are slammed I get it. Please get that me leaving is not a reflection on you. The offer is not enough money for the time required is all.

I try to be out there 5 days a week. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I work from between 6:30 - 7:00 am to around 5:00 pm or later. Except like today when I get fucked around in the East Lansing/Frandor area.

I point out that I do not want to be in that area so all they do is fuck me over in that area.

For the Merchants and Customers, my name as shown on the app is James V. They already had a Jim or I would be using that. All 3 apps already had a Jim.

Any cities want a good driver? You must not have any of these 3 things: College or University town; state Government or large government employment; GM, lots of their suppliers or the fucking trains going to them.

Make it 4 things. A place without useless pieces of shit in the mass media.

Any place without the radiation weaponry would be good as well.

Somewhere where it is legal to kill drug dealers would be good as well.


Thursday, January 13, 2022

My last order tonight I backed into a spot in front of the restaurant and got out of my car. Two spaces away was a guy in a blue Prius just sitting there. I saw the delivery bag on his passenger seat.

I have no idea how long he was there.

I went in and the order I needed was not done yet which I pretty much new as I was close when I got the offer.

As I was waiting for the order the guy came in and picked up a different order that they had just brought out.

This restaurant is rarely a long wait for orders.

I waited about 5 more minutes for the order I needed and went out to my car.

The guy in the Prius was still sitting in the parking lot???

I said out loud that he was probably waiting for another order.

He rolled down his window and said "excuse me".

I said back "Deliver the order you just picked up."

I got in my car and he was behind me leaving the parking lot??

What a sorry ass driver.

He is probably about my age, I am 56, with white hair. When he walked into the restaurant his gut was protruding from beneath his jacket and over his pants, but it was covered with a shirt.

I can't stand these worthless idiots out there. They make everyone look bad and that lowers the money. I am not referring to his appearance either, I am referring to whatever he was doing instead of getting on with the delivery.

On a separate note, fuck all the 3 dollar offers. I am not going to do them, period.

Every time I get sent into the campus area I get numerous ridiculous offers.

I got one today for 2 deliveries worth $4.91. WTF?????? I took a screenshot of it. The pick ups are in downtown East Lansing and just west of it, the deliveries are not even on campus.

Let the college students and the Prius drivers have the deliveries that are that kind of bullshit.

You are not helping me one little bit with those offers Uber. I can make more than that on Doordash.

Uber sent me some crap about a Crew Member wanting to talk with me and to set up a 15 minute time slot. I would probably get de-activated if I told them what I think of the whole bunch of crap


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Wonderful. I get home after a total shit day at work to the news that my cat with cancer is suddenly puking again.

He just had his monthly blood tests at the Vet 2 days ago and they said that everything was perfect.

Sounds like some pin-dick nazi piece of shit is attacking him with the radiation weaponry again. Everyone involved in using, producing, funding or cover up for any of that deserves to die.

If I ever get proof of anyone attacking him with radiation weaponry, I will exterminate their entire family.

Now I get to wait for the email from Uber accusing me of fraud because I had to unassign a delivery after I had already picked it up. I took the food back to the restaurant because the piece of shit app wouldn't let me confirm the pick up and go to the next pick up.

I called their support and got to listen to shitty hold music for almost 13 minutes. Think about it now, I had someone's food already in my car and someone else's food was waiting to be picked up by me while I waited on hold for almost 13 minutes.

I tried to text the first person to tell them what was going on and that they should cancel the order to get a refund. I was in the process of texting he second person when a support agent answered the phone and said some bullshit about the call being disconnected and he called me back.

The call never disconnected. He starting saying something about solving the problem before I had even told him the problem. If they recorded the hold they are going to hear some choice words.

The first order was a $10+ order and the second was a $15+ order.

I was trying to tell him what was going on and even read the error message to him, but he acted like he was talking to someone else?

He asked if there was anything else and as I was talking disconnected me. I took the order back in to the restaurant and they said that it wasn't the first time that they had that issue.??

So I just said fuck it and unassigned the order. I went to the second order pick up and got it and immediately texted the customer that I was on my way and apologized for the wait due to support.

I have no idea if I will get the tip on that order or not. So over $25 dollars in money for me delivering the orders is reduced to $7 if I do not get the tip on the second one. Not to mention the over 30 minutes it took to just get the second one delivered.

The more bullshit out there, the more I really, really dislike computer nerds.


Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Wonder if it has anything to do with Michigan having so many universities that had students go home for winter break and then return?

Add in all the new students starting mid year and the large amount of idiots that are not vaccinated and this is what you get:


More psycho-babble bullshit.
This article and the whole bunch of crap that it is based on is more Eugenics.
Why isn't the pedophile attracted to other children when they are a child?
Why do so many pedophiles seek out positions where they have power over the children?
How is the supposed fantasy any different than any other power tripping fantasy?
It is not a disease. It is a crime. If someone can't control themselves sexually why would it be any different than rape of an adult? Except even worse.
They don't need treatment they need to be executed. Including clergy.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Well the harassment spread to the Meridian Mall security today. Anymore and I will sue that place out of business. I tried to contact both the Mall and the security company that she works for, but both conveniently won't let me send them an email. Time to go over their heads.


Hello. I am a delivery driver for all three major delivery apps. I make pick up from the mall food court and do deliveries and shop and deliver from other stores in the mall as well. On 1/8/2022 I had a pick up from Auntie Anne's pretzels in the Mall. I parked outside where I was told to park by a security guard 6 months ago and where pretty much everyone parks to go in and get the orders from the food court.

I put the GrubHub be right back placard in the front window on the dash. It is about a 10 inch square bright red piece of cardboard provided by GrubHub.

I went in to pick up the order and stood there for at least 10 minutes waiting on them to get it done before I finally just rejected the delivery and left as the time was no longer worth the money involved.

I exited the mall to see a female security officer sitting in her truck across the entry way from her I parked. She was African American and looked fairly obese.

I got in my car pulled the placard out of the window and left. As I was leaving I noticed a piece of paper under a windshield wiper. First off my wiper do not work like that. You have to open the hood to replace them. I got out of my car and looked at the piece of paper.

The security guard wrote me a warning for parking where the security people told me to park. If you or her think that I will walk across the parking lot just to get orders from the food court you are mistaken. If you stop the drivers from parking there I will do every thing that I can to get them to boycott the mall entirely.

Secondly, did she give anyone else a warning ticket today/tonight? If not that is called harassment.

Check with the food court vendors to see how many orders they had that were picked up by delivery drivers who most likely parked right where I was.

I am going to contact the security company about her as well. I want her fired. 

Friday, January 7, 2022

Well that was an extremely shitty day at work.

Started out logging in by the corner of Okemos and Jolly roads.

Where I get off the highway on that side of town to start my day.

First offer I get is GrubHub. All the fucking way to Dewitt I69 at Airport road. It was enough to say fuck it I'll just come back after.

They hit me with another offer when I was just about done with that one going all the way into Grand Ledge to the Taco Bell.

I said o.k. because I could use the highway and still go back when done.

The Taco Bell had not gotten the order and said that I was the second driver already this morning that they told their system wasn't working.

I got ahold of Driver Care chat and the first one disconnected on me while I was telling him the problem. I went out and back and the second one told me he would resend the order and I could check after 5 minutes.

I actually waited the 5 minutes and checked with the employees again. They said they were on the phone with their tech guy, but the order had not come in yet.

I texted the customer about them not getting the order, but he did not reply.

After I checked back I said good luck and rejected the offer.

That counts against me because their equipment wasn't working.

I guess I am supposed to wait an hour for an order. Fuck that.

I headed back to where I started and got hit with an Uber order going to East Lansing.

By the time I got back to the east side of town it was past breakfast and I got screwed around and did not make shit.

The Taco Bell thing is 0 money even for the 5+ miles to get there.

Then someone started playing games with my Internet connection and I would accept and offer from one of the other apps and as soon as I did I would get an Uber offer going in a different direction.

Service suffered as I was so low on earnings I had to take both and the second one took longer than it should have.

In the later afternoon the offers started getting stupid. I was at the Meridian Mall, which has a Panda Express, and they routed me to the Panda Express in downtown East Lansing for an order going to the area just north of the lake by Park Lake road??

From the mall straight up Marsh to I69 and off at Webster and pretty much there in 10 minutes to Downtown East Lansing and working my way through the area and all the way around the 25 mph lake area which took about 20 to 25 minutes????

WTF DoorDash????

Then later as I was going north on Okemos road coming back from Mason, Grubhub decided to route me to the Chipolte at the corner of Okemos and Grand River roads for a delivery going to S. Cedar St. in Mason at about 4:30 pm.

With no way to get to the highway until I96 which would take me to US127 and down to Cedar or Kipp in a kind of round way or take Okemos Rd all the way to Mason and cut over to Cedar the delivery took 20 minutes.

If they had routed to order to the downtown East Lansing Chipolte whoever got it could have delivered it in 10 to 15 minutes as they were closer to 127.

The whole thing was a fucking mess today.

If they keep this shit up they are not going to have me out there when the weather gets really bad. I can stay at home for a month and be o.k.


Wednesday, January 5, 2022

The fucking water pressure is even lower this morning.

If I can not take a shower I will not work handling other people's food.

This is most likely being done on purpose.

I will not turn into one of those nasty disgusting Michigan people that do not bathe/shower.

If I get any kind of proof that this I being done on purpose I will exact revenge. 
Notice, I write about being clean and taking showers and that gets fucked up. Anything and everything these nazi cunts with the weaponry can do they will. 
They deserve to die. 


Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Has anyone considered that certain groups could be using the weaponry to feed their members or anyone they want to make look smart or good the answers needed on game shows?

There are millions of dollars in prizes from game shows.

Religious groups could profit a lot from tithing when their members win lots of money.

Family members of people in the defense department and their contractors.

They could also use the weaponry to negatively affect someone they don't like. Disorientation or popping in wrong answers.

Until such a time as the grid is used to detect and destroy the broadcasts and broadcasters all of these type shows should be shut down.


I do not know what is causing it, but my Internet just pauses then runs the last 5 to 10 seconds on fast forward quite a bit.

It makes gaming a pain in the ass for combat.

It doesn't matter what I am doing in a game, it just freezes.

I log out, clear my cache, refresh, etc. it still does it.


Apple hit 3 Trillion. That means that supposedly Apple, the phone and computer company, was worth 3 Trillion dollars.
A 3 Trillion dollar company that has most if not all of its products made by people living and working in extremely bad conditions.
Look it up if you have been living under a rock.
This is the exploitation mentioned by Marx and Engels at close to its worst.
Shareholders are complicit in this human rights abuse.
Quit turning a blind eye.
Those iProducts that you buy are made for pennies and you are dumb enough to pay thousands for them.
The tech industry as a whole takes part in this.
Fuck the stock market. There needs to be a worldwide revolution against capitalism run amok.


Saturday, January 1, 2022

Great. Some useless morons with their "look at me I am making noise" childish fireworks crap woke me up at midnight and the nazi scumbags wouldn't let me get back to sleep.

I want to get a gun specifically to shoot assholes with those loud fireworks and the morons that made them legal.


Every single little thing that they do to me with their weaponry goes right back to the shit that got the attacks started.

Friday, December 31, 2021

 Defund the defense contractors.

Well the pieces of garbage with the radiation weaponry have been using the "we'll make you blind then what?" garbage to attack me for years..

Now I have been diagnosed by my eye doctor as having diabetic retinopathy and the assholes do their shit even more.

They use the entrainment to cause my eyes to focus differently as they have for years. It feels like my head is being split down the middle when they do it.

Whenever I think a woman is attractive they go into the make me blind then what crap and the you'll want a fat one.

I pointed out way back when I worked at Travelers Club that "I am not into big women."

I do not find heavy women attractive and I do not want to have sex with them. My choice.

I have a right to my personal preferences. Fuck you if you don't like it. I do not care, they are my preferences.

Then they go into the fat cunt from the bar which was a set up.

She said that she would smoke a joint with me if I gave her a ride home. I said ok because the fucking assholes in this town made it ridiculously hard for me to buy any pot.

AWWWW. Did the cocaine cunts get their panties in a bunch because I didn't want anything to do with it?

AWWWW. Did the fuck cult weirdos get their panties in a bunch because I think they are disease ridden disgusting garbage that I would rather do without than have sex with?

The bars by the lake were then and probably still are full of cocaine and extasy garbage.

I did not want to have sex with her. She said she wanted to call people and have a party. I partied with lots and lots of people. It does not mean that I want to have sex with them.

She came on to me. I got tired of all the bullshit in this shit hole of a fucking town about whether or not I was having sex. I said fuck it and she sucked my dick.

I should have just punched the nasty bitch in the face and left.

I hate this fucking piece of shit town and their constantly turning every little thing into some sexual bullshit.

This whole shit hole should be exterminated for that.

I will die before I ever have an kind of sexual relationship with anyone in this fucking garbage dump of humanity.

I want the whole piece of shit Travelers Club crowd that got that shit started dead.

Everyone else that joined in can doe with them and the world will be a better place.

Expose the weaponry and all the harassment. I will continue to try and expose every single little thing that I can about this shit hole until the weaponry is gone.

As I get ready to post this the pin dick nazis with the weaponry use "You're the one that wanted to live there".

No, I said I liked living here because I was just set up by two cunts in the Mayfair to say the names Brian and Jason. I said I was going to talk to them in Dayton. I said I like living her because I was in a bar full of criminals and didn't want them thinking that I was going somewhere to tell on them.

The garbage that used to hang out at the Mayfair and anyone that still does are just that, GARBAGE. I loathe, despise and detest every single on of them, DAY OR NIGHT.

Same goes for the assholes at the old Plum Crazy Sports Bar and anyone that frequents the Blue Gill Grill as it is called now.

For the record, DEATH TO BRIAN AND JASON. (not sure how Jason is spelled as some fat ass in a black Mustang was driving around back then with the license plate Jaysen. Not the same Jason as the one from Dayton.

Brian and Jason both showed up at Sundance car dealership where it became evident that Brian was related to those inbreds as they all look alike.



When the weaponry is finally exposed, how many sporting or other events that people gamble on will be able to say with certainty that the weaponry wasn't used to affect the outcome?

Does anyone actually put it past criminals to rig betting and use the radiation weaponry to cause things along the lines of the Moscow or Havana effects?