Thursday, December 7, 2023

Just got back from the doctor office about my diabetes.

Back to the uncontrolled range 7.3 A1C.

Weight back up to 250.

All because every time I get a job where I get a little exercise and get my diabetes under control some stupid piece of shit has to start fucking around and I end up getting fucked over.

I get no exercise in the bullshit gig delivery work.

Everything that the fucking garbage with the weaponry can do to fuck me over they do.

Why don't you little pussies come out of hiding and admit what you do? Cunts.

They cause stress to the point of me losing my hair. No one in my family tree is bald.

I used to be in shape, now they try and make me fat. Why? Just because ignorant Michigan cunts can't control themselves? Or maybe the gay brigade? I hate this shit hole.

I used to be strong, but now they try and keep me out of jobs that I can get some exercise and they have totally destroyed my leg strength from making me sedentary.

The 15 years out of the work force was to stay the fuck away from the useless pieces of shit in this asshole of an area and everywhere else in this fucking bullshit that they have turned my life into.

I want every fucking one of you dead.

The mother fuckers that put me in the spotlight or made me 'number 1' or everything else that they have done are nothingness pieces of disgusting shit that deserve to die.

I want whoever put me in this shit to die a very slow and very painful death.


All you fucking assholes have done is torture me. You are the ones causing me to die slowly. You are trying to break me and that will never happen.

I will make sure every fucking last one of you are dead.

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