Thursday, December 7, 2023

 I apply and apply and apply for jobs that I can do, but get no response what so ever.

When I tried to get out of this shit after my mother died they put me in the worst fucking jobs here.

Meijer Warehouse DC 85 and the useless sex cult Sparrow ER in Okemos.

I will find out who is behind this bullshit with the jobs around here and when I do their whole family will cease to be.

I repeatedly put in writing that I did not want to work that many hours. I want 45 or less hours per week. You clock milking overtime pushing pieces of shit all need to be put out of business.

Just more reason to hate this shit hole of a state.

You fucking worthless pieces of shit that have turned the workplace into a bunch of fuck cult shit holes all deserve to die.

I do not want my own company. Never have, never will.

I want a set schedule. Take your pussy ass flexible bullshit and shove it. I am at no one's beck and call ever.

You pea brained idiots need to learn the difference between servicing an account and being your personal servant.

You trapped me in the gig work and now you are trying to make it so that I can not even support myself with it.

Death to capitalist pigs.

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