Tuesday, December 5, 2023

This post will be 3 Facebook posts in the order posted on Facebook. Separated by dashes.



The Taco cunt Bell in Okemos on Grand River is complete and utter bullshit.

I have been sitting at the drive thru order here mic for 15 minutes
The employees here are worthless fucking idiots and this shit hole should be closed down.

Death to Taco Bell.
The ignorant asshole said give me a sec when I got to the order here mic. 15 minutes later I said this is frickin ridiculous.
He started saying excuse me we are busy.
I had a pick up for a customer that I received a ready to pick up 10 minutes before I got there.
They sent me the offer on my way back from Williamston.
The asshole said I cursed at him.
I said I flicking.
I said I had a prepaid order and they needed to get it done.
The fucking little pussy manager came on and said he wasn't going to have his employees cursed at.
I do not like being accused of shit I didn't do.
So I ntold him to get the order ready and he told me to get out of his drive thru line.
Now I started yelling.
Their fucking drive thru at that shot hole has no way to get out of it.
So I had to pull forward where there wad only.one car of dumbest MSU bitches that the drive thru guy was flirting with.
So I just kept right on yelling to let me out you wanted me out.
Fuck them.
That shit hole should be closed down.
I will never take an offer for that shit hole again.
The franchise owner better hope I never meet them.
Death to Taco Bell.
Next time some ignorant little girls are flirting with the drive thru guy so that a line almost 10 cars deep forms I will move the little bitches myself.
So Hannah H if your food was bad it was because of the useless pieces of shit at the Taco Bell on Grand River in Okemos and most likely your school mates fucking around.
I just sent a complaint form in to the Taco Bell website about that piece of shit restaurant again.
I got there at 11:59. They are not supposed to close the lobby until 12.
I could see two orders waiting for pick up on the delivery pick up shelves. Another driver got thee and they would not answer the door to give us the orders that were already paid for by a Taco Bell customer.
Instead of keeping the drive thru line moving they take 3 or 4 cars then make the next one wait until all of those are out of the drive thru.
The Taco Bell in Frandor only takes online orders after they close the lobby. They are much faster.
The other 2 Taco Bells on the East side of town are also much faster.
But the fucking dumb ass computer nerds have to route everything to the same store which cause a back up and the quality of the food to go down, if that is possible from Taco Bell, and the delivery experience, because of the wait, to be bad.
I hate that fucking Taco Bell. Nothing but problems in that shit hole.
Learn how to make your own tacos you lazy asses. It is easy and way better than that shit from Taco Bell.
Once again my stats suffer because of useless morons.
I fucking hate this shit and everyone that trapped me in it.
Yes, I will go off on anyone that pulls that shit accusing me of something that I didn't do. I will go off on ignorant giggling little cunts playing games as well.
Keep pushing my buttons on purpose and one of you will not ever do it again.
Fuck that sorry ass little punk cunt PC pin dick piece of shit night manager at Taco Bell.
For the record, the little bitches were fist bumping the drive thru guy so maybe he gave them free shit?
I am not going to tell you that you are awesome when you totally suck shit.
I do not give a rat's ass about your PC bullshit.

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