Seriously, why the fuck would anyone want to join the military???
As a soldier/sailor you are nothing more than an expendable pawn to be a shield for the rich and powerful.
What are countries? Countries are partitioned off areas of land. Most countries are ruled by some form of government. The people in those governments do not want to give up their perceived power.
I used perceived because in the U.S. for example the government is technically supposed to work for the people not rule them.
In the U.S. most of those people in government depend on money from the rich and/or wealthy whether in the form of an individual donor or a corporate sponsor. Pretty ridiculous, but they need the money to pay for all the radio and television advertisements.
Seriously, it has been called a violation of the countries best interests when a large corporation got hacked???? That is a matter for private industry to take care of not the government. If fighting had ensued the ones doing it would not have been the corporation or the people in government.
A small country was invaded. The U.S. military was sent to expel the invaders. Only because of U.S. money interests in the form of oil companies and stock, but not because it was defending freedom or just doing the right thing. (Kuwait)
Another country had/has a massive genocide occurring. No military to stop it. Because there was no monetary interests in sending the military. (Darfur)
A 'police action' ensues after U.S. people rigged an election in a foreign country just to stop the majority from winning the election. The majority had a different political ideology than the U.S.
Just a few instances of U.S. bullshit. The same has more than likely happened in a lot of other countries as well and you should research it.
The only way that anyone in the U.S. military will ever actually fight for freedom is if someone else is trying to invade the U.S.
You sheep have been brainwashed by religion, money and nationalistic propaganda into becoming human shields. You go out and fight and get killed or maimed while the defense contractors and the politicians are getting richer.
You keep defending the bullshit that goes on in the U.S. and all you are really doing is hurting those that are not wealthy/rich or politicians.
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer is what you are really defending.
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