This post will contain all of the emails starting with when I contacted the company president. It will also contain the last message from a thread in the previous post as mentioned there. That message is actually a follow up to the thread with the company president. The next post will contain everything that I sent out to people associated with Dewitt schools about how bad GRBS really is and the shoddy work that they do.
Not sure who else to contact
Inbox x
James Vierling
Jan 23, 2019, 3:29 PM (7 days ago)
to kwysocki
First off, I do apologize for contacting you. I would use the chain of command, but so far they have all lied to me or not done what they said they would do.
I would like to get what I am proposing out there now and then go into why I do not trust the chain of command.
I am currently working for you cleaning Dewitt High School on 2nd shift. I do not have a problem with the Supervisor at the school. I do not mind doing the work at the school. I would rather stay there than do what I was hired in for and clean bank floors. I would however like to do the floors on 3rd shift instead.
I am a good worker and I do not stop to play around. I would remain that way on 3rd shift as well.
What I would like to do is go in and vacuum the classrooms and hallways as they are all carpeted in that school. Then take care of the tile cafeteria and main hallway floors and all the side hallways as well. Also vacuum all entrance ways. I would like to have two good upright vacuums that stay at the high school along with the wide supersuction vacuum for the hallways. The carpet extractor for when I get days like today that school was cancelled. A carpet shampooer for the foyers would be really nice. There is a rider scrubber there and a couple of more mop buckets wouldn't hurt.
I would start with that and figure out a system and then pick up more things if there was time to do so. I would like the schedule to be 9 pm. until 5:30 am.
Do not know if there would be time to help shut down after events.
I told Theresa, (not sure on spelling), that I would go to 3rd shift as there is not one at the moment, but she said that I would have to take a big pay cut. Why??? I would be doing almost exactly what I do now just without the interruptions.
As for the chain of command uncertainty:
I was originally hired in as the night time traveling bank floor cleaner position. I have never been in a bank in my time working for GRBS. I was hired by Lindsi and she never told me that I would even be in a school.
Theresa basically told me tough crap you are here in the school when I told her that I was supposed to be in the banks. Also the 3rd shift pay cut thing.
Victor is too shifty for me to like. He seems more of a salesperson than a worker. I could be wrong, but I don't think he likes to get dirty. I apologize if I am way off base here, I have only met him a couple of times.
Just so that you know, I have a strict non-fraternization policy for myself. I do not date co-workers nor am I interested in anyone that would work at the school or any of the students. The latter being somewhat of a problem as the cheerleaders practice in the main cafeteria half naked so I really can't do the SEG part of SEGWAY without looking like a pervert.
I have tried very hard to be nice to everyone there, but I think some take it the wrong way. I try to take an interest in what the various people and/or teams are doing, but again I think it gets taken wrong.
I feel the best way that I could do my job is with the right equipment and on 3rd shift away from the staff and students.
Thanks for taking the time to read this,
James Vierling Jr.
Karin Wysocki
Jan 23, 2019, 9:37 PM (7 days ago)
to BHall, me
James, we can’t have you on third in Dewitt because they don’t want us there on third shift for energy conservation and security. That being said, we have third shift positions that will be at $12.00 per hour Sunday - thursday night and $13.00 Friday and Saturday night from 9:00pm - 5:30 am. It is at the Michigan Athletic Club in downtown Lansing. Would you like to transfer there?
The bank position is both cleaning, training, completing tile care and floor care in the Central area, using our van, but includes the North all the way up to Gaylord. I am surprised they do not have you on this tile schedule yet as well as training and filling in for bank cleaners. I can look into that quickly, you are needed in that role if you don’t want the Michigan Athletic Club role.
Victor is no longer with us, and I believe he was used to more hands off management than our expectations, which I think you experienced. But he is a good guy and hard worker, sorry you didn’t see that part of him. Theresa is as well and much more hands on.
So I will pass this on to Ben Hall, our Human Resources Director, who can get back with you on the MAC option and if you still want the banks, we will proceed with Theresa and her support management on why you are not doing that role, but it does include training people on bank cleaning, bank fill in and bank floor care around the state, using our van and equipment.
Thanks James, Karin
Sent from my iPad
James Vierling
Jan 23, 2019, 9:42 PM (7 days ago)
to Karin
Thank you for your reply. I think that I would rather just stay where I am than travel around the state. I live with my disabled mother and need to be home every night. I will continue to do the work as best as I can. No, I do not want anything to do with Michigan State.
Thanks again for your time,
James Vierling jr.
Karin Wysocki
Jan 23, 2019, 9:59 PM (7 days ago)
to me
If you are staying at Dewitt, it would be a paycut. They have been utilizing you as a sub, so your choices are the bank lead/floor care position or the Michigan Athletic Club (it’s not Michigan State). Ben, please get with James, not sure how we got so off track here.
Sent from my iPad
James Vierling
Jan 23, 2019, 10:09 PM (7 days ago)
to Karin
I'll just take the pay cut.
James Vierling
Jan 23, 2019, 10:19 PM (7 days ago)
to Karin
On second thought, I would rather just transfer to the MAC. At least it is closer than Dewitt. I am going to go into Dewitt tomorrow as the supervisor is expecting me, but please transfer me as soon as possible after that. I don't really care about the Dewitt school, but I don't want to leave the supervisor and other workers in a bind.
****Note I did care somewhat, but the stoppage of the third shift just made me want to say screw it.
This is the email that got me fired because Theresa said she showed it to Karin and the violence and language were "disturbing". Theresa said that after she showed it to Karin she wanted me terminated immediately. I never had even one reprimand or write up on that job. I do not know if someone complained about me as no one told me.
James Vierling
Thu, Jan 24, 12:43 AM (6 days ago)
to Theresa, Victor, Jim, Lindsi
Sorry to use this old thread, but I wanted to send this to both of you. I made the mistake of contacting Karen Wysocki about possibly getting a 3rd shift position at Dewitt. I contacted her because I felt like both of you had already given me a run around and didn't trust you. So now I find out that Dewitt doesn't want a third shift and my only options are the bank crap which I do not want or transferring to the MAC on 3rd shift. She said if I stay at Dewitt I have to take a pay cut.
I am most likely going to transfer to the MAC, but if it is a shit job I will most likely just quit. She told someone named Ben to contact me and I am waiting for him to do so. I wrote back that I am going to go to Dewitt tomorrow because Tawny is expecting me, but to transfer me as soon as possible after that.
None of that would be happening if people had told me the truth about hiding me there as a sub. I would not have had time to contact her if I had not shown up at Dewitt for my normal shift and then been told to go home because school was cancelled. Apparently Mike told Tawney to call me about an hour before my shift and I was already on my way when she did. I leave at 1:30 to get there for a 2:30 shift. I get coffee and gas if needed on the way. I try to get there at least 15 minutes early to see what is going on that night.
I would guess that really soon you are going to need to find someone to do the work that I do at Dewitt. I may have to punch the person that killed 3rd shift there in the face.
The worst part of the job is not being able to just do it without anyone there. I like to work by myself, but I am *(should have had the word not here)* driving your vehicle all over Michigan to clean banks.
For the record, I do not have any animosity for the students other than some of them need to be kicked in the butt for the messes that they make on the classroom floors. I do however have a problem with the attitudes that I got from the cheerleading coaches when all I tried to do was warn them that the conditions outside warranted them being careful and hoped that they would pass that along to the cheerleaders. I can't really talk to the cheerleaders themselves as they are practicing. It doesn't really look right when I am standing there talking to them so I try and keep it as brief as possible. Some of them are a little on the stuck up side, but they are cheerleaders so it is a little bit expected. *(Watch any movie about high schoolers)*
I actually started trying to give a shit about what was going on in that school, but it isn't worth it to take the pay cut.
I will do my job at the MAC as long as I have it, but can't promise that that will be a long time. I am not enamored with GRBS.
Just trying to keep you informed and to be honest with you,
James Vierling Jr.
*(Oh the horror and the humanity, the violence and language are an atrocity.)*
The next one is the follow up to being fired that I sent to the company president. I will leave the misspelling as I typed it in a hurry and while just a tad pissed off.
James Vierling
Thu, Jan 24, 3:36 PM (6 days ago)
to Karin
Gee aren't you and your pathetic upper management a bunch of wonderful people. I do my job and do it well. Your trainer that you snuck in to work with us even thanked me for showing him things. He said he thought that I had worked there for years.
Just so you know, "may have to" does not constitute a threat. Learn English. Shit is a word that they can even say on television now. Mostly you fired me because I am a straight white male atheist.
I have already contacted a lawyer about your pay cut within the same company BS and now i am going to send them all the emails in question.
I am going to give the people at Dewitt high school a copy of the email that you fired me over as well as the Dewitt police department that I am going to ask to be present when I turn in my shirts tonight. I am going to send that email to everyone I can and also post it online along with all the other communications between my self and your company. I keep them for my protection against the harassment of religious and LGBT sex cults in this area.
That harassment started all the way back in 1997 at a dump called the Traveler's Club restaurant. I am going to expose all your PC garbage that that community push *(should be pushes) so that they can put their hands all over the underage girls and boys. I am going to do everything I can to destroy your company and that whole bunch of PC garbage.
Have a nice day,
James M. Vierling Jr.
The next few emails are what I sent out to various parties withing the school system of Dewitt. Remember, they banned me, illegally, from their school system. Also at this point I filed a complaint with OSHA about the regulations that GRBS does not follow at the high school. The emails are to the Principal of Dewitt High School, a trustee and the Board of education for Dewitt schools and the only PTA link I could find for Dewitt schools.
one time only please do not reply
Inbox x
James Vierling
Thu, Jan 24, 9:19 PM (6 days ago)
to mckeanjod
hello. this is the one and only email that you will ever get from me. I am not trying to harass you. I filed a complaint with OSHA against GRBS and their practices within your school. Most likely all the schools that they supposedly clean are this way as well. I do not know the name of the person that contracts with GRBS or I would have sent it to him. Sorry to bother you with it. It is still just stuck in my craw that they actually fired someone that gave a shit over their PC crap. Here is the body of the OSHA complaint.
Several pieces of cleaning equipment have frayed electrical cords. 4 of the mop drain custodial rooms have uncleaned, for months, traps and surfaces. That is where you fill and dump mop buckets and other equipment. the 4 are in the carpeted classroom hallways. The trash can in home economics classroom still stinks after I tried to wash it out. The tables in the cafeteria fold up in the middle. If you fold them up you can see food particles that have been mashed together there for a long time. GRBS cleans with cold water instead of hot. They scrub the floors with a riding scrubber and only cold water. The scrubber leaves behind water in the cafeteria that is not mopped up. It stands until it evaporates. They do not clean out the bottoms of the trash cans and tell you to just put a new bag in. They do not always clean the bleachers that are extended for sporting events. They just pick up the big stuff and close up the bleachers with the food still in them. They do not wipe down the folding chairs used by the teams after games or in between games with different teams using them. They never even wipe down the tops of the cafeteria tables as far as I know. They use as little chemicals for cleaning as possible often times just using water, cold water even in the kitchen. There are probably many more violations that I am just not aware of in probably every single school that they clean.
Good luck with your schools and maybe your overpaid Board of Education should take a pay cut and use the money to hire real custodians that work for the school district.
James Vierling Jr.
My side of the story
Inbox x
James Vierling
AttachmentsJan 25, 2019, 2:48 PM (5 days ago)
to StoddardBradley
Hello. First I want to say that the Dewitt girls team kicks some butt. Congrats. The attachment is a .rtf which is a wordpad document if you are not familiar with it. I can't afford the real Microsoft Word.
Before you read it if you do, I would like to clarify something else. If any student at the school felt that I was looking at them inappropriately, I really was not trying to do so. For the record, the varsity cheer squad should really put on some kind of baggier shorts over what basically constitutes their underwear. I have seen grown men come into the events while they were still practicing stand there and stare at them. They are basically full grown women physically.
Anyways, I was fired by GRBS and I consider it an unjust termination. The attachment is a synopsis of the entire history between myself and GRBS. You can check with people at the school as to whether or not I did my job. Just please don't get the attachment graded by an English teacher.
No reply is necessary just do what you think is the right thing please.
Thank you for your time,
James Vierling Jr.
Here is the attachment :
GRBS The BS should stand for bull shit
This may take awhile to read, it will take me a really long time to type.
I interviewed with a woman named Lindsi for the position of Traveling Night Bank Floor Cleaner at GRBS. During the interview she stated that it was a full time position driving their vehicle and it paid $13.00/hr. She also told me that the farthest bank was in Owosso. She continued to say the same things in orientation. The position would not have started until the evening after the banks had closed.
It was either at orientation or at a meeting the next couple of days that I met Theresa. I had had email exchanges so that I knew where to show up. She was asking me when I could come in and I tried to explain that I wanted to change my sleep schedule for when i would be going to the banks. She was very rude and told me that I wasn't in the banks and I needed to come in earlier. Basically she was forcing me into cleaning the schools during winter break as no one wants to work for GRBS and they are constantly short handed.
I worked the first day and was told to use the backpack vacuum upstairs to spot vacuum. I was not shown how to put it on properly and when I started Mike said that he would be back in about 10 minutes. 1 1/2 hours later I finished what I thought that I was supposed to be doing and was sweating profusely. I have type 2 diabetes which I told Lindsi about in the interview.
Later that night when I got home I sent an email to about 4 people that were involved in the previous email exchange including Theresa. I told them that I can not do that in a heated building where I sweat so much because of my type 2. She said it was part of the job. It was not part of the job that I was supposedly hired in for. The banks don't take that long and they turn down the heat at night. I told all of them that I did not particularly want to clean up after other people's children and that I would rather have no hours until I could train for the banks. I was told that I had to take the school hours for "training" or lose the job.
I have the entire email conversations mentioned in this on file.
Imagine that, I ended up wanting to stay in the school until I had to take too big of a pay cut.
After the debacle of the winter break cleaning was supposedly over, they kept telling me on a daily basis to come in the next day or not. There is no posted schedule.
Turns out that the students, teachers and other faculty are not that bad and it wasn't a bad place to be.
At that time there was a 3rd shift employee that kept calling in sick. She switched to 2nd shift and I asked Theresa about taking the 3rd shift position. Theresa said that I would have to take a big pay cut if she put me in that position. (the current ad for that position of 2nd shift says 9.75 to 10.00/hr). Do you Dewitt people really want the type of people willing to work that job for that pay around your children? Not everyone is 77, (Chuck) and just wants to stay active. I am 53 and wanted the exercise to a point, but not for 10.00/hr. Your children should be worth more than that to keep safe and make sure they have a clean school.
After she said I would have to take the pay cut to be on 3rd shift there she states "I will just leave you where you are until you leave." Leave what???? The job, the area, the state, the country???? She is part of the harass them until they quit LGBT PC cult that has been screwing up my life since I worked at the Traveler's Club in 1997. I cleaned a little bit there as well. I seriously do not like those people or their ways. I could care less about who they have sex with as long as they are consenting adults and they do not try and force it on anyone.
I have a strict non-fraternization policy about my workplace environment.
What the Dewittians should do is buy your own equipment and hire your own custodians. You set the standards and enforce them to make the schools better for your local children. In normal states places with good schools and not just the curriculum attract more people looking to move in. The more people that move in the bigger tax base you have and you can just keep improving your schools and town/city.
More time passed and I kept doing my job at the high school. I even found myself taking an interest in some of the activities taking place at the school especially the sports teams as they were the ones there after school. Good luck to them.
Some of the teams practice in the hallways. I tried to stay out of their way and they were always courteous and let me pass when I needed to to do my job.
With all of the practices going on in the hallways and cafeterias, I thought it would be best for all if I tried to go to 3rd and clean all the floors then when their practices were over. I didn't want to try to talk to Theresa again and get another run around so I went to the corporate offices. That pretty much means straight to the President which they claim is an open door policy to do. The President's name is Karen Wysocki. she is the person that like to blow her own horn about tripling the sales at GRBS. What she neglects to mention is that the money did not go back into the company for equipment nor did she make sure that she had enough staff to take care of the new customers.
She seemed a little put out that I was not already put into the short handed bank cleaning rotation and did not like it at all that I was making 13/hr at the high school. (I have the email exchange). She told me that they were just using me as a "sub". A sub for over a month???
I made the offer of going to 3rd shift and doing all of the floors in the school for the same pay as I was getting. She said no way and that I would have to take a pay cut to stay at the school. she then informed me that my only two options were to go to the bank cleaning position or transfer to the MAC on 3rd shift. The emails were going out to someone else named Ben as well and she told him to get in contact with me. He never did. The MAC was also a pay cut to 12/hr during the week and the same 13/hr on the weekend. Her tone kind of irked me a little and my first reply was "I'll just take the pay cut." That probably angered her as she is all about the money.
A few minutes later I thought about it and emailed back saying that I would take the transfer to the MAC on 3rd shift. I also informed her that I would be going to the school the next day as the supervisor there was expecting me and I didn't want to leave them in a bind.
I decided to send an email to both Lindsi and Theresa to tell them about my contact with corporate and let them know that I was going to end up transferring to the MAC. Apparently the wording of my email scared little Theresa and Lindsi so much that one or both of them went to the President saying it was violent and the language offended them. After I had clocked in and started working I got called into the office and informed that I was being terminated immediately because of violence and language and that the email was disturbing.
BS they just wanted to screw me over because I went over their heads.
Needless to say, it pissed me off getting fired over BS. I told them that their company was a joke and how much I hated this candy ass PC state. I also told them that the company President could do something vulgar and as I left I told them that I already went to a lawyer to see if their pay cut stuff was even legal.
I took the email to the Clinton County Sheriff myself and even though she was completely an idiot she said nothing about violence or language. All she said was that I was being jugemental and wouldn't let me get a word in edgewise. She is a joke that should not have a badge and I complained to her superiors as well.
I gave a copy of the emial to the Principal at Dewitt High School so that he had the facts and not the rumors spread by the PC crowd. They always get a little more dramatic for one person to the next.
So basically the person that actually gave a shit about doing a good job gets fired and the useless garbage company GRBS gets to keep their contract??? The school system is what is going to feel it the most, because no one, unless they are completely desperate, wants to work for GRBS. All school systems that use GRBS should take an anonymous survey of the GRBS employees as whether they stay there because of the school staff and students or because of GRBS. Fire the working guy and keep the people that only care about money. That is a real good message for your children.
I am going to post this and send this to a lot of people and places. I am sick of all the lying garbage spread about me through the PC clique and other ones. From now on I will be sending the truth to anyone that might want to read it.
Maybe some of those aspiring investigative journalists in the schools would like to dig through this and other GRBS things like billing to see what they could uncover. Before they grow up and sell out like the mass media.
Thanks for taking the time to read,
James M. Vierling Jr.
The next one is to the PTA. I also sent them the attachment above.
James Vierling <>
AttachmentsJan 25, 2019, 5:11 PM (5 days ago)
to dewittpta411
I know you all like Chuck at the high school, but even he would tell you that he is not there for GRBS he is there for the kids. GRBS is a horrible company that doesn't clean very well at all. My name is Jim and until yesterday I was cleaning at the high school on 2nd shift. Fairly tall white hair and beard. Anyway, I was fired in what I consider and unjust manner so I figured I would just blow the whistle on the cleaning company. I filed a complaint with OSHA, but I don't expect much to come of that. I also sent what was in that complaint to the High School Principal. I have sent the attachment with this email to one of the Board of Education trustees as well. I didn't quit and I was actually starting to like the job.
Thanks for taking the time to read and do with it what you will,
Jim Vierling
Yep, I must the bad guy.
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