Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Maybe this will stop some of the crap

Guess what you bunch of pieces of shit. It wouldn't matter if I dated someone now or not.

The radiation attacks have taken the toll intended by the nazi pigs. Sex just isn't going to happen. I can't afford to go to the doctor about my type 2 diabetes so I can't afford Viagra either.

All your harassing and torture has completely eliminated me having sex.

Are you happy now you worthless cunt pieces of shit?????

The bullshit would have never even happened if a bunch of waste of space useless pieces of garbage would have just backed the fuck off instead of pushing and pushing and pushing. I want every fucking one of you pieces of shit dead. Every single busy body cunt bitch that wouldn't stop with the bullshit of pushing sex or trying to fix me up with someone. DIE you fucking garbage DIE.

I do not want pity, I want the garbage dead.

I get tortured and my dick gets rendered useless because I don't have sex with women that I work with. My dick was 8 1/2 inches by 2 inches wide when erect and there are plenty of witnesses to that from before moving to this piece of shit are called Lansing.

I did not want to have sex in this bullshit garbage dump of humanity because a bunch of worthless assholes turned it into the whole fucking town's business. Death to the whole fucking town involved.

Death to everyone that joined in from every where else. Fuck all of you fucking pieces of shit.

I am done being nice to you fucking garbage. Death to the fucking mass media.

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