Monday, January 28, 2019


Why is it legal to ask someone for references on a job application?

Personal references are bad enough as it is none of your business who I associate with outside of work unless they are involved in illegal activity.

Business reference are just a way for employers to get around the laws of what they are allowed to ask from previous employers.

On top of that, what if someone has a non-fraternization policy with their co-workers. That extends to management. How exactly is that person supposed to get them as references when that would require getting their contact information outside of the workplace.

I do not go to work to make friends or enemies. I go to work to do my job so that I can get a paycheck to go live my life somewhere else.

How is it even legal for someone to ask me for someone else's personal contact information?

Think about this: If you are filling out a lot of applications actively seeking employment somewhere, what you are doing is basically making it so that your references are getting harassed by phone. It may even be during their work hours and interrupting their job.

I doubt by the end of the day or week when they have gotten 20+ phone calls about you that they are going to be very happy with you.

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