Wednesday, November 22, 2023


There is no such thing as a negative number.

The terms positive and negative are arbitrary. They are used to describe a direction of flow or movement or to which side of a set point the number goes on.
Look at a piece of graph paper. pick an intersection of the lines. That intersection is (0,0) coordinates.
Try and move less than 0 spaces in any direction. Any direction you move is a positive amount of space.
The minus sign (-) is used to point out to the left or down on the graph. It does not make the amount of distance moved negative.
-10 degrees Fahrenheit. It is not negative 10 degrees. It is 10 degrees to the left or below the point at which 0 was placed on the Fahrenheit scale.
If you owe someone or some institution money, you do not owe them negative dollars. If a company is in the red, they simply owe more positive dollars than they brought in.
The Kelvin temperature scale is the correct use of absolute zero. There is nothing less than zero.
Read the EEE. The electrical engineers even point out that the labels positive and negative are arbitrary. 
There is no such thing as a negative charge. The terms imply which direction the charge flows.
There either is a charge or there is not a charge, but there can not be less than no charge.

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