Monday, November 27, 2023

I want out of 1099 completely and totally.

I do not want my own company. I never have.

Fuck your idiot American Dream bullshit. Think about who came up with that horseshit and why. It is a trap.

If I have to take a job where I still need to do a small amount of the delivery crap I will, but I would prefer to make enough so that I do not have to.

I am 58 years old. I have to look at making enough for Social Security to pay my bills.

This 1099 crap only counts for that on the income you pay taxes on. After write offs.

Last year I had so much in expenses that I only made a little over 12,000 dollars towards Social Security.

The pieces of shit that keep me in this crap know that they are slowly killing me.

That is why they do it to people.

That is why they try and get people to commit suicide.

That is why they get their moron piece of shit minions to harass those being attacked. To get the target to go off on them and then they twist it around like they are the victims. They deserve to die for that shit.

They try and get those attacked to kill assholes in the workplace harassing them so that the person being attacked will get killed by the cops or kill themselves.

They try and get those being attacked homeless so that they will be dismissed when they point out the attacks.

They get the psychobabble garbage to say that those being attacked are crazy.

They will do anything to protect their precious establishment of Gold, God and Guns.

The mass media is involved completely and totally. News is about ratings and money now, not about investigating the government and other criminals.

The entertainment industries are all sell out garbage making millions off of tax writes and the idiot popularity sheeple. Those tax write offs should not be allowed and then the taxes could be spread around to help people instead of just given to assholes.

Fuck this and every country that allows the weaponry to exist.

There needs to be a world wide revolution against them all.

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