Saturday, November 18, 2023

The pin dick nazis with the weaponry are back on the "Number 1" bullshit.

They are also using the "We control you" bullshit.

I use the word bullshit to describe their tactics quite often as since they are psychobabble garbage they tend to use a a lot of bullshit.

They do not control me.

They attack me to elicit responses and to piss me off.

They use entrainment and burning weaponry to cause extreme pain and/or discomfort.

If you break someone's arm with a baseball bat, you do not control them. You simply caused injury with your attack. If they want you dead for it, they are well within the realm of sanity.

As for the 'number 1' crap. I have no idea what you assholes put me in, but no one and I mean no one runs my life but me. You can take that shit, shove it up your asses and die with it.

I want anything and everything associated with whatever they were talking about completely and totally destroyed.

Now the are back on their William White garbage. William and his wife/whore Jennifer Brooke owned the Travelers Club restaurant.

They are both pieces of shit that the world would be a better place without.

I do not know what the redheaded gossip bitch named Erin that worked at Travelers club meant when she said "I think he knows it's William".

What is William? The weaponry? The harassment? The tiniest dick in the U.S.?

William White and everything associated with him should be destroyed.

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