Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The fucking nazi pigs are using the "You won't shut up" bullshit when I try to look for a job.
You fucking pieces of shit try not getting pissed off when some asshole little punk ass piece of garbage keeps attacking you constantly non stop putting shit in your head with their weaponry.
You assholes take it out on me when you are the fucking ones that started it in the first place. Die fucking scum die.
I do my job. Your fucking ignorant assholes won't leave me alone to do it.
Now they use "for the greater good". BULLSHIT and fuck you all.
If you think that I would sacrifice my life for the useless shit called the human race you are fucking crazy.
This is an attack done to me without my consent.
I want the weaponry exposed and destroyed. All responsible for its existence should be tried for crimes against humanity and executed.
Same goes for everyone that covers up for it.
Now they go back to their "Number one" idiot garbage.
Death to Number One and everyone involved in whatever it is.
I truly hate and want dead everyone involved. It is not a game and I am not joking.


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