Saturday, October 22, 2022

Since the assholes with the weaponry keep using shit about having money or getting money, I will reiterate.
I never asked for nor did I receive any money from anyone.
All I got was fucked over and over and over and it still continues today 22+ years later.
I never asked anyone to give me someone. I don't play that shit and no one has the right to give anyone to anyone. Fuck religions.
I flat out stated that I only wanted one woman, as in a monogamous relationship. You lowlife gossiping pieces of shit twisted my words and spread crap all over this piece of shit area.
I only stated that once. There was only one other person in the restaurant and I was trying to get her to leave so I could do my job.
How does that get all over town?
That is why I quit talking to people here. Because everything I said got spread all over the fucking place. I want everyone involved dead.
That is why I didn't say anything to the fools from Dayton that showed up here when I specifically said that I would go there.
It is bad enough that they spread anything that I said all over town.
It is worse when they twist my words around and spread lies.
Even worse than that is having this weaponry hooked to me so that now they spread my thoughts all over the place and make shit up about what I am supposedly thinking.
Everyone involved deserves to die.
To the piece of shit standing at the counter in Fasteners/Colony Hardware talking to the manager John, 
What only works if you are religious?
He looked right at me and said "It only works if you are religious."
Death to all religions.
Death to the 'it'.


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