Tuesday, October 18, 2022

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Tech has never been the worker's friend. Yes, tech can make things easier and more efficient. I am not against robotics and training people to operate and repair them.

I am against a computer running my life. I will never have Alexa or any other garbage like it. I would delete Cortana but the Microsoft made that rather risky fro someone not that capable of doing what is required to get rid of it.

I do not appreciate a computer showing me ads that it assumes wil make me purchase more. I make up my mind not some computer code.

Computer tech in cars just downright sucks for the most part. Other than anti-lock brakes for safety most of it is just for lazy people. I would rather roll down my own windows. Some genius actually put in my Mazda for the car to steer you back into your lane if you cross a white or yellow line. It almost pulled me right into someone on a bicycle. Idiot AI. I disabled that real quick.

AI is in itself a misnomer. Computers will never be intelligent. All they are are a series of weighted choices. The programmer adds the weight. They can not be random. Computer logic is nothing more than IF this then That. Regardless of how many IFs orTHATs.

They call the delivery apps AI. They are far from intelligent and do not take into account any driver input.

As for the brain interface stuff, it should be illegal and considered a crime against humanity in the wrong hands. I get helping the disabled, but that stuff is weaponized by militaries.

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