Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Look, I am not desperate. I will not be in a relationship that I do not want to be in. If I lose my home and the rest of my family, 3 cats, there will be nothing left of me and I simply will not care what happens next. 

I most likely will have to have someone that can pay their half of the bills move in here.  

I will not have a male roommate. My cats are indoors ONLY cats and if you let them outside or try to put them outside your body will be in the swamp. 

They have free run of the house and there are litter boxes in both bathrooms. I clean the litter boxes. 

I would prefer it to be someone that I have sex with as in a monogamous relationship. I am not into obesity.

Warning. I am a TI or Targeted Individual and I get attacked and tortured with radiation weaponry. Do not put it past the attackers to attack you. They are extremely psychotic. 

There are 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. A kitchen and a very large 20 X 24 living room dining room area.

The trailer is not in the best condition because of past roof leaks. The ceiling needs replaced and painted in places. One small leak now that hopefully I can fix next Monday when it gets warmer again, but with my Vertigo is it questionable. 

I cook and clean up after myself. I have a washer and dryer that are not matching but cost about $1500 total. 

You will have to put up with the small urn of my recently deceased mother in an obvious but high place. I have cable, but may have to get rid of it. I have a small freezer as well as a refrigerator.

I tried to buy very good appliances for my mother while she was alive. 

There are flower beds outside that I have made and planted, but can be used for whatever flowers someone wants. My Bee Balm stays for the bees and my Milkweed stays for the butterflies.  

Talk to me like a human being and knock off the stupid cutesy flirting shit.

I am not joking about you paying your half if you are here either. I am not trading bills for sex. 

No drugs in the the house at all period or I will throw you to the curb. Including marijuana. 

I do not drink and would prefer someone that also did not. 

No parties what so ever. End of discussion. My cats are not going to get hurt by idiots you invite over or I will beat them to death with a baseball bat. 

No loud music. 

I am not abusive, but I am not going to put up with bullshit and will throw you out rather than be abusive. 

The living room furniture has been fairly torn up by the cats. I am trying to stop that as I didn't know about it until it was too late. It was my mother's furniture and I am not that fond of it anyways. 

Do not wake me up unless it is an emergency. I get sleep deprivation tactics from the psychos with the weaponry as it is. 

Even if you are not interested, please knock off the ignorant cutesy shit. It irritates me that you are insulting my intelligence. 

Either way just say Hi. I am a nice guy, I am just set in my ways and you are not going to change that.

You must like animals, especially kitty cats.

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