More memories that I can't even post on Face-cunt-book.
3 years ago
An atheist Marxist fighting the good fight and being a good person. To end animal abuse, help spay and neuter the abusers, that way they can't have kids to teach the behavior to and hopefully it and them will die off. Ban all radiation weapons and eventually do away with all military industrial complexes. Think for yourself do not just accept.
More memories that I can't even post on Face-cunt-book.
3 years ago
What the fuck can you idiot pieces of ignorant shit not understand? Your gender/sex are the same fucking things. You can not change your gender/sex.
Your gender/sex are what you are not who you are.
If you go against gender/sex stereotypes it does not mean that you are a different gender/sex. It means the stereotypes are fucking bullshit.
Your likes and dislikes are not based on what gender/sex that you are. Fucking morons.
Psychologists are playing mind games with you so that they can get fame and fortune.
Think about it, when you try to scam someone you are using what? Psychology.
Trans is insane. They need psychiatric help, not psychologists.
I went to Facebook Help to try and find a way to report harassment by the LGBT community. This bullshit is in their Help guides. They are literally the tranny shit site of the Internet and they need to be cancelled.
I do not try and take over where I work. I simply try to do the job correctly.
Maybe those in charge of the company should ask themselves why things are not being done correctly?
Why does your local management think that they can run that outlet anyway that they see fit instead of by company policies?
Why do they think that OSHA rules do not apply to them?
Why do you let them hire their friends or family members? That will always lead to problems because the friends or family members think that they can now do anything that they want.
Why does corporate hire so many contractors instead of running their own companies? Are they even capable of doing so?
The buck still stops with the person in charge of the parent company for allowing the misbehaviors of their subordinates and their contractors and contractor's employees.
Time to remind them of that.
Facebook restricted my account for posting the word "Both" in the comments of someone else's post.
I requested a review and they won't even do that. They know I will write to the oversight board about their bullshit.
If someone put a LGBT in charge of my account I will beat them to death for doing so.
I am going to Facebook corporate about this bullshit even if I have to handwrite the letter.
When I find the piece of shit harassing me on there, everything that they are a part of dies.
What can you imbeciles not get through your head. If you fuck with me on the job I am going to want to hurt you.
That means that you literally have to start shit with me to get me to want to hurt you.
You started it you little turd ass piece of shit.
Time to go back to kicking the ass of people fucking with you being okey dokey.
Seriously. the motherfucking cunt bitch pussy ass garbage at Facebook just added restrictions to my account for posting the word "Both."
That is it, "Both" one fucking word is called Hate Speech by the cunts at Facebook that deserve to die.
The comment was in response to a post about religion and trans being fucked up bullshit either one or the other and I wrote Both.
Everyone protecting the insanity of the trans bullshit deserves to die. The trans people need to be put away in a mental ward until they can understand that you can not change your fucking gender.
I tried to make a post on Yahoo and suddenly I can't post there either.
When I find the piece of shit trying to make it so that I can not post the truth I am going to exterminate their entire fucking family.
Do you try to fuck people over so that you can take advantage of them?
Do you actively seek out people that are down and out or in financial distress so that you can take advantage of them?
Do you take advantage of anyone, any time that being able to presents itself?
Do you ever do anything for anyone else without wanting something in return?
If your answers to any of the first three questions are yes and/or the fourth question no: You are a capitalist pig.
Notice the failed to publish crap. The word bullshit would normally get your comment rejected, but the comment is not even getting that far before it is censored. This is a blatant ban from posting because they don't like what I write.
I do not violate their asinine little pussy ass garbage community standards and yet they still ban me because they are fucking sorry ass little turds.
Yahoo and OpenWeb are even more pussified than Facebook.
5 different comments on Yahoo all "failed to publish". I cleared my cache twice and restarted my browser both times.
Yahoo and OpenWeb are fucking with people's posts on purpose.
Everyone that works for both need a baseball bat shoved up their asses until it comes out their mouths.
The whole San Francisco area and New York around OpenWeb can be annihilated for all I care.
More memories while banned:
1 year ago
Silicon Valley, home to some of the biggest wallets and smallest penises, in the country.
Seriously. The Aldi warehouse closest to here, about 20 miles, has turned me down for a job picking so many times it isn't funny.
I worked in that warehouse for Everclear Cleaning solutions and am familiar with what goes on in there.
I have extensive experience in warehouse work.
They only work 30 to 35 hours a week. Not the 60 hours like the assholes at Meijer warehouse.
They have even changed management from the people that were there when I worked for Everclear.
They do not even have a cleaning contractor there anymore, they do it themselves. Why wouldn't they want someone that already has experience in that as well as selecting?
They probably let some local dickhead take over and he is a power tripping turd, The old managers had a sex cult mentality and this new management probably does as well.
Pretty sure that is something that comes down from Aldi corporate. Check to see if the President of Aldi is gay.
MIOSHA probably still covers up for them as well. They literally used to let the forklift drivers drive all over the warehouse with their forks already tilted back.
The old management had no idea how to run an efficient warehouse.
I made it a point there to say that I do not have sex with other people in the workplace.
I would very much like to eliminate from existence anyone and everyone that puts a fuck cult mentality into a workplace.
Facebook memory from 1 year ago
Trump and his India appointees can all go fuck themselves. India is a major problem. they overbreed and then spread out to infest other areas. They all need to be shipped back to India. When they infest they try to take over. They use their cheesy fake smile and fake politeness to con people. There are a lot of them that are behind the Big Bother computer industry and they are writing the programs that censor free speech.