Wednesday, November 27, 2024

 Facebook memory from 1 year ago

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I want out of 1099 completely and totally.
I do not want my own company. I never have.
Fuck your idiot American Dream bullshit. Think about who came up with that horseshit and why. It is a trap.
If I have to take a job where I still need to do a small amount of the delivery crap I will, but I would prefer to make enough so that I do not have to.
I am 58 years old. I have to look at making enough for Social Security to pay my bills.
This 1099 crap only counts for that on the income you pay taxes on. After write offs.
Last year I had so much in expenses that I only made a little over 12,000 dollars towards Social Security.
The pieces of shit that keep me in this crap know that they are slowly killing me.
That is why they do it to people.
That is why they try and get people to commit suicide.
That is why they get their moron piece of shit minions to harass those being attacked. To get the target to go off on them and then they twist it around like they are the victims. They deserve to die for that shit.
They try and get those attacked to kill assholes in the workplace harassing them so that the person being attacked will get killed by the cops or kill themselves.
They try and get those being attacked homeless so that they will be dismissed when they point out the attacks.
They get the psychobabble garbage to say that those being attacked are crazy.
They will do anything to protect their precious establishment of Gold, God and Guns.
The mass media is involved completely and totally. News is about ratings and money now, not about investigating the government and other criminals.
The entertainment industries are all sell out garbage making millions off of tax writes and the idiot popularity sheeple. Those tax write offs should not be allowed and then the taxes could be spread around to help people instead of just given to assholes.
Fuck this and every country that allows the weaponry to exist.
There needs to be a world wide revolution against them all.

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I am starting to think that all MMOs should be shut down that allow any kind of PKing.
The punks behind the weaponry are exactly the kind of little pussies that hide behind a computer to cause others trying to play a game grief.
They remind me of the assholes on Runescape that would use the stomp animation on the kittens of little kids trying to have fun playing the game.
They are the worthless garbage that would rape a character in VR.
They are the pieces of shit that jerk of to animal torture videos.
They all deserve to die.
Along with their enablers.
2 years ago:
Read both articles and they point out why computer programmers need to be taken down. Chances are if your job is impacted by algorithms it is not worth having.
Nerd assholes have fucked everything up in the name of profits.
They are one of the best reasons to have a revolution against capitalism
99% of them can not do the labor that their programs push. They are mostly candy ass little wienies.
In the quotes is an example of what the articles point out.
"In some cases, employers implement algorithms that make or facilitate consequential employment-related decisions without any human oversight. These decisions may have significant impacts on workers’ wages, benefits, hours, work schedules, hiring decisions, disciplinary actions, promotions, terminations, job content, and productivity requirements."
"For example, Walmart employs both traditional surveillance techniques and novel methods such as monitoring employees’ social media activity, which serves to discourage workers from organizing or forming a union."
A lot of companies seem to think that they have the right to shut down your free speech in the name of their brand. There should be a law against that. You have the right to tell the truth no matter what. If they are so worried about their brand, then stop the bullshit and no one will be able to post about it.
It is Big Brother.
"In these and many other examples, business operations and decisions are informed by near-constant collection and analysis of worker data. This trend toward data-driven workplaces has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, with workers experiencing more invasive forms of monitoring, both inside the workplace (such as tracking social distancing behaviors) and in remote workers’ homes (such as keystroke tracking).[6] And Amazon’s warehouse and delivery workers took the brunt of skyrocketing demands for delivered goods, with constant surveillance and productivity tracking software pushing the pace of work to an alarming rate and putting workers’ health at risk."
"The almost complete lack of regulation means that there are strong incentives for employers to use digital technologies at will, in ways that can directly or indirectly harm workers. Similarly, developers are largely free to sell untested and faulty systems based on dubious science, exacerbating the potential harms against workers.[9] Those harms can take the form of work intensification and speed-up; deskilling and automation; hazardous working conditions; growth in contingent work; loss of autonomy and privacy; discrimination; and suppression of the right to organize. Of particular concern is that workers of color, women, and immigrants can face direct discrimination via systemic biases embedded in these technologies, and are also most likely to work in occupations at the front lines of experimentation with artificial intelligence. A future where workers labor in digital sweatshops, micro-managed with no autonomy and under constant pressure, is not too difficult to imagine.[10] This is already the reality for some workers."
Time to end the Big Brother bullshit.
3 years ago:
Quit stealing food from the restaurants and from the customers you worthless assholes.
Another reason to crack down on the way that the app companies hire and to make laws regulating the industry.
Apparently drivers and their friends get together and call in fake orders or call their friends to come in and pick up orders they are assigned so the restaurant has to make the order twice.
A restaurant owner talked to me about it today and I showed her how one of the apps works. Hopefully it helps to stop some of the thieving ass little punks.
From what she said drivers are just stealing the orders as well, but some of that could be attributed to delivering the food to the wrong address.
I have fucked up before, but I always try to fix it. Most drivers won't take the time to try and fix it.
I would feel bad if I did not try.
If I catch anyone stealing the food, I will turn you in to the police.
Fuck you. You are fucking with my job.
Why don't you take one of the restaurant jobs and earn the food?
Customers, if you order through an app you can not send someone to pick up the food. Read the terms of service of the app.
No restaurant should ever give out food unless they verify the order is on the phone of the person picking it up.
Some of the orders can get quite pricey. The police need to get involved as well when necessary.
Petty theft can result in jail or fines somewhat higher than the food stolen.
Those restaurants are how I make a living. I am not on your side if you are stealing from them.
The customers that want deliveries are how I make a living. I am not on your side if you are stealing from them.
The dickhead programmers that run the app services need to start giving a shit about their companies reputation or they need to go out of business.
Big companies can go under quick if no one wants to do business with them.
Enough bullshit.
5years ago:
You know all those people that tell you whatever they think you want to hear and then turn around and say the opposite to someone else?
You know those people that make little digs at things that they know you hate because they are game playing fucking pieces of shit?
I want to kill them all.

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