Sunday, July 31, 2022

I complained about too many fucking hours at that shit hole FredEx Ground. They pulled their PC chicken shit garbage and fired me. 

I have tried to get hired at so many place in this fucking town it isn't funny. Nothing.

I have been stuck in a piece of shit trap job that I have to put in even more hours to make a living and all it does is go back into the vehicle.

I don't even have time to grow a garden anymore.

I want everyone involved in fucking me around on the job or out of jobs in this cesspool exterminated. 

No one should have to work 2 jobs or put in 60+ hours a week to be able to make a living. 

Everyone should be able to make a living on a 40 hour a week job and support themselves.

It is time to exterminate all that make it otherwise.

Time to end the psychobabble bullshit of making your job your life.

Time to end the fraternization in the workplace psychobabble bullshit to make you want to stay for a little money as possible.

(Promoting sex in the workplace to get people to stay is a form of human trafficking, morons. Sex in exchange for work is illegal.)

Time to wipe out the U.S. oligarchs and the overpaid useless entertainers.

Time to get rid of all the AI that scumbags have tricking idiots into using.

Time to get rid of the data mining for sale to advertisers that in turn sell the ads to corporations that use it as a tax write off. 

Time to learn how to fucking drive and stop all the computer distractions in the vehicle.


Saturday, July 30, 2022

 Death to every fucking one of those pussy ass, little punk bitch, piece of shit dart players from both Plum Crazy Sports bar and the Mayfair.

Their friends and their families.

This whole capitalist pig asshole of a profiteering country needs to be wiped out. 

The automobile and automobile service industry are price gougers that need to be stopped.

With this shit called the gig economy all of the costs have been put on the drivers and so much more maintenance is now done on their vehicles the repair shops are making a killing.

Demand did not drop prices, it increased them.

 Death to all nazis

I did not start this shit. I told these fucking pieces of shit to back the fuck up off of me and all they did was make it a thousand times worse.
I want them all to die horrible painful deaths.



I will never stop hating or wanting exterminated anyone that had or still has anything to do with the destruction of my life.


Death to anyone that has anything to do with cocaine.


Someone may want to tell the morons that walk by and act like they are coughing on me or towards me that since I have diabetes and an elderly mother at home I can get away with defending myself against your attacks with a deadly weapon.

I have no way of knowing whether or not you are infected and it can kill me.

Friday, July 29, 2022

My blocks today with Grubhub started at 11 a.m.

There will be a lot of screenshots at the bottom to back up what I am saying.

My first offer on a block was cancelled when I got to the Dunkin donuts on Okemos road by I96. While at Dunkin and in the middle of a hotspot zone I got another offer within minutes. 

That offer was all the way over to MLK and I96 McDonalds. Driving right past more hot zones on S. Cedar at I96.

I turned the app to unavailable to get out of the area and back over by Cedar. I turned that app back on and got a 5.28 offer to pick up at Marcos and go back south to the hotel just south of I96 on Cedar. 

I turned the app unavailable while doing the delivery so they didn't try to add on another small order and I was planning on going back over to Okemos road. 

Without any warning, they send a message that say this is Grubhub please toggle back to available or we will adjust your schedule, they just sent me a message that they updated my schedule. Meaning that they force dropped the rest of the block which will count against me as a dropped block because they stuck me in an area that I did not want to work in and tried to trap me there.

The whole bullshit of work where you want when you want is complete fraud. I sent there tech support a not pleasant email about why I do not want to go to certain areas because of the shit cell coverage from Metro PCS.

If you turn down 1 offer from Grubhub you have to deliver 19 offers to keep the 95% required for premier. The premier is mostly just to supposedly get first crack at scheduling blocks, but they fucked that up and play favorites discriminating against people they do not like.

I check at exactly the minute that scheduling becomes available for premier and almost all the morning and afternoon blocks are already gone.

I have not had a scheduled catering order in almost 6 months. 

I am premier, but they keep giving me little bullshit orders to force me to do them to keep premier.

I would very much like to sue them for fraud and harassment if I knew a decent lawyer. There is also discrimination as I am a straight white male.

My day ended when I was headed home with 5 minutes left on my block and got an offer for Lucky's Steak House on Okemos road. I was on Cedar pretty close to the I96 on ramp so I was going to take it. I took it ans after I got on the highway the customer cancelled it. 

It was a $14+ delivery and I got a whole dollar. 

2 orders cancelled shortly after they got notified that I was the driver???

Morgan and Leslie were their first names.

Here are the screenshots, the time of day is in the upper left corner:


Great. Now I have burns on my left hand fingers from trying to fill my thermos with coffee this morning.

Pouring it as usual, but I guess I titled the carafe too far and the coffee went over the thermos and down onto my fingers holding the handle of the thermos.

I fucking hate coffee maker carafes. Any of them with lids suck.

The one I have now is a Cuisinart with a carafe that the lid is a different piece and snaps into place. It does not pivot, it is either snapped down or it will come off entirely.

It is crap designed by crap.

If you tip it too fast the coffee will start to come out in spurts and overshoot what you are trying to pour it into.

The quality control people should be fired.

Probably some bullshit safety design that makes it worse for people that are not idiots.

The garbage with the weaponry does everything that they can do to destroy my health. They are trying to make me insulin dependent.

This whole thing has never been a joke or a game it has been to fuck me over. To kill me slowly and make it look like something natural or to drive me to kill others and get killed. 

It is a warfare operation both physical and psychological. 

It is done by some of the lowest forms of human beings that there are. 

Anyone that protects them deserves to die with them. 

Thursday, July 28, 2022

While driving to a pick up today for no reason my Internet went out. I was on Kinawa road headed east to Dobie. It came back on then went back out again headed to the same pick up.

Later, while on my last block for Grubhub they decided to send me downtown fucking Lansing again. 

Keep fucking around asshole, when I find you you will find out just how hard I can swing a baseball bat. 

Once again I turned the app to unavailable and got the fuck out of the area while turning it back to available and back unavailable after a few seconds. I drove back to the area where I start my day and turned Doordash back on. I got a Doordash offer and took it. 

I played with the Grubhub app until my block ended and logged out. 

It does seem strange though that at the exact time my night ended the whole area lit up with hot spots for Grubhub.

Here are the screenshots from the Internet outage and from the end of the night.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

 I thought that I would try the set availability for Grubhub scheduling blocks again this week to see. 

I set my availability on both Saturday and Sunday next week August 6th and 7th for 8:30 am to 8:30 pm both days.

Here is what they gave me:


Their app is apiece of crap. My last deliveries tonight were from Mancinos. When I got to Mancinos and was literally standing inside the store I clicked on arrived. The fucking app said it looks like I wasn't there yet and I needed to move closer??????

I called support and got the usual bullshit and finally just yelled into the phone "Fix your fucking app!".

I wrote the addresses down to deliver the orders in case the app wouldn't let me get to them. I had to call support back because one of the addresses was an apartment. After that call when I went back inside the app finally registered that I was standing in the establishment.

I got the orders and delivered them, but since one of them went downtown Lansing I just said fuck it and played with the available setting while driving home. I will not do pickup in the downtown area and my block was over in 20 minutes so screw it. 

I truly hate this fucking job and everyone that got me stuck in it.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

I hate religion and will keep busting its chops as much as possible until it no longer exists.

I also hate pseudoscience and things pushed as scientific fact that are based in utter nonsense or just plain wrong.

I will clarify something that mathematics and therefore physics has gotten wrong and based a bunch of bullshit in.

The exponentiation factor.

The exponentiation factor is a scientific notation and not a mathematical function.

The number used as the exponentiation factor represents how many mathematical functions are to take place to get the number abbreviated by the notation.

A positive integer represents the number of multiplications, while a negative integer represents the number of divisions to take place.

Set up a line graph and start in the middle with 0, which would simply correspond to the number remaining the number and no mathematical functions taking place, and number outward one side positive integers and one side negative integers.

Each integer would then represent how many times the original number is multiplied or divided by itself to get the number represented by the abbreviation or notation.

This is not rocket science so to speak and should have been figured out by so called scholars a long time ago.

Mathematics and physics that misuse the exponentiation factor may just need to use the correct notation or may be complete bullshit because of its misuse.

In short, an exponentiation factor of 2 means that 2 multiplications need to take place. An exponentiation factor of -2 means that 2 divisions need to take place.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Over and over and over and over with the fucking song lyric attacks. Just makes you want to kill everyone that works in radio.

Quit shooting up schools and start going after the mass media and corporations.

Blow up cell towers and other broadcasting facilities. 

Don't forget about politicians and Supreme Court Justices. 

Expose and destroy the weaponry.

Feel free to go after all the psychobabble industry garbage that covers up for the real problems; Religions, addiction to money, military industrial complexes, gambling addiction of the stock market, griefers, etc.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

The nazi pigs are back to fucking with my eyes again. LOEye called to have me set up an appointment. I told my mother that I could not afford it.

The next day after having no eye problems for months they start in with their bullshit.

I can feel the attacks inside my head that cause my eyes to not focus with each other properly.

This morning after being up for 2 and 1/2 hours and as I am getting ready to leave, suddenly my right eye gets blurry. I can feel the entrainment attacks inside my head.

Then the nazi pigs start in with their "You put too much emphasis on looks", "We'll make you blind, then what?", etc, etc.

I just checked my blood sugar and it was 162, so it would not at all be high enough to cause any eye problems.

My personal tastes are up to me not anyone else. If you don't like them too fucking bad.

I do not live to make you happy.

If you do not find me attractive that is o.k. You are entitled to your own personal tastes.

The only time personal tastes are wrong is if they include children.

You can find someone that is past puberty but still underage attractive, but you are wrong for trying to have sex with them if you are an adult until they reach the age of consent.

Now to the nazi pigs, FUCK OFF AND LEAVE ME ALONE.


Wednesday, July 20, 2022

 The useless nazi pig garbage with the weaponry like to use the "He does this" or "She does that" or "They do this or that".

They also use did instead of do depending on present or past things that they are pushing.

It is a psychological ploy to get me to want to go after whoever they are refering to. Once someone starts putting the blame on whoever they are talking about then they are starting to agree with/identify with the attackers.

The victim are being led by the attackers.

Enough people here took place in the harassment and other bullshit before the attacks began that I already disliked them.

Granted, the escalation to the attacks from their bullshit has made me hate them and pretty much want all of them dead, but I do not identify with the attackers and never will.

Personally, there is no one on the planet that I loathe, despise, detest and hate more than those that use, produce, fund or cover up for the weaponry. (Religions are a close second).

Remember TIs, the assholes with the weaponry are the ones attacking you. Their street theater gang stalkers are just as bad as they are.

They will try and get you to think that someone not involved is involved.

Friday, July 15, 2022

 A few months ago while I was talking to driver support on Grubhub the person I was talking to told me that Gurbhub in their infinite wisdom changed their pay scale.

He said that they think it is harder to drive a few blocks in the city in the rain than it is to drive a few miles in the country that they lowered the pay for the country driving and upped the pay for the city driving. 

What they don't seem to understand is that a few blocks in the city may be quite aggravating but it does not use much gas. 

Yesterday, I was headed from Holt to Okemos when they gave me an offer to pick up at the Wendys in Mason and the delivery went just south of Leslie. 

I basically have to take the offers or lose my Premier level. 

When the delivery was over I checked the earnings activity and it was listed as 19.5 miles for $12.08.

I do not get paid for the mileage back to Holt, Okemos or even Mason if there is and offer there.

Round trip is 30+ miles. 

US127 is under construction almost the whole way.


This job fucking sucks.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Why is it that so many computer programmers have such a hard time accepting that sometimes the things that they think are such an improvement are actually complete and total garbage?

That is what too much praise does to children. 

 I tried the set availability scheduling through Grubhub yesterday to see what they would give me.

They said deleting the blocks assigned within 24 hours of getting them will not count against you, and I deleted every fucking single one that they gave me

What they gave me was complete and total bullshit.

They gave me two half hour blocks all 5 days that I set availability for. 

They did not even stay within the parameters of the times that I set.

There are no half hour blocks even in the offerings when you try to set your schedule manually.

There mother fucking better be blocks available tomorrow when I can schedule or we are going to have a major fucking problem.

Whoever scheduled that shit needs to be fired.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

 On my last delivery tonight the special notes stated that the GPS was wrong and where the actual address is located. There are 2 roads with the same name. I read the special notes and had no trouble finding the correct place to deliver using Google maps. 

 When I got there the customers met me at the door and said that a driver that had just delivered to them from Grubhub asked them for an extra charge because they had to drive around. 

Never pay a so-called extra charge unless you are speaking to a Grubhub or whatever app you use representative on the phone. Even then it is more than likely not the customer that will have to cover any 'extra' charges the company will. 

What that driver did is called a scam. It is illegal as it is a con.

The customers were an elderly couple. 

If someone does this to you immediately call the app company and let them know. 


 I have been tying to point out the psycho-babble bullshit for years. 

HR departments are full of people that are full of it.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

The nazi pin dicks with the weaponry are 100 times worse than the gossiping idiots.

I can just stop talking to the gossiping idiots, I can not stop thinking.

I stopped talking to people here because they gossip and twist what you say around to fit their agenda.

So some fucking asshole hooked this weaponry to me and now they spread around what I am supposedly thinking twisting it around to fit their agenda or just to fuck me over.

I do now and will forever HATE everyone involved in this bullshit being done to me.

I will reiterate once again.

Telepathy is impossible. Your brain will not interpret the evoked potential patterns of someone else's brain.

If you think that you are hearing someone else's thoughts, you are either crazy or being attacked with the evoked potential radiation weaponry.

That means that they have already remote neural monitored you enough to be able to put into your head the evoked potential patterns to make you think that you are hearing someone else's thoughts.

They have your evoked potential correlated enough to know every single thought that you have.

If you are o.k. with that then you are either a scumbag like them or too fucking stupid to be allowed to exist.

Either way, I can assure you that I have no desire whatsoever to have sex with you. Ending your existence would be preferable.

The assholes with the weaponry are back on their sleep deprivation crap again.

Expose the weaponry and try everyone that uses, produces, funds or covers up for it for crimes against humanity and execute them.

The first time in the 9 years that I have had my cats one of them pooped on the kitchen rug and peed in the dining room on the linoleum. 

There was poop and pee in the litter box, but not enough to make them go elsewhere. 

Don't put it past the lowlife government garbage to attack and torture your pets causing all kinds of things. 

Goes all the way back to pieces of shit like Jose Delgado experimenting on animals for the CIA. Still continues today with garbage all over the place. Check into White Coat Waste to see some of the animal experimenting labs that they have gotten shut down.

The lowlife pieces of shit with the radiation weaponry are the same kind of people or worse. 

Don't put it past Michigan State University to be involved in animal experimentation either as they are a veterinarian and agriculture/farming school and have a history of working with the CIA. 

I hate this nazi pig bullshit. 

Monday, July 4, 2022

 Why does the Internet go through Raytheon?

part of a tracert to

9    38 ms    39 ms    39 ms [2001:1900:2100::21a2]

Friday, July 1, 2022

For the extremely slow people of this area so that they don't try and report me.

The shirt I wore yesterday has a picture of a Gorilla flying the bird and a caption that reads "Poach this".

Unless you are someone that supports or takes part in the poaching of gorillas there really is no need to be offended.

I know this being a PC crap hole you will be anyways and I really just do not give a rat's ass what so-called people like you think, but for those that weren't sure it is against the assholes that kill the gorillas for trophies or some insane supposed medicinal bullshit.

I will wear it again, Fuck you.

 I will re-iterate: 



I may support the efforts of some groups, but I do not join them.

I hate this fucking area. 

I truly want to destroy everything that you assholes have tried to put me in.

I hate all of you because you know what is being done to me and who is putting out the rumors to start shit, but you won't tell me. You won't help to get the weaponry shut down.

You play games with my life behind my back.

That makes you all my enemies, not my friends. That translates into you all don't like me, not that you do.

This shit hole and those punk ass turd drug dealers from Dayton, Oh started this shit.

You will all be my enemies for life. Everyone that joined in will be my enemy for life. 

Expose the weaponry and destroy it, or die with it.