I complained about too many fucking hours at that shit hole FredEx Ground. They pulled their PC chicken shit garbage and fired me.
I have tried to get hired at so many place in this fucking town it isn't funny. Nothing.
I have been stuck in a piece of shit trap job that I have to put in even more hours to make a living and all it does is go back into the vehicle.
I don't even have time to grow a garden anymore.
I want everyone involved in fucking me around on the job or out of jobs in this cesspool exterminated.
No one should have to work 2 jobs or put in 60+ hours a week to be able to make a living.
Everyone should be able to make a living on a 40 hour a week job and support themselves.
It is time to exterminate all that make it otherwise.
Time to end the psychobabble bullshit of making your job your life.
Time to end the fraternization in the workplace psychobabble bullshit to make you want to stay for a little money as possible.
(Promoting sex in the workplace to get people to stay is a form of human trafficking, morons. Sex in exchange for work is illegal.)
Time to wipe out the U.S. oligarchs and the overpaid useless entertainers.
Time to get rid of all the AI that scumbags have tricking idiots into using.
Time to get rid of the data mining for sale to advertisers that in turn sell the ads to corporations that use it as a tax write off.
Time to learn how to fucking drive and stop all the computer distractions in the vehicle.