Sunday, December 8, 2024

 More memories.

1 year ago

I do not give a rat's ass if you like my posts or not.
If I am not getting hired because some piss ant, little candy ass wienie gets butt hurt over my posts that is just more reason to put them out of business.
I hate stupidity and bullshit.
I hate predators.
I will not stop fighting against religions, monetary systems or military industrial complexes.
I will not stop fighting against the insanity of the trans movement, especially when they turn it on children.
I will not stop fighting against corruption.
I will not stop pointing out that this country already has too fucking many people. If your country is worse then hear is a clue: quit breeding.
My cats are my children. I have no human children nor do I want any human children.
I will not stop fighting against forcing sex and fraternization in the workplace. That is illegal.
I hate criminals, especially the ones that act like they are good guys.
I will not stop fighting against pseudoscience. I will keep debunking as much bullshit as I can.
I was that way before this shit and I will be that way until I die.
I do not want to be part of the entertainment industry. I don't like the kind of people that fame attracts.


2 years ago

Another reason why so many actual men are fed up with working is because of all the pieces of shit that have turned the workplace into a social butterfly ass kissing shit hole.
Death to PC bullshit.
Shut the fuck up and do your job.
Get rid of the computer bullshit. No one should have to kill themselves either.
3 years ago
I saw a Ford Focus out there this afternoon with a black front bumper that looked like the one that I used to have.
Really. if it is that one the finance guy lied to me again. He said his brother didn't have any money and lowballed me into what he paid. How did he get it fixed so fast then?
Edwin at Crippen Mazda is a scamming wienie.
I want a federal investigation into why the car was only given a $500 trade in value and then the finance guy tried to buy it for less than it was worth.
That seems pretty unethical.
I had every receipt from every bit of work done to that car with me when I went out there. No one asked about anything. The guy drove it around the building and then parked it. Blue book trade value is over $3000.
Where I saw the car was in Okemos where I try to work from.
Going to be even more pissed if he is using it to get orders from where I work.
I hate people that call you "brother" when they don't even know you.
I got a contract violation from Doordash tonight.
I was on a delivery from Grubhb when they sent me an offer to go from the mall in Okemos to Frandor shopping center.It should not have been that much of a problem, but the shit light timing and the bullshit traffic around the mall and all the fucking way down Saginaw made me 16 minutes late for the pick up.
Never mind that I got the ready for pick up when it was already more than 5 minutes late.
After I picked it up it had a deliver by time that I beat by 5 minutes.
Gee I wonder why gig workers have to drive fast? (rhetorical)
This whole area is full of 2 lane roads, 1 lane each direction. All it takes is one asshole that is afraid to drive or can't drive and everyone behind them gets screwed over.
You can't pass them because there is either too much traffic coming the other way or it is a no passing zone.
They even turned what used to be 2 lanes in each direction into 1 lane each direction, a turn lane in the middle and bicycle lanes on both sides.
You can shove your bicycle lanes up your asses. Too many Michiganders have drunk driving charges and are not allowed to drive anymore.
Instead of putting the schools in the neighborhoods away from the main roads, they put them right on the main roads and made them 25mph.
They ran the main highway right between Michigan State University an all the restaurants and shops built for them to walk to. Also 25 mph with about 6 or 7 fucking red lights.
The middle of the area has a stupid fucking pompous shit hole called the Capitol building right in the fucking way.
Not mention a huge GM plant just south of the downtown area.
The whole fucking Frandor area is a nightmare of intersections with US127 which is basically a freeway.
The other side of town is one main drag called Saginaw. left turns out of a business onto Saginaw are a fucking nightmare because of so much traffic. It does however have a non-retarded speed limit.
(Fuck you look up the definition of retarded it means slowed down.)
If you have to go south of Saginaw you have to drive to one of the few bridges over the Grand river.
Now picture all of that with shit roads and tons of construction.
Seriously, they are still doing construction in Michigan in December.
Now add to that packing in 70,000 extra "people" associated with Michigan State University.
You computer people need to stick all that in your algorithms and then in your asses.
Your AIs are morons. They all have reasons for turning down offers or unassigning deliveries. Yet it does not matter how many times you use the same reason at the same restaurant, they will just keep sending you back.
The whole premise that they hire you on is that you can work WHERE YOU WANT TO, WHEN YOU WANT YOU.
Only one of them is correct on that. The others have programs to limit your ability to work or the amount of offers that you get if you turn down too many.
All of them put too many drivers out there so that they make money off the orders getting picked up or ordered through them. It is almost impossible to make decent money using just one of them.
This shit hole of an area just makes it worse.
5 years ago
The garbage that did this shit to me made it so that no matter where i go I will be tortured and fucked over by their pussy ass little chicken shit garbage minion gang stalking worthless pieces of shit. That would include the garbage that works in radio and television.
So I am stuck in this shit hole and get fucked over by the assholes in the ol' boy network here.
Anyone that pushes this weaponry or that helps harass those being attacked by it needs to and deserves to die.

I look through the job ads and apply to what I can. As I do this the assholes with the weaponry keep using the "We'll make you commute" type shit along with the "That guy said everyone is doing it now-a-days".
I can not commute. The fucking garbage nazi pigs with the radiation weaponry do not let me sleep properly.
Commuting would simply add more time of my day being used up for work. I would basically be able to do nothing except eat and try and get some sleep after work and I still have to get up early enough to make my lunch as I have type 2 Diabetes.
I do not live my life just to work. Anyone that does is either an insane piece of crap, an idiot or just one of the sheeple.
Fuck that bullshit and the system that condones or pushes it.
Death to every single piece of shit that took part in the harassment, torture, gang stalking and destruction of my life.


 January 21st, Trump is sworn in.

January 22nd Military coup executes Trump and his cabinet and arrests all politicians. Takes over all media including Internet. Sets up food distribution and suspends all utility payments but keeps the utilities working. Makes sure hospitals are up and running and medications are given to those that need them. Lock down the CIA and arrest everyone. Shut down the evoked potential weaponry.

January 23rd. Rounds up and deports all illegals. May take a little bit, but get started. Allows people to go to their jobs as usual unless they deal with other countries. Will have to be vetted.

January 24th Starts rounding up all criminals and patrols with police to take down all criminal activity. Lethal force is acceptable if they are armed. Rounds up richest people and freezes their bank accounts.

January 25th Commandeers all defense contractor factories or other manufacturing and does it right. Closes all private schools and puts all public schools on equal footing. Stops the coddling.

January 26th Eliminates all religious meeting places. Round up the religious leaders and arrest them. 

January 27th Arrest all psychobabble bullshit assholes involved in pushing the trans bullshit. Put those affected in mental institutions and make sure they are not abused any more.

January 28th Steps back and looks at what else needs to be done before proceeding to make more plans. 

Jump forward

After everything is cleaned up and capitalism is thrown in the trash start heading back to elections and set up a small but efficient government to run things. Elect Supreme Court Justices for 10 year terms. The current ones are barred from law practice. 

Make it so. 

Bite me assholes on both sides.


 It is time.

Start the revolution. 

Take out the mass media pieces of shit in radio and television first.

Take out all religious leaders. 

Take out the richest people that you can find.

Fire away.

 I do not give a rat's ass what anyone else wants for my life. Fuck you. Who the fuck do you think you are that it would matter to me what you want for me?

The only thing that matters is what I want for me. 

That is for all of you to take your spotlights, shove them up your asses and die with them.

Fuck off.

 The fucking little pussy ass bitch nazi griefer cunts with the weaponry are using their bullshit about going back to a place that was my job again.

"Why did you ever go into Sundance in the first place?". Because I worked for Walters Vending and they put it on my route. they made the routes, I didn't have any say over it.

"You kept going back." No shit moron, that is what a job is. 

That is about the 1000th time they have done that same bullshit.

That is how it is with everything that they have done and everything about what the fucking garbage in this shit were doing to me before the weaponry.

They all deserve to die. They do not rate being called humans.

Death to everyone involved.

The only reason I ever started hanging out in the cunt bitch filled Mayfair is because Tom said he and Steve decide to kick me out of Plum Crazy for 30 days because I was starting shit.

I didn't start anything. His cunt waitress ripped me off. The pussy ass bitch defense contractor dart players and their ass kisser are the ones that were twisting around my words to start shit. They are nothing but griefer fucking punks.

Everyone in the hand holding bullshit small town feel group needs to be executed.

This cunt hole started it. I want them dead for that.

I was doing nothing to anyone. I wasn't having sex because useless gossiping ignorant cunts made my life the whole town's business. That is reason enough to burn this motherfucking shit hole to the ground.

End the tax write off for advertising.

Check into becoming a franchisee for any company. It says that they take so much for advertising. 

The franchisees are writing that off as an advertising expense. Corporate turns around and uses that money to actually pay for the chain's advertising and then they writ that money off on their taxes.

Same money written off twice. 

How is that not illegal?

Fuck the entertainment industries. So much money that should go to corporate taxes and become revenue for the government is spent on sell outs that work in the entertainment industry, including sports, that the national debt could be paid off in a few years. 

Time for everyone to understand how the garbage has rigged the system.

I literally have a decade or more of restaurant experience. All BoH.

I can't even fall back on cooking anymore because of the pieces of shit here and their head up each other's asses. 

I can do the job and would do the job. 

If this is about not having sex with my co-workers I swear to you that I will kill every fucking one of you.

Death to fraternization in the workplace and every sorry ass piece of shit that pushes it.

The fucking cunt bitch mass media turned sex in restaurant work into a fucking piece of shit television show.  More reason to slaughter those running the mass media.

These fucking pieces of shit attacked me. They started it and I will never stop wanting them all dead.


Saturday, December 7, 2024

 Can't share to my feed on Face-cunt-book so will share it here:



 When I find the pieces of shit trying to silence me, I am going to slaughter their entire families.

 Whoever is causing the "failed to publish" bullshit seriously needs to die.

 Ya-trans-hoo is censoring again. Either they are doing it or Open-gay-web is doing it.

 Here is a clue for you: If the phrase "everybody's doing it" comes up in a conversation it is most likely something that I would not want to do.

I hate crowds. 

I would rather be by myself doing something that I enjoy than be in a group doing something that I do not enjoy.

I do not need to be around people all the time. I am not a feeble-minded twit.

I would rather do the right thing and not be liked than be a piece of shit that is popular. 

I am not a politician and never will be. 

The only reason that I even started voting in the first place was to vote against religion. 

Now, the left has become something that I can not vote for even if it is voting against religion.

The best part of being a cook? I do not see the customers so everyone gets the same quality. I don't give a fuck who they think they are. 

The best part of being a driver? Being by myself for most of the day.

The best part of warehouse work? There should be enough work that everyone is busy and not standing around talking. 

The best part of 3rd shift shelf stocking? See warehouse work + being alone in my aisles.

The worst part of what has been done to my life? The weaponry and putting me in the spotlight. I will kill everyone involved.

I am not an air headed extrovert nor do I want to be. Anyone trying to make me that is someone that I have every right to defend myself against up to and including their death.

Kill all the feeble minded idiot pop culture garbage.

Every fucking time I find something that I like doing or try to get something going a bunch of useless pieces of ignorant shit find out and start doing it.

Death to everyone spreading what I do around and death to everyone that starts doing it because of it.


Take your popularity bullshit and stick up your asses and die with it.

Friday, December 6, 2024

 This comment was rejected on Ya-trans-hoo:

One issue was about racism based on biology which has been proven to be false. The other issue deals with psychology being at odds with biology. The second issue would be more like Justice Brown saying she identified as white. Biology tells a different story and she would fall into the mental illness category. She would make a lot of people angry if she started trying to push her illness on children.



 More memories that I can't even post on Face-cunt-book.

3 years ago

Almost 2 weeks now and I still do not have my payment book for my car.
I worked Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday Thanksgiving week, so I am not giving anyone any slack for the stupid fucking holiday bullshit.
I got fucked over on my old car. The dealership was only going to give me $500 as a trade in on a car with a brand new $5000 transmission. It had less than 10,000 miles on it.
Then the finance guy said his brother needed a car and he would give me 800 to 1000 for it. his brother supposedly needed it for college.
Then when he got around to getting the car it was suddenly that his brother was between jobs and he only had $600.
Never, ever trust anyone that calls you "brother".
I had around $18,000 in that car including purchase price.
I hate this scamming ass piece of shit area.
I am also pretty sure that the salesman added tax and title in when he showed me the price, but when the finance guy got it financed the tax and title fees were added to the base price.
The finance guy is a scammer that should be fired.
If I see anyone using that car to do gig work I will beat them to death.
Now get me my fucking payment book and unless I need to go to you for service I will not be back because of Edwin.
I am going to post this just because I find their commercials so fucking annoying.
As natural peanut butter as you can get.
Real butter sticks at room temperature and maybe even barely heated.
Powdered sugar.
Your favorite edible meltable chocolate. (milk, white or dark does not matter.)
Almond extract. Extract not flavoring cap.
Vanilla Extract.
Put the peanut butter in a large mixing bowl. Depending on the amount you have add anywhere from 1/2 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of each of the extracts. Stir thoroughly.
Stir in the butter a half stick at a time. you do not want it runny, but it should be fairly smooth.
Use a fork or some sort of mixing utensil, and not the mixer or it will whip and be no good.
You will now get a forearm workout. Stir in the powdered sugar until you pretty much can't stir in anymore.
Take a cookie sheet lined with parchment or freezer paper. Scoop out the peanut butter mixture and roll into balls in your hand. However big you want to make them. (Mine come out about golf ball size).
Place the balls of mixture on the lined cookie sheet and stick a good toothpick into each one. Put the cookie sheet in a freezer until the balls are solid.
You can just use a refrigerator, but you will need to refrigerate them more than once and for longer.
When they are solid melt your chocolate chips in a non stick pan or double boiler. Stir in a small amount of butter flavor Crisco to stop it from separating.
Take the balls out of the freezer and using the toothpick dip them into the melted chocolate.
Put them back on the same lined cookie sheet and when full refrigerate. You need to remove the toothpick and dip your finger in some warm water to smooth over the hole.
When the chocolate is hard they are ready to eat.
They are called Buckeyes and they are better than Reese's cups.
Fuck you Reese's "NOT SORRY."


If the first words out of your mouth after you ambush an animal aren't "I put such and such pounds of meat in my freezer", but are rather bragging about what the animal looked like to thump your chest then you are what should be hunted.
"Hunting" for food, especially if you are actually poor, is one thing. Trophy hunting makes you an asshole.


If the first words out of your mouth after you ambush an animal aren't "I put such and such pounds of meat in my freezer", but are rather bragging about what the animal looked like to thump your chest then you are what should be hunted.
"Hunting" for food, especially if you are actually poor, is one thing. Trophy hunting makes you an asshole.


There is no fucking afterlife. this one is it. So to every single one of you pieces of shit involved in fucking my life up so that I get tortured on a daily basis: I want to end your fucking existence.


I hate insurance companies.
The insurance I have at work went up to $60 a week out of my paycheck from $37 a week this year.
I make $600 a week before taxes so 10% of what I make before taxes are taken out goes to health insurance.
After taxes I bring home around $460 a week.
This country sucks.


For the record, the assholes spreading bullshit about me wanting an easy job are going to get their skulls bashed in with a 2X4 when I find them.
I have specifically written online where anyone can read it for the last almost 20 fucking years that I wanted work that I got exercise.
I am so fucking sick of assholes doing the exact fucking opposite of every thing that I point out that I want to kill everyone.
I fucking hate you pieces of mother fucking shit. When I find out who is running this crap you and your whole family are dead.

 My steps from the Mall and Meijer. I pause it between the two places.



 Post was up for 45 minutes before some candy ass little pussy complained. 

 Yahoo and Facebook and sites like them that stop people from pointing out how they actually feel about topics are just making the hatred of the LGBT community even stronger. 

 What the fuck can you idiot pieces of ignorant shit not understand? Your gender/sex are the same fucking things. You can not change your gender/sex. 

Your gender/sex are what you are not who you are. 

If you go against gender/sex stereotypes it does not mean that you are a different gender/sex. It means the stereotypes are fucking bullshit.

Your likes and dislikes are not based on what gender/sex that you are. Fucking morons.

Psychologists are playing mind games with you so that they can get fame and fortune.

Think about it, when you try to scam someone you are using what? Psychology.

Trans is insane. They need psychiatric help, not psychologists. 

 I went to Facebook Help to try and find a way to report harassment by the LGBT community. This bullshit is in their Help guides. They are literally the tranny shit site of the Internet and they need to be cancelled. 


Being Your Authentic Self on Facebook

We understand that changing your name can be a challenging process for transgender, gender non-conforming, genderqueer and non-binary people. You can use your authentic name, the name you go by in everyday life, to update information like your bio, personal account, payment info, and to update your gender identity on Facebook.
Please note that updating your name in some places on Facebook may require you to submit one or more documents with your authentic name.
Gender identity and personal pronouns aren't required on Facebook, but if you add them to your account, note that:
  • When Facebook contacts you, we'll only refer to you by the name on your Facebook account. This will appear as the name listed in your General Account Settings.
  • Pronouns are not an option made available to advertisers in ads tools.
  • You can, but aren’t required to, add or update your gender identity in your About settings.
  • If you connect your Facebook account to a third-party app or website, the app or website may ask if you want to share your name.
For more information about changing your name and gender on government IDs in a US state, visit the National Center for Transgender Equality.

 I do not try and take over where I work. I simply try to do the job correctly. 

Maybe those in charge of the company should ask themselves why things are not being done correctly?

Why does your local management think that they can run that outlet anyway that they see fit instead of by company policies? 

Why do they think that OSHA rules do not apply to them? 

Why do you let them hire their friends or family members? That will always lead to problems because the friends or family members think that they can now do anything that they want. 

Why does corporate hire so many contractors instead of running their own companies? Are they even capable of doing so?

The buck still stops with the person in charge of the parent company for allowing the misbehaviors of their subordinates and their contractors and contractor's employees.

Time to remind them of that.


Facebook restricted my account for posting the word "Both" in the comments of someone else's post.

I requested a review and they won't even do that. They know I will write to the oversight board about their bullshit.

If someone put a LGBT in charge of my account I will beat them to death for doing so.

I am going to Facebook corporate about this bullshit even if I have to handwrite the letter. 

When I find the piece of shit harassing me on there, everything that they are a part of dies. 


Thursday, December 5, 2024

To all the cunts trying to force me off Facebook. I want you and your families dead. I will fight your bullshit anywhere and everywhere that I can.

End the tax write off for advertising. NOW.

If Trump is in the pockets of the Internet nerds than he needs to be exposed and jailed. 

 I never had a problem with the LGBT community until I moved to the Lansing, Michigan area. After living her, I would just exterminate you all if I could.

 What can you imbeciles not get through your head. If you fuck with me on the job I am going to want to hurt you.

That means that you literally have to start shit with me to get me to want to hurt you.

You started it you little turd ass piece of shit.

Time to go back to kicking the ass of people fucking with you being okey dokey.

Here is what I sent HR at Ideal Setech in my defense. It points out all the bullshit that they did/still do in there. The entire Ideal Group should be put out of business. This is in picture form hopefully readable. please excuse any typos, I was pretty pissed off.

 When I find the cunt that keep reporting my posts just to cause me grief and cover up for the pieces of shit in Lansing that fuck me over I am going to enjoy watching them die.

Seriously. the motherfucking cunt bitch pussy ass garbage at Facebook just added restrictions to my account for posting the word "Both."

That is it, "Both" one fucking word is called Hate Speech by the cunts at Facebook that deserve to die. 

The comment was in response to a post about religion and trans being fucked up bullshit either one or the other and I wrote Both. 

Everyone protecting the insanity of the trans bullshit deserves to die. The trans people need to be put away in a mental ward until they can understand that you can not change your fucking gender.

 I tried to make a post on Yahoo and suddenly I can't post there either. 

When I find the piece of shit trying to make it so that I can not post the truth I am going to exterminate their entire fucking family.

 WTF??? This comment published and then got rejected hours later. Probably some pussy ass useless piece of tranny supporting shit got their panties in a bunch over the truth. The truth censorship is going to get sites shut down.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Do you try to fuck people over so that you can take advantage of them? 

Do you actively seek out people that are down and out or in financial distress so that you can take advantage of them?

Do you take advantage of anyone, any time that being able to presents itself?

Do you ever do anything for anyone else without wanting something in return?

If your answers to any of the first three questions are yes and/or the fourth question no: You are a capitalist pig.


Saturday, November 30, 2024

 Death to computer nerds.

 Notice the failed to publish crap. The word bullshit would normally get your comment rejected, but the comment is not even getting that far before it is censored. This is a blatant ban from posting because they don't like what I write.

I do not violate their asinine little pussy ass garbage community standards and yet they still ban me because they are fucking sorry ass little turds.

Yahoo and OpenWeb are even more pussified than Facebook.

 5 different comments on Yahoo all "failed to publish". I cleared my cache twice and restarted my browser both times. 

Yahoo and OpenWeb are fucking with people's posts on purpose. 

Everyone that works for both need a baseball bat shoved up their asses until it comes out their mouths. 

The whole San Francisco area and New York around OpenWeb can be annihilated for all I care.

 Death to Yahoo and OpenWeb:

 More memories while banned:

1 year ago

Silicon Valley, home to some of the biggest wallets and smallest penises, in the country.


If I say that I like doing something and that makes you want to do it, there are 2 reasons for that.
Either you are trying to make it so that I can't do it or you are a pathetic idiot that can't think for yourself.
"If someone can prove me wrong and show me my mistake in any thought or action, I shall gladly change. I seek the truth, which never harmed anyone: the harm is to persist in one's own self-deception and ignorance." ~ Marcus Aurelius

4 Years ago:

Once again the nazi pigs with the weaponry are keeping me awake all night.
So I will write some more about the FedEx bullshit. The nazi pigs are much like the capitalist garbage there.
Unless someone put the truck that I use into the dock properly yesterday, I don't even know if it will be loaded or not and the gap between the truck and the dock will allow the weather to be involved.
All summer long everyone was saying that there was a guaranteed 8:30 dispatch time. Now it is apparently 9:30.
It gets busier and the profiteering garbage make it so that the drivers get started later???????
It gets dark earlier and yet there is a later start time and more deliveries???????
They are purposefully making it more dangerous for the drivers so that they can make more money.
My scamming ass boss said he was going to go to stop pay. Stop pay fucks me over more than it helps. I have a rural route with more driving and less stops.
With the stop pay that he said, I have to make at least 170 deliveries just to make what I was making getting paid by the day.
My normal days before this crap were at 130 to 140 stops. I average around 20 stops per hour. So that automatically makes me staying two more hours for 40 more stops.
Fuck FedEx and their contracting scumbag pieces of shit.
Justin Haynes the owner of C&JH is a scammer. He tries to push the stop pay to get drivers to stay out and deliver past dark when it is more dangerous.
I hate FedEx. I hate every single piece of shit in this sorry ass shit hole that fucked my life up to where I have to work in a shit hole like FedEx.
The world would be a better place without the nazi pigs with the weaponry and the rest.
I can do math. for the record, Rachel Haynes that sends out the pay stubs is so stupid she uses $9.45/Hr to figure out the base pay when $9.65 is the minimum wage in Michigan since the start of 2020.
Get this, the more hours that you put in and the more packages that you deliver the less your profit sharing and bonus become to keep the pay at the same per day.
Work harder so that you actually make less.
FedEx contracting bullshit.
I have worked there for over 6 months and still have not gotten any uniform pants. I am using my own clothes other than their shirts. They gave me two shirts so I have to do laundry 3 times a week just to have clean shirts.
I just got the ID badge last week. Now I will have to furnish my own coat as well.
The CEO of FedEx is a billionaire and like the rest of them should be shot in the head.
FedEx is a prime example of why capitalism needs to die forever.


I am thinking about something from last night.
I think one of the managers called me and asked to make a pick up, but I can't quite make out the message.
I did not make the pick up.
I called him and couldn't hardly hear him, but he said that a lot of routes were not going to get done.
Seriously??? I am trying to get my route done. Tell the drivers that stop delivering early to go and get the pick-ups.
There is no danger at a business pick up and you go straight back to the terminal. There are other routes even closer than where I was.
I am just to the point of not even giving a shit anymore.
I hate this area, state and fucking capitalist pig country.


OWWWWW. My hands are swollen and have little nicks all over them.
I can't use gloves at work because I have to peel the sight tag stickers off and put them on the side facing out. even when the loaders do it, I still have to switch it around when I move the packages to where I want them.
FedEx is ridiculously busy right now. They were already busy because of the pandemic, but now with the Black Friday sales and other "seasonal" buying it is too much.
Other drivers had almost 300 stops on their trucks. They have high density neighborhoods, but that doesn't help at those numbers.
My route is smaller stop wise, but more driving and more long, long driveways. The truck I had yesterday was so full that I literally had to go do some of the bigger boxes first or climb over top of them and.or unload and reload at every stop.
On top of that FedEx's ingenious labeling system left me with at least 4, sometimes up to 6 or 7, different stops with the same sight tag numbers. Always an even number like 1000 or 1500 up to the 8000 and 8500 groupings.
I also had 4 or fives packages that were not scanned and put on the route that I had to try and go back and get when I found them.
FedEx wants to push so much crap trough right now that the facility is running thousands of package over what is supposed to be its capacity every day.
The dispatch times are later, which means less hours to deliver in the daylight. Seriously, there is a guaranteed 9:30 a.m. dispatch time and Sunday a lot of drivers just shut their doors at 9:30 and left. Me included.
It is winter in Michigan. It gets dark at 5:30 p.m. now and by 5 soon.
FedEx needs to fix their system to get the drivers out earlier or they are going to end up with a lot of undelivered packages that just keep building up.
Sunday I had all the Central Park apartment packages from Saturday as well.
At 8:30 p.m. I had to stop. I couldn't see anything. Again, I apologize to the people that I did not get to, but I really can't even see to walk up your driveways. I can't see anything to pull into or back out of your driveways.
I have diabetes and after 12 hours my eyes get tired. 55 years old probably doesn't help that.
If FedEx gets their shit together, which is completely unrealistic, things would go smoother and more stops would be delivered.
When I went to put the tablet and scanner back into the truck that I normally use, someone had backed it in further, but the door was still not able to be opened all the way and there is at least 2 feet between the back of the truck and the dock.
I wouldn't load it like that, but until they get the sides marked and tell the other drivers where to park I am screwed as I get back after them.
The bullshit about not having anyone load their own freight is just that. There are still several routes loading their own freight. FedEx management or my employer, just wanted to screw me around. I still have to rearrange the freight, it is just harder to do when it is already in the truck. Assholes.
A smaller route with a roll-top door should have been put down there.
Are all FedEx facilities fucked up or is it just Mid Michigan?
It may just be another case of greedy garbage at corporate.
Revolution anyone?


5 years ago:

If you think that you hear my thoughts, PROVE IT.