More memories while banned:
1 year ago
Silicon Valley, home to some of the biggest wallets and smallest penises, in the country.
An atheist Marxist fighting the good fight and being a good person. To end animal abuse, help spay and neuter the abusers, that way they can't have kids to teach the behavior to and hopefully it and them will die off. Ban all radiation weapons and eventually do away with all military industrial complexes. Think for yourself do not just accept.
More memories while banned:
1 year ago
Silicon Valley, home to some of the biggest wallets and smallest penises, in the country.
Seriously. The Aldi warehouse closest to here, about 20 miles, has turned me down for a job picking so many times it isn't funny.
I worked in that warehouse for Everclear Cleaning solutions and am familiar with what goes on in there.
I have extensive experience in warehouse work.
They only work 30 to 35 hours a week. Not the 60 hours like the assholes at Meijer warehouse.
They have even changed management from the people that were there when I worked for Everclear.
They do not even have a cleaning contractor there anymore, they do it themselves. Why wouldn't they want someone that already has experience in that as well as selecting?
They probably let some local dickhead take over and he is a power tripping turd, The old managers had a sex cult mentality and this new management probably does as well.
Pretty sure that is something that comes down from Aldi corporate. Check to see if the President of Aldi is gay.
MIOSHA probably still covers up for them as well. They literally used to let the forklift drivers drive all over the warehouse with their forks already tilted back.
The old management had no idea how to run an efficient warehouse.
I made it a point there to say that I do not have sex with other people in the workplace.
I would very much like to eliminate from existence anyone and everyone that puts a fuck cult mentality into a workplace.
Facebook memory from 1 year ago
Trump and his India appointees can all go fuck themselves. India is a major problem. they overbreed and then spread out to infest other areas. They all need to be shipped back to India. When they infest they try to take over. They use their cheesy fake smile and fake politeness to con people. There are a lot of them that are behind the Big Bother computer industry and they are writing the programs that censor free speech.
Some about me:
When I worked at the Travelers Club which was basically a sex cult commune, I did not have sex with any of them.
In the kitchen there I looked over and saw 5 people in the grill area??? I was like what the fuck?? I told them that I could do it by myself. I proved it too.
Profits went up when payroll went down.
But the ignorant cunt Jennifer that owned the place couldn't handle it being a restaurant. She had to have her sex cult. I wouldn't fuck the waitresses so they hired some guys. Those guys were more interested in having sex than getting the job done.
That place deserved to go out of business and it did. Those people were garbage. Probably still are.
I was never one of them and never will be. It was a job and that is all it was.
That is how I am on every job. Not going to change. Anyone trying to make that change is harassing me and I want them dead.
The pieces of shit in this town like to spread rumors, but they never seem to spread the way it actually is. Then they couldn't get their jollies out of fucking people over.
The ones doing it deserve to die. It does not matter what other group or groups that they are in, all that matters is they take part in harassing and destroying people's lives. They are shit.
I am not an extrovert. I will never be an extrovert. I do not like extroverts, I find them extremely annoying.
If you try to force me into acting like an extrovert I will make sure you jump up to first place on my shit list.
I am an atheist. All religions should be completely and totally wiped out.
I am a proponent of the writings of Marx and Engels. Capitalism is predatory and needs to go.
I debunk pseudoscience. Astrophysics is utter bullshit.
I despise the left wing that supports criminals, illegal immigrants, transgender insanity, Eugenics, little pussies running their mouths and then blaming someone when they want to shut their mouths.
You left wing pieces of shit have gone too far. You are garbage that needs to be taken out with the above mentioned.
Got it assholes.
It isn't the work, I do the work.
It is the people that I have to work with.
I fucking hate slack ass morons and ass kissing pieces of shit.
The last job that I was fired from the useless gay guy did more event organizing than work.
That warehouse was a pathetic joke as far as workers go.
Ideal is a pathetic joke for allowing it to get that way.
GM should have their own parts warehouse run by themselves. It is car parts, it is the parts for the lines and the machines they use to build the cars.
If they knew how to build those lines with redundancies they would not need any "Hot" runs. All the small parts would be there already.
Yet both GM and Ideal would rather employ token LGBT and minorities that don't work than a straight white guy that does work.
Not all LGBT and minorities don't work. Most actually do. It is the ones that use the DEI bullshit to get out of working that need to be fired.
All companies that try to tell you what you can or can not say or write when you are not on the clock need to be put out of business.
Fuck their 'brand' bullshit. If what you are writing is true then they are responsible for making their brand look bad you are just exposing it and should be protected for doing so.
If you do not like your co-workers, but do your job and do not say anything while on the job then fuck the cunts monitoring your social media pages.
Saying or posting that if someone wants to step outside you will kick their ass is not a threat. It specifically states "IF" that person wants to fight you will oblige them.
Dumb asses at corporate can't speak English very well.
Calling someone a faggot online is not harassment. Even if you call them a faggot in person it is not harassment until they say stop and you continue.
The word faggot is not hate speech. It is an insult. There are huge amounts of words that are considered insults.
The whole 'offended' by everything crowd needs to be exterminated.
I can call a man bitch and it is not hate speech even though the term is a derogatory word for women. I can call a woman a cunt and it is not hate speech. It is an insult.
I posted that one male was a piece of shit faggot. His name is Jerry by the way. That is an insult not hate speech.
When I use the term "inbred redneck" is it hate speech? Trumptard must be hate speech then as well.
Did Matt get fired for passing out Trump/Vance bumper stickers? No the manager allowed. The manager's boss allowed.
All three are "inbred rednecks".
The left and its telling people that they can not say certain words or using "Hate speech" as a blanket are going to get wiped out completely. They have taken a term and applied to anything that they disagree with or that fights back against their bullshit.
Fuck all of you cunts like that. I hate you all.
Hate speech, real hate speech is bullshit pushing Eugenics. They hate someone for what they are. I hate people for who they are.
I hate everyone involved in the harassment and destruction of my life. Fuck you and your PC bullshit. I hope you all die painful horrible deaths.
I hate the right wingers that have adopted those pussy ass policies to act offended and get people fired because they don't play their games on the job.
Death to all religions.
I can't even afford to spend $5 on a fucking phone app game because of you pieces of shit.
Everyone at Ideal Group corporate offices needs to die. You let your fucking garbage employees form their little cabal and now i am fucked. You deserve to die with them.
I reported that cunt Lorie to the wage and hour division at the Dept. of Labor this morning.
She has been illegally manipulating people's time cards for probably years.
Everyone that knows about it needs to be in jail.
That is the kind of scumbag company that GM contracts to.
Death to all faggots and everyone that fucks me over for calling them faggots.
Once again some cocksucking cunt gets posts of mine removed from days ago and they add restrictions to my account.
When I find the piece of shit doing it I will kill you and your fucking family. Not a game cunt.
Anyone that protects the pussy ass coward doing this shit deserves to die with them. Probably some faggot and tranny loving weirdo.
The lowlife pin dick scum with the weaponry do everything that they can to try and make me forget to take my diabetes medicine.
They distract me by pissing me off and they use the weaponry to try and block it out of my mind.
They deserve to die. Anyone that covers up for them deserves to die with them.
Tried to post this to a group on Facebook:
Proving a group of people wrong does not make you a conspiracy theorist. It just means that they all fell for the same bullshit or they didn't bother to check what it was based in and just ran with it. Degrees do not make correct. There are people with doctorate level degrees in theology that still push religious garbage as real. There are people with advanced degrees in astrophysics that pushed idiotic nonsense like string theory until it was blown out of the water. Sometimes the simplest solution is the correct one and it doesn't take a degree at all to figure it out. Of course that would end the gravy trains for those pushing the bullshit.
For the past few years, I have not been quitting jobs. the fucking garbage here has been fucking out of them. I fucking hate looking for a job.
All I do is show up and work. I do my job.
I want every single piece of sorry ass shit in this fucking assholeville that pulls their crap in the workplace exterminated.
Male or female.
When have I ever not done my job?
When that becomes not good enough, it is time to end the human race.
Take all your hand holding bullshit and die with it.
If I complain about something at work it is because it is broken and needs fixed. That includes getting rid of the warm bodies.
I work on the premise of efficiency.
Efficiency means doing the most work correctly with the least amount of effort required. It is the very definition of working smart.
Inefficient workplaces are a nightmare of useless turds socializing, forming cabals and not getting much of anything done except keeping too many people there.
Ass kisser abound in inefficient workplaces.
They are usually run by narcissists that want to think that they run the perfect company. Any complaints must be false as it would mean that they are not perfect. Even constructive criticism is outlawed in those places.
I fucking hate those places and those people and will never stop fighting back against them.
The fucking nazi pigs with the weaponry start in with their song lyric attacks as soon as I wake up. If I get up to take a piss they start in to make it so that I can not get back to sleep.
This morning they are back on their "Had to be a big shot didn't ya" lyric over and over and over.
I am going to kill all, of them when I get the proof.
How the fuck did I try to be a big shot? The song is a guy singing about some stupid female running her mouth.
Like the ignorant Plum Crazy cunts? Like the idiot bi-sexual garbage from Travelers Club or the Mayfair? Like the nasty ass cocaine whores at Sundance? Like the moron faggot brigade?
Those stupid bitches that couldn't stop running their mouths?
Maybe those stupid fucking little bitch boy drug dealers from E 5th Street in Dayton, Ohio?
Like the parasite lowlife radio DJs and television news garbage?
You are all the reason that I have been getting tortured for almost 25 years now. I want all of you dead.
For the morons out there. I have a tear in the achilles tendon of my left leg. It happened when I was doing Amazon Flex. Yes, it hurt like a mother fucker when I was doing regular amazon delivery.
It still is not fully healed. I have diabetes and I am 59 years old, everything takes longer to heal.
I have also not stopped working or at least trying to work if idiots would quit fucking me out of my jobs.
How bad are the pussies at Ideal Setech when a 59 year old with type 2 diabetes and a torn achilles tendon is hated for doing too much work?
While I am unemployed I go to the Meridian Mall every day to do laps around the inside for at least some exercise.
I would appreciate it if the hot girls would dress in a way to help boost my heart rate. Thanks ladies.
Transgender is bullshit. You can not change your gender.
This whole bunch of crap is insanity being pushed by scumbag psychologists trying to make a name and money for themselves.
It is not science by any means.
The difference between transvestites and transgender women is that both are men in women's clothing just one is insane enough to think it makes him a woman.
These people should be in a mental ward until they can accept the fact of what gender that they were born.
Anyone that allows them into women's sports needs to be shot.
Useless nazi pigs are using their "Make you gain weight" "That'll slow you down."
No it ruin my health and just piss me off even more.
I do not want to be like or fit in with you sorry ass pieces of shit.
Everyone that knows about this weaponry that doesn't try to stop it deserves to die with it.
That includes all the happy zombie drug rejects.
Now the nazi cunts are back on their bullshit about having to get a roommate.
Fuck you I do not want a roommate.
If you have to have roommates to survive in this country then this country needs to be exterminated.
More bullshit about pushing college and the asinine degrees you get from them. Learning to live with a roommate.
Death to capitalism and all capitalist pigs.
I go through job ads about lowlife scum pushing competition in the workplace. That does not inspire teamwork. Just the fucking opposite it makes people want to sabotage their co-workers so that they 'win'.
More bullshit by the scumbags at the top trying to stop you from looking at how they are robbing you blind.
Time for the actual workers to say enough and overthrow the oligarchs.
Either way, either Brian told his family shit about me and they spread it all over town or Jason supposedly knew Eric and told him and they spread it all over town.
Death to cocaine and drug dealers. The kids of the big drug dealer that I looked out for are now enemies that I want dead.
I have no ties to organized crime anymore. I even told the people that I considered family that were related to supposed organized criminals that they would never hear from me again.
Because of this fucking useless shit hole of an area that needs to be wiped out.
Idiot pieces of ignorant hit that just couldn't back the fuck off me.
Dumb ass moron cunts that just couldn't stop pushing sex, sex, sex.
The nazi cunts with the weaponry like to use "You could be a drug dealer."
Secondly, I overheard the conversation at work in 2000, where one guy said "They are going to make Jim the sacrifice."
The sacrifice is the guy that they tell the cops about so they can bust someone while much bigger shipments go through.
Apparently they are too stupid to understand "I don't want anything to do with that shit."
Thirdly, only a complete fucking idiot would trust someone that attacks them with radiation weaponry.
Because of the Lansing, Michigan area, I now hate all drug dealers and want them wiped out.
The chicken shit cowards with the weaponry keep pushing me and getting you to fuck me over. They even put shit in my head about breaking me.
Breaking me will cause a lot of you to die.
The nazi pigs with the weaponry do not care about you.
They want to kill me anyway that they can. It is what they do.
They try to discredit anyone that fights their punk ass bitch system.
That is why the mass media is involved.
The mass media needs to be destroyed.
Because of this weaponry that they hooked to me, they know all the jobs that I look at or apply to and tell everyone so they will go apply there as well.
The pieces of shit at the other end of this weaponry deserve to die for crimes against humanity. This weaponry is a crime against humanity.
The pin dick asshole, Jim Belafuil and his co-worker, J.T. McKinley are or were part of this piece of shit company called BS&A. Both are major contributers to the destruction of my life and I would prefer greatly that they did not continue breathing.
Read it, they are a woke company run by someone that claims to be a republican and they write programs for the government to track whether or not you pay your property taxes among other thing. They have branched out into other states.
Here is a few excerpts from a job listing for them.
" You will play a key role in assisting with the implementation of BS&A’s ERP software (primarily cloud-based) in local governments and utility districts throughout the country."
" Prior experience with SaaS platforms, especially Government Technology SaaS solutions, is desirable but not required"
" BS&A provides Equal Employment Opportunity to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender identity or expression, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, marital status, amnesty, or status as a covered veteran in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws. The BS&A complies with applicable state and local laws governing non-discrimination in employment in every location in which BS&A has facilities."
Genetic information????
Wow. Got turned down by Kendall electric and the next day on LinkedIn I get a post about their new Dayton, Ohio warehouse.
I grew up in Kettering and want to move back to that area to help kill all the drug dealers there.
More reason to destroy these fucking Michigan companies along with the drug dealers there.
Had an interview this morning with the Kendall Group aka Kendall electric. Went alright as far as I could tell and the woman said she would forward it to the hiring manager.
Just checked my email and got a rejection letter. The HR woman said not to expect a reply right away and it may take until after the holidays. I forwarded the rejection letter to her with the comment "Only took a few hours?".
For a warehouse/delivery driver job.
O.K. If that is the way it is The Kendall Group, a Me-shit-again company, is now on my list of companies that should be put out of business.
Do not do business with them as they are another 'woke' company like Ideal Setech.
Michigan needs to be made an example of when Trump gets into office.
From Facebook Community Standards:
We believe that all people are equal in dignity and rights. We expect that people will respect the dignity of others and not harass or degrade others."
What the fuck do they think calling someone a bigot, homophobe, transphobic, racist or sexist is doing other than degrading that person?
Two faced asshole bullshit.
More memories for Facebook:
1 year ago: