Sunday, November 19, 2023

Just so you don't think that I am lying about what I was making and making now here are the screenshots.
Every time I get anything going in this fucking town the assholes fuck it up.
 I want every piece of shit involved with this weaponry that puts out there everything I do dead. Yesterday.



The next time I see some piece of shit out there with 2 cell phones, I am going to take your picture and send it to the Feds.
Let them go after you and whatever app you are using for defrauding the restaurants.
Downtown East Lansing Chipolte last night. Black guy with foreign accent. Didn't see his car.
I am not going to lose my pay because of scamming garbage.
More reason to hate the State of Michigan.
Remember the drug dealer named Lopez that hung around with the gold chain boys worked for the State.


Doordash's new Challenge Streak promotion.
If you can do math it is a scam.
Anyways, Doordash doesn't care if the drivers are high. The new streak promo is about getting more deliveries done to get more money.
So now you have high drivers driving faster than they were to get more deliveries in to get the 'bonus' money.
It is still illegal in Michigan to drive while high.
If the cops enforced that law it would cripple the gig industry until they fixed it and made it a real job.
The cops do not have to pull over everyone driving a little fast, but I see the idiots out there every day I work. They have no business behind the wheel.
Not all of them are gig drivers either, some are the students at MSU. Expensive foreign race cars basically. Hopefully they will end up going home in a box and their parents can pay for the tree damage.
Unfortunately it is Michigan where if you want people to be forced to take responsibility for their actions you are the one that is going to get fucked over.
Michigan is a shit hole of a "I can do anything I want with no repercussions" state. Mid Michigan is the worst part for that with all the scummy bought and paid for politicians.


The cunt nazis with the weaponry constantly use the "you like her", "what are you going to do now?", "who do you want?", "You want to do this or you want to do that.", etc.
Every single thing like that has one thing in common. IT IS NONE OF THEIR FUCKING BUSINESS.
When I say that back to them they use "Everything is", as in everything is their business.


This comment was rejected by Yahoo cunt censors:
You know, you were on the right track until you started the religious ignorance.
Science, real science points out that this whole mess is nothing more than mental illness. Much like it points out that there is no god and those that believe in one are delusional. 
Death to yahoo bullshit asshole PC cunt bitch censors. Add the ignorant cunt that runs that shit company.


Saturday, November 18, 2023

The pin dick nazis with the weaponry are back on the "Number 1" bullshit.

They are also using the "We control you" bullshit.

I use the word bullshit to describe their tactics quite often as since they are psychobabble garbage they tend to use a a lot of bullshit.

They do not control me.

They attack me to elicit responses and to piss me off.

They use entrainment and burning weaponry to cause extreme pain and/or discomfort.

If you break someone's arm with a baseball bat, you do not control them. You simply caused injury with your attack. If they want you dead for it, they are well within the realm of sanity.

As for the 'number 1' crap. I have no idea what you assholes put me in, but no one and I mean no one runs my life but me. You can take that shit, shove it up your asses and die with it.

I want anything and everything associated with whatever they were talking about completely and totally destroyed.

Now the are back on their William White garbage. William and his wife/whore Jennifer Brooke owned the Travelers Club restaurant.

They are both pieces of shit that the world would be a better place without.

I do not know what the redheaded gossip bitch named Erin that worked at Travelers club meant when she said "I think he knows it's William".

What is William? The weaponry? The harassment? The tiniest dick in the U.S.?

William White and everything associated with him should be destroyed.

On this day
1 year ago
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The assholes with the weaponry just used "we are trying to make you a man".
No they are trying to turn me into a neanderthal like themselves. Knuckle dragging useless pieces of shit. Only difference is that they are candy ass little pussies hiding behind weaponry.
If that is what a woman wants, then that woman needs to die with the pieces of shit doing it.
Neither of you rates being called human. The world would be a better place without both of you.


On this day
1 year ago
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Also would like to know why no one during this whole fucking destruction of my life or the whole time I have lived in this shit hole EVER ASKED ME WHAT I WANTED.
The nazi garbage with the weaponry just used the "You said you only wanted one." Bullshit again.
So once again I will point out look at the context of the statement within the conversation you fucking ignorant pieces of shit.
The stupid cunt across the table turned a normal conversation into sex. Then she proceeded to say how she thought two guys together was sexy.
I said that "I only want one WOMAN and then it will be me and her against the world." The against the world part is a stretch, but the whole thing was said because I was tired of moron pieces of shit in that crap hole called the Travelers Club turning everything into being about sex.
Those 'people' barely rate being called human as there intelligence is so fucking low.
Anyone that thinks that everything is about sex should be locked away in a rubber room.
You are the ones with the mental problems not me. I am done getting fucked over because of useless insane pieces of shit.
Reopen the sanitariums. Let them fuck each other to death away from normal people.
That includes all the power tripping garbage that want power to force sex on people. Die assholes. Male or female.
That is what they are trying to do to me. I am not trying to do it to anyone.
That is not the way it should be so feel free to fight the garbage doing it.
If anyone use me to further their bullshit of forcing sex please tell me and I will make sure that they never do it again.
I still owe William White a beatdown for using me in his power tripping fantasy over a 17 year old dishwasher named Megan. He told her that she could have her job back if she fucked me.
I was in the kitchen and only found out about it when Stan the manager came into the Kitchen and told Gary the prep cook about it.
If I had heard him I would have thrown him through the plate windows and out into the street.
I do not play that shit. EVER.
I have never and will never even force a girlfriend to have sex.
So take your idiot games and shove them. They will get you kicked to the curb not fucked.
Fucking ignorant religious bullshit.
Humans are supposed to have the ability for higher reasoning. Start using it or stop calling yourself human.


On this day
1 year ago
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I want to make perfectly clear that this weaponry was used to attack me. I have never nor will I ever consent to it being used on me.
I want the proof on who hooked me to this fucking shit.
If you cover up for them or this weaponry you deserve to die.
Period end of discussion.


On this day
1 year ago
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It takes time to correlate the remote neural monitoring evoked potential patterns to the specific stimuli that caused them.
However, the face flashing of the Creepy man that walked up to me at Mid City Produce happened right after the pieces of shit old men at the Mayfair played "Don't come around here no more" 4 times in a row with a few minutes between each one to get me out of there.
They knew it was going to happen.
How did people from the Travelers Club know what I said in the bars? How did people at Sundance know what was said to me outside the Mayfair by the gay blond haired guy?
I did nothing but provide excellent customer service at Sundance so why were they trying to fuck me out of my job? Because I wasn't interested in the blond whore behind the service counter? Or any other whore there.
How did women at the Walmart in Charlotte know what I said to my supervisor inside the Walters Vending warehouse?
I am going to destroy how they did it if it kills me. Fuck off you pieces of shit.
Th gig work doesn't really count, because I don't see the same people on a regular basis.
A route driver job is different. It is dealing with the same people every time you go there and is best to keep the bullshit out of it.


On this day
1 year ago
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I know that I pushed for 20 years to leave me alone. I have my reasons for that.
The main reason is the psychotic assholes with the evoked potential weaponry. I literally want them and their weaponry destroyed.
The other reason, especially in these last years, was because I wanted to be here for my mother. She was there for me when the attacks and torture started.
My cats are my kids. I am not giving them up without a fight to the death.
The psychotic assholes still attack and torture me, but at least their crap is being exposed around the world. The media here is part of it, they are not likely to help end it.
My mother died on Sept. 23rd.
My cats are still alive.
Every time I turn around I get fucked out of my sources of income. I am done taking it.
I do not like living in Michigan. I can not afford to move. That will never change because here is where the torture started.
I will hate and I literally mean hate everyone that was involved in getting my life destroyed. That will never change.
I do not want a roommate. Period.
My cats have free run of the house/trailer and it will stay that way as long as I can make it so.
I am not going to play dating games. I fucking hated that shit before I was attacked and I am too fucking old for it now.
I do not drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or marijuana anymore.
I have diabetes, type 2, which means no alcohol.
I quit smoking cigarettes 9+years ago so I could afford to adopt 2 of my cats that someone was going to abandon in the park here. I did not have a job then due to trying to stay away from the bullshit harassment here. I hate not being able to talk to anyone without ignorant pieces of shit turning it into me hitting on them.
You have no idea how bad that makes me want to end you right then and there. If you are interested then why don't you come out and say it instead of being a head game playing piece of worthless shit?
All those around that want to start the gossip of me talking to someone need to fucking die. You are more worthless than the head game players. Ignorant gossiping pieces of shit.
That same shit went on at Travelers Club when I worked there. then it stopped or at least wasn't as noticeable after I left there until William White and Jennifer Brooke showed up at Plum Crazy Sports Bar.
Then it started in there.
Those two pieces of shit then showed up at the Mayfair and the shit started all over fucking town back and forth from where I worked to where I lived.
I hate them and everyone associated with them.
I am not a celebrity. I do not want to be a celebrity. I fucking hate the spotlight. I fucking hate gossiping pop culture shit holes.
Now do you understand why I do not talk to people here, or are you still too stupid even when it is spelled out for you????????
If you would like to talk to me and I am not doing my job, say "Hi" or "Hello".
Ask people that knew me before you people did this shit to me and you will find out that I was a very nice guy, unless you fucked with me or my friends.
I did not know that the Travelers Club was a LGBT shit hole until after I worked there for awhile. I did not know that Tom and Steve were into cocaine and local organized crime until after I had worked there and been hanging out in there for awhile.
I did not know that the Mayfair was a criminal and LGBT bar.
I try to mind my own business. No one bothered to warn me.
I did not know that Sundance Chevrolet was related to Brian, or however you spell it, from East 5th Street Dayton. I figured it out after I saw him there and he looks just like the rest of that inbred family.
He never bothered to tell me.
If you are associated with any of those people, I do not want anything to do with you.
The assholes with the weaponry just put "If you ever go anywhere else, they will all kill you" in my head. My response was "Oh well, it is better than being stuck living here."
Here they go again with "You shouldn't have went to that one", "Why did you go to him/her" and various forms of that shit.
I did not go to anyone. That is the garbage here and/or whoever was listening in to my conversations doing it. They all need to die.


On this day
1 year ago
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Cloudy, cold, windy and snowing.
Michigan is the epitome of dreariness.


On this day
1 year ago
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I need a set schedule. I have diabetes and need to make doctor's appointments sometimes 6 months in advance.
I have a cat with cancer that has vet appointments every month or two.
I fucking hate not knowing when I am going to have to work.
Let the senior people pick their scheduled days first, I have no problem with that. They need to stick to their schedules.
I need to stick to my schedule.
Shove your flexibility shit up your asses and die with it.
You wonder why no one wants to work for you, that is a big reason right there.
Most people like to be able to plan things in their life in advance.
Only idiots like to be jerked around.


On this day
1 year ago
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Unions are not helping themselves by not making it so that people are actually hired into a stable job situation.
No one wants to wait for 3 months or more to have a job become a reliable paycheck.
I don't know anyone that likes being on-call.
That becomes more apparent in a period of economic uncertainty.
People want CERTAINTY.
Most people do not want a job that they have to get another job to support themselves. It is even worse when one job expects you to have no notice of when you are going to work or no set schedule that allows you to work around it.
I can not live on part time wages. I most certainly will tell a company to fuck off if they think that I am going to sit and wait and hope for hours.
That is total bullshit.
I do not want to do the bullshit 'gig' work. I fucking hate that delivery job bullshit and it has no guarantee of making anything.
I am single and trying to pay my bills. I would rather exterminate the human race than be forced into a situation of having a roommate or being in a relationship that I do not want to be in.
I do not want to be a driver in this shit hole winter crap ass state. If I had enough money to leave with my cats and have a home and a job somewhere else I would already be gone.
I fucking hate the ass backwards moron bullshit of Michigan.
This nazi cunt weaponry that someone got hooked to me only makes it a thousand times worse.
Anyone that would want this weaponry deserves to die.
If I am only part time then I do not want to join a union and I will not have money taken out of my check for insurance.
I will be gone when I get a full time job somewhere else.
That is doing what is best for me. I am more important to myself than your companies or unions are to me. So are my cats.


On this day
4 years ago
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It was 9:22 p.m. when I started this post.
I just started turning everything off to go to bed when the assholes with the weaponry put into my head "We won't let you sleep".
My reply was "I know that. that is why I have to go to bed so early because you never let me get good sleep."
Just another reason to exterminate every single piece of shit on the other end of this weaponry or that covers up for it.
They all deserve to die.


On this day
4 years ago
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Do you think that watching television or playing video games leads to violent behavior?
Only when that stuff becomes popular and all the pop culture morons start tying to imitate what they see and/or hear to try and make themselves more popular.
It isn't necessarily the music, television, games or even peer behaviors. It is the fucking idiotic bullshit called pop culture.
The game didn't do it, trying to make themselves look cooler so they will be popular did it.
However, the assholes responsible for putting the crap in music, on television or in the games already know that about pop culture. They do not give a rats ass if what they put out there causes some idiot to do really stupid things or not.
All they care about is the fucking money that they will make if they become popular.


On this day
4 years ago
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Is it popular in any other area or is it just here in mid Michigan for cowards and scumbags to harass people into quitting so that they can then play the victim?
Everyone that does that should be shot in the head.



On this day
4 years ago
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What would you think?
I have a job as a warehouse/delivery driver.
So today I found out or was told that the company plans to start adding a $3.50 delivery charge to every delivery instead of what was touted as free delivery. The free delivery was supposed to be a selling item for new customers.
That is going to seriously cut the amount of deliveries as people will come in and pick their shit up.
On top of that any deliveries that are made are going to get the "deliver when complete" moniker so they will sit in the warehouse until every item comes in. With their idiotic supply chain that can take awhile.
The warehouse will end up looking like a lay-a-way department.
The salesman said this morning that he was supposed to have 80 of the new sales catalogs that came in with him to hand out. I have been handing out the catalogs and flyers, because I actually go to the stops instead of calling them.
The manager informed me a week ago that he has been trying to get someone in there for the front counter and warehouse that used to work there. There isn't enough warehouse work to keep anyone one person busy let alone 4 people in it including the manager.
It look about an hour to check in and put away the entire transfer truck this morning. There were 2 of us that did most of it.
Their computer system won't let me write up orders and/or I have never been trained to write them up properly. That means that I can't wait on customers other than to pull what they want from the back and have someone else write up the sale.
I am listed as Warehouse/Driver on my time clock page. No Counter.
They have a thing set up through Evergreen Marketing for everyone else that works there to take watch videos and take little tests about products there. They would not even reply to my attempt to set up my own account there.
The employees can sit around and do that all day and earn Amazon dollars. Pretty fucking genius to promote the competition while getting your employees to not work at the same time.
It really sounds to me like they are either trying to make me quit or that they are planning to do away with the driver position and go back to the salesman delivery his own stuff.
If someone out there actually wants an employee that gives a rat's ass about doing their job correctly and is willing to pay a living wage with insurance let me know.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Within an hour after I posted that I would not be taking any more Grubhub orders last night, the side of town that I work on lit up with hot spots on the Grubhub map. See the image below.

Then soon after the area went dead for Doordash. See image below.

Because of the ignorant cunts that run Doordash, I am loosing up to or maybe more than $300 a week. Their bullshit refer a friend puts way too many drivers out there.

All you assholes wanting extra money can get a part time job. this is mine and several other's full time job and you have no right to take what we were making as far as I am concerned.

Doordash being the assholes that they are started a refer a friend get $900. they did it on purpose to flood the market. They are pieces of shit.

If they had $900 to give to drivers then why not give it to the drivers that were already doing their shit job?

Here is an extra $900 for wear and tear on your car?

All of the app companies or at least the big 3, Doordash, Uber and Grubhub need to be investigated for human trafficking.

Think about it, they were the ones trying to make it easier for immigrants and minorities to get into the delivery aspect.

So...... Especially in idiot democrat states or sanctuary cities where they give drivers licenses to illegals why wouldn't they want more illegals that would work for their shit pay?

Look for ties to cartels and organized crime.

I do not like republicans one little bit either.

Would the illegals file taxes if they did drive for the gig companies?

Every driver they have on record should be audited. I use a CPA so fuck them.

States should start requiring a commercial license to drive commercially. A chauffeur's license is cheap and make them pass a DOT physical as well. Requires a piss test.

If enough republican states start doing it the number of illegals, tax cheats and pot smoking drivers will make the democrats look even softer on crime.

Did I mention that my IQ has never been tested under 130?

I tried to get you fucking assholes to back off and leave me alone but you wouldn't and you got me tortured and destroyed my life. I will use every bit of brain power I have to destroy everything that you are a part of if you don't back the fuck up off of me.

This info goes out to anyone all over the world that wants to see it so no action just proves that all of you are corrupt.

I had planned to start taking 2 days a week off and working a little more on the other 5. I wanted to get some things repaired around my trailer.

Much like everything else that I try to plan, useless fucking assholes try to fuck it up. It only makes me want them all dead even more.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Needed to post something here before they got rid of the page so here goes: