Thursday, November 21, 2024

 More memories from Facebook. I have no idea how to access them again by day until next year.


1 year ago

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I am not a contrarian.
I am a debunker of bullshit.
I can not debunk something that is not full of bunk.
It does not matter whether the bunk comes from the left or right, religion or science, male or female, straight or gay.
Bunk = Bullshit
If I see it I point it out so others can see it and not step in it.

If you are pushing bullshit, you are automatically not the good guy.

I would rather be the good guy than be liked or popular.
4 years ago
Would you drive for someone that put cameras in the truck facing inside?
Cameras should be facing outside like police dashcams to cover the driver's ass in case of accident.
My boss would rather see and hear the driver?
Sounds ass backwards, (much like his routing), to me.
I drive for C & JH Inc. For now anyways.
I am out of there as soon as possible because they put me in the temporary dock.
Whoever made that decision is my enemy.
5 years ago
One has to wonder if they attacked me to get me put on the happy zombie drugs to make me more susceptible to suggestion and to try and trap me into their fuck cult?
More reason to exterminate their fuck cult.
Death to the happy zombie drugs.
Why is it that no one involved in the harassment, and torture bothered to ask me if what they were going on was true or not? They didn't even ask what was going on.
Oh, that's right they wanted to act important like they knew something and had information to tell someone else so they just gossiped away. They change the gossip just in case someone has already heard so they can look like they are "in the know".
Well what I know is, they are all worthless pieces of pathetic shit that should do the world a favor and kill themselves.
I will reiterate for the 1000+ time. Since 1992 I have had a policy for myself that I do not date women that I work with. My whole life I have had a policy that I do not date men ever.
Neither of those will ever change. Anyone trying to change them is attacking me on a personal level and I would just as soon take a heavy object and crush your skull.
I do not date women that I meet through work either.
I keep my job and my personal life separate. Completely separate. I do not even hang out with anyone that I work with.
When I moved here I did not know anyone other than my family. I tried to just make friends and party with people, but the people here suck shit. I will never make the mistake of even partying with anyone that I work with or meet through work again.
Get that through your sorry ass heads and keep it on a professional level.
Any company even pushing that their employees should date each other or hang out with each other is run by a piece of shit that should have a bullet put through their head.


Every single one of you sorry ass little fucking princess bitches that can't handle NO for an answer needs to be thrown in an incinerator while still alive.
The parenting in this state is pathetic garbage as are your children.


Anyone and everyone involved in cocaine from growing the plant to using it in any form should be exterminated.
I literally am being slowly killed with radiation weaponry because of the garbage in this shit hole of an area and they wonder why I want to kill them them all. Then they try to turn it around on me as having a problem when they got me tortured with a very physical weapon system.
Fuck you pieces of PC shit.
 Any country that allows its government to have carte blanche under the guise of national security is a country full of chicken shit cowards.
Well 3 nights in a row with the sleep deprivation bullshit from the nazi cunts with the radiation weaponry.
Everyone involved in the weaponry at the attacker end needs to die. I can not state that enough times. anyone covering up for them deserves to die with them.
This shit was not happening to me before I moved to this shit hole called the Lansing, Michigan area. The fucking cunts from Dayton that joined in on the bullshit here need to die with the garbage here.
A list of the harassers or where they were affiliated with:
William White, Jennifer Brooke and the entire Travelers Club staff and fuck cult.
Steve Fata and his family of criminals. His partner Tom Warner and all of his cocaine buddies.
The BS&A software people and the rest of the dart players from the old Plum Crazy sports bar. Joey Ralph, Ricky, Chris, Lane, etc. Fat Bruce who was at the time the head of Meridian Township government and just had to smoke a joint with Jim one of the BS&A founders.
Several of the waitresses from Plum Crazy as well.
The guy in the cheap ass Goodwill looking brown suit with the total bitch blonde girlfriend/wife that twisted what I said around as he gossiped like a little bitch. Think he is either one of the Fatas or one of Tom Warner's cocaine buddies.
The entire crowd from the Mayfair bar. Both day and night people. Fucked me over because I didn't want to be in the criminal crap or fuck any of their disgusting family and/or fuck cult garbage.
Sundance Chevrolet and everyone that is related to the Hanks family or that worked there. Anyone that works there now would just be considered collateral damage.
Everyone that worked in radio at the time in Michigan as it was used as a weapon and in conjunction with the weaponry. They still do it so I just leave the radio off most of the time. Radio DJs are nothing but parasites making a living off other people's "art" anyways. All art should be free or it is just business bullshit and does not deserve to be called art.
John Engler and David Hollister who made it known that they were in it with the radio garbage. Particularly the Tim and Deb cunt show.
A whole town of lowlife garbage ganging up on someone.
Fuck you all and your small town, horseshit, old boy network, chicken shit, coward, asshole feel.
Again, I wasn't looking for anything then, I am not looking for anything now. The only thing I want is a job that lets me keep going and save enough to get the fuck out of this shit hole.
If anyone above is a friend of yours, then you are definitely not a friend of mine.
Death to the fucking asshole punks from 5th street billiards in Dayton, Ohio as well.



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