Thursday, December 29, 2022

Here is the post that they restricted me over:

Death to everyone involved in the harassment and destruction of my life.


Monday was a joke at work. What happened to the 12 hour shifts all week that they were talking about in the breakroom?
Were they fucking with people.
Fucking with me makes me want to hurt you very badly.
I have enough on my plate without idiot pieces of shit fucking with me.
Not real appreciative of assholes in the same aisle saying shit like "Doesn't like pussy but he isn't gay" bullshit.
I said out loud, "I like pussy. I am just not going to fuck anyone in this town."
Play games asshole. I am not gay and I would rather be dead than a piece of shit gay. I hate gays because of this piece of shit asshole of an area.
If you useless piece of shit LGBT people could have kept your fucking noses out of my life I might not be getting tortured now.
But no, you just had to keep pushing your bullshit when I told you no and to stop. I would kill all of you this second if I could.
Death to all of you from the Travelers Club and your asshole friends.
Fuck off and leave me alone.
All workplaces need to check their bullshit and favoritism.
Anywhere that they have taken over should be closed down.

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