Saturday, December 31, 2022

 Yesterday at work, two forklift drivers were sitting in aisle 22 talking about some karma shit and someone saying goodbye to forklift training.

I do not want to be on a forklift in that shit hole. I can not look straight up the racks to get something off the top anyways as I have Vertigo. So the only lift driving I could do would be on the docks.

They need to turn the fucking music off completely in that place. Another shit hole like Aldi with the country crap and pop crap playing.

Get rid of the music altogether. 

Thursday one of the other selectors said something about the country song on the radio and I responded I wasn't listening, I hate country music. He seemed shocked and later in the break room another worker asked him how many guns he owned and he replied 5. He got up and went back to say something to the other worker and yet another worker sitting at that table about a trip he mentioned.

He also flat out stated that Michigan had too much 'blue' that shouldn't be here. He mentioned Texas and walking around with guns. 

Just because I hate the gay population of this shit hole area does not mean that I like the right wing religious morons. The world would be better off without both groups.

The guy that said he had 5 guns is my age and said he comes in at 7:30. One of the other workers he was talking to is the union steward for 1st shift. 

Also, illegals should be deported.

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