Friday, March 29, 2024


Do you people realize that every new person that comes out to do the gig work takes money away from those already doing it?

The economy sucks.
The number of orders is going down. People are tipping less.
Unless you want to take all the bullshit $4 and under orders go the fuck away.
Let me clue you in on the actual way the gig economy works.
Scumbags write apps for YOUR phone. You use YOUR car. You do not get any kind of safety net. If you slip and fall you are shit out of luck if you get injured.
You are being used by the app companies and the restaurants. They are the ones making the money. You are just killing your vehicle.
Restaurants that have their own drivers set a radius limit that they will not deliver outside of. The gig apps have 10X the area to cover.
The apps are mostly controlled by foreigners here or owned by a company in a foreign country. You are nothing more than a serf to them.
The useless asshole democrats are in league with the app companies as they bring in more and more immigrants who are desperate and willing to work for next to nothing.
The app companies are not helping the immigrants, they are using them.
One of the app companies already fucked me out of being able to use their app because of someone accusing me of stuff that I did not do. They and their drivers are my enemies for life.
The app companies keep running ads for more drivers, but when you put the app on your phone all you get is that you are on a waiting list in your area and they will send you an email if there is an opening.
I have been on a couple of the waiting lists for over a year? Care to explain that. Just makes me want to eliminate cell phones and the Internet even more.
I fucking hate computer nerds. I try to kick myself in the ass for ever sticking up for them if they were getting bullied. Won't happen again.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Yes, I am going to be 59 years old in April, 2024.

Yes, I have type 2 diabetes.
I can still work circles around most of the people out there and I do not call in sick unless I have a very good reason.
There are jobs that I can not do.
I can not work an assembly line as I may have to go to the bathroom in a hurry. metFormin cause constipation and when that is over about 3 or 4 shits in the same day.
I am a very good route driver. I will not do sales as part of a route driver job. Ass backwards state.
I was at 107% in Meijer DC 85 death trap warehouse the week that there was no overtime and I could recuperate between shifts. Horrible place that should literally be shut down if this wasn't such a corrupt bought and paid for shit hole.
I do not give a rat's ass what the politics or religions of my co-workers are. Big fucking whoop, keep that shit to yourself and out of the workplace.
I do not give a rat's ass if they are male, female, straight or LGBT. Big fucking whoop, keep that shit to yourself and out of the workplace.
I will never stop fighting against the useless garbage that tries to turn the workplace into a kinder-fucking-garten.
Turn the fucking music off, shut the fuck up and do your job.
You are not supposed to want to hang out at work.
Again, I will reiterate: You hurt your Brand when you allow all the bullshit to go on.
Fix your company and pay attention to the assholes pulling their bullshit.
When you have management that is a bunch of friends kissing your ass they will cover for each other and fuck over anyone with a legitimate complaint.
More reason not to let the friends in the workplace shit happen you retard morons.
Pretty sure that a lot of CEOs just listen to the YES men and women they surround themselves with and think that everything must be great in their company.
Those YES men and women then turn around and load the company up with what they want and with people that won't complain.
That is also what the DEI bullshit is about. Hiring marginalized people that will be friends and never say anything because they feel safe together and probably fuck each other.
That is why good workers that want to do the job and do it correctly do not want to work for you.
Them and the clock milking shit that would rather spend their life at work than actually work and get paid a living wage for 40 hours.
Michigan sucks.

Friday, March 22, 2024


Everyone that is taking part in making it so that I can not get a real job is someone that I want dead.

Fuck it, I am not playing around.
I hate what you useless piece of shit psychobabble cunts have turned the workplace into.
You do not deserve to be called human.
Work is for work. Get the job done and get your paycheck then go somewhere else to live your life.
I go to work to earn a living. That living takes place somewhere away from work. What a fucking concept.
Your hand holding coddling bullshit is unacceptable.
DEI is bullshit. None of that shit matters one little bit. Get your fucking job done and done correctly.
If you morons would quit bringing your life to work then none of that moronic bullshit would even be needed.
Fucking useless idiots.
Keep religion and politics out of the workplace.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Yahoo should be closed down. I am sick of being harassed by those pieces of shit. Their AI is a fucking joke and their moderators are useless pieces of shit.

I can not comment on any article at all for no reason what so ever. 

Death to all the computer nerd pieces of shit responsible for that bullshit.

Death to the Internet and all computers.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Now the little pussies at Facebook removed a post and they won't let me access the post to put it here.

Facebook is run by sniveling little bitches.

Monday, March 18, 2024

 The cunt garbage at Facebook being the little pussy ass bitches that they are removed this post:


The psychotic garbage with the weaponry are back on the using entrainment to force someone to take a shit stuff. When I find them I am going to shit down their throats until they choke to death.



Die little cunt bitches. 

Sunday, March 10, 2024

 If I find the little cunt getting my posts rejected I am going to kill their whole fucking family.

Fuck Yahoo and its bullshit.


Your comment on "Elephant stem cells created in a lab for the first time could help bring back the mammoth" violates the community guidelines and has been rejected
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Jim_vierling Mon 11 Mar 2024 02:31:20 AM
Why was a comment simply asking about why someone would want to bring back a heavily furred heavy animal that would be poorly suited to survive in today's temperatures let alone rising temperatures rejected?
End the tax write off for advertising and kill this bullshit.