Thursday, July 27, 2023

 This post got a hate speech warning from Facebook:

I wore a t-shirt today that says SMILE and has a smiley face with glasses and its tongue out to the side under the SMILE.
Then under the smiley face in smaller letters it says "if you want me".
This shirt and all my shirts with inuendo type sayings are meant for females only.
That means those that were born female.
I will die before I will ever have sex with a man or one of those freakazoid weirdo trannys.
If they come on to me I will defend myself with lethal force. it is not a compliment it is fucking disgusting. It is an insult that you would presume that I would.
Leave me alone.
I am 100% straight and going to stay that way. Anyone trying to change that is someone that I want dead. Not joking at all.
Facebook and whoever wrote their fucking bullshit guidelines need to go bye bye forever. 

The world would be a better place without LGBT.

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