Friday, November 18, 2022

Band aid. The whole 1099 system needs to be done away with. Taxes should be taken out of the payroll of the gig workers. Tipped employees don't necessarily get overtime so hours worked would mean nothing.

Worker's compensation needs to be payed by the employer/company hiring the gig workers.

If a gig worker slips and falls and injures themselves, the company pays nothing. There is no worker's comp at all. All expenses for the injury come out of the worker's pocket.

I don't think Unemployment Insurance should be on the table for gig workers. Too many part timers.

The gig thing is not worth it in the long run. You will destroy your vehicle. I put over 60K miles on my car this year doing the gig work.

Yes, that is a huge tax write off. But did you know that what you write off gets deducted from what you made and that amount is what counts towards Social Security retirement payments.

Make 50K write off 30K and only 20K counts towards Social Security.

The whole thing is a trap. Now you know why they pushed to make it easier for immigrants and minorities to get into it.

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